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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. One good thing is to use the R-27ER (If I remember correctly that's what he used in his tutorial), or your long stick. Launch it at him, and follow the tutorial. More than likely however, he's going to not get hit by it, which is okay. After firing, go higher by F-Poling. It puts you at a higher position and makes his missiles shorter ranged, while the incoming missile puts him at a disadvantage, because he has to react. So while you're F-Poling, watch the data in the HUD. If it starts to go crazy, that's him jinking. If the data starts to stop going crazy, he's coming for you. Pop him with an R-27ER and that might sweeten the deal. However, you're more than likely going to at least take an AIM-120/7 shot. I always preferred diving, combined with heavy use of chaff. Most of the time it works, but you have to consider keeping him locked up until you kill him. I think another main problem is that you're not using your missiles right. The Su-27 by default has SARH, or missiles that require you to maintain a lock on the target in order for them to kill. You can also carry IR missiles, but usually the best ones are your R-27Rs (I would say -ER, but now it's just useless) or even R-77s if you add them. The key thing is to keep the Eagle busy not firing, while you are firing, which may involve a waste of missiles, but the good thing is that you won't have to worry about the taxpayers griping about waste :D
  2. The last part... you have to go to the first F-15C entry, where it showse everything, weapons and where they go. In that area you have to specify in the "Colorschemes" area what you want to call it. Then go to the bottom of the file, and mimic that. There you will get the name properly displayed, such as this: </Payloads> <ColorSchemes> <ColorScheme CLSID="{46d8da77-fda0-4b3e-903a-af4369c02df9}" ID="0" Name="279th KIAP 1st squad NAVY"/> <ColorScheme CLSID="{d71c7b23-5c93-449d-9b06-ca14870aa09d}" ID="1" Name="VF-213 Lions Head"/> <ColorScheme CLSID="{192e27c7-94a4-4fea-b659-ff9ae5f63bf4}" ID="2" Name="VF-213 Black Lions OEF"/> <ColorScheme CLSID="{6c04e62d-36e6-42e9-ae76-b0e600c1ef65}" ID="3" Name="Aggressor"/> <ColorScheme CLSID="{aa9b5600-d317-4cae-b8b1-f9eee779f77b}" ID="4" Name="VF-2 OIF"/> <ColorScheme CLSID="{5de1a3de-4380-45cf-893c-d568350211d6}" ID="5" Name="T-10K-2 test paint scheme"/> </ColorSchemes> Towards the bottom: <ColorSchemes> <ColorScheme CLSID="{46d8da77-fda0-4b3e-903a-af4369c02df9}">279th KIAP 1st squad NAVY</ColorScheme> <ColorScheme CLSID="{d71c7b23-5c93-449d-9b06-ca14870aa09d}">VF-213 Black Lions Head</ColorScheme> <ColorScheme CLSID="{5de1a3de-4380-45cf-893c-d568350211d6}">T-10K-2 test paint scheme</ColorScheme> </ColorSchemes> Mines a little different due to skin assignments per country, but the gist is the same: This is from the CAW mod, so I kept the first two for some tracks I plan to get voiced over (been sick the past week) and so nothing goes wrong when I get around to finishing them. Anyways as you see, Russia has two selections, while the USA side would have four. But that should help.....
  3. That's pretty cool man :thumbup:
  4. Well it seems odd that you'd have to really mod most things. Sure there's tweaks but overall joysticks should (at least Saitek maybe) need little work in order to be "right" you know? Nothings perfect, but having to add this, that, shouldn't really be necessary for a stick. But then again, the mod looks interesting, since I did what SuperKungFu did (sorta, used some old rolled up unit patches and tape) to add tension, which helped a little bit, but other than that, was still experiencing issues, so I had to go old skool.
  5. Looking cool, but here's my Saitek MOD: Screw Saitek, I plugged the joker in, and it flew beautiful, even had the smoothest carrier landing ever. Bit OT, but I've noticed that maybe Saitek should just really work on improving it to where an obsolete stick such as above doesn't outperform the above right out of the box, and not needing the extensive modifications to make it work right. I like my Evo due to it fits my hand nicely, but I didn't tweak anything and as said, had the smoothest carrier landing ever since re buying a Sidewinder Precision 2.
  6. The Sukhoi's have a wire mesh instead of the solid doors that the Mig-29 has. If I remember correctly, later versions of the -29 have the same wire grill as it saves on weight.
  7. It's because laser designators require a lot of power to simply designate, given the frequency and range they have to typically operate at.
  8. EricJ

    Fights On

    thanks, but I'm fighting the ever present Right Shade of Camo: But the weathering is coming along nicely, so that's good :)
  9. Yeah I'm gonna have to redo them on the old values, no biggie though. I too noticed finally that issue, so I'll probably redo those and get them better, or see if I can't redo the ratio, if possible.
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