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Everything posted by Looney

  1. You're not following proper bug reporting protocol. What is wrong? What do you experience? What do you expect? What information do you have that would back up the claim you're making? Attach a track, logs, mission, anything that will help the team. Yelling bugged, f**ked isn't going to win the argument here.
  2. I don't use DCS-Bios but what does it do (better) that the normal Streamdeck software doesn't? It doesn't have bi-directional communication so it's basically a key repeater right?
  3. Even in a limited form, just a photo camera that points down and shoots pictures when pressing button, would be highly valued by us. The Mi-8 has a gun camera that is rarely used, it just snaps screenshots when you flip a switch and squeeze the trigger. Screenshots can be found in the DCS screenshot folder. If that were to be a TARP functionality, I'd be a happy camper. It'll be low on the priority list but at least it's still there, waiting for time to be alloted.
  4. Still a problem, the NS430 in terrain mode is a huge resource hog that affects the server and connected clients.
  5. Can we stop the spam please.
  6. We tried sling-loading in 2.5.6 last night. Carefully kept the load within "swinging from side to side 5) and speed <140Km/h. Even as the engineer said "swinging from side to side 3" eventually the cargo was lost. What are the prerequisites for proper sling-loading?
  7. 800L/hour? Well, that's still way off the 1950 mentioned in the OP.
  8. Looking to mod a FLCS stick and TQS at the end of march if all comes in. Will contact you later for replacement parts.
  9. Every time you open DCS openbeta it should tell you in screaming WordArt letters that this is Openbeta and bugs, crashes and instability will occur. If players still bitch about it, simply ask them if they've seen the warning when they launched DCS.
  10. LOTATC is crucial in PvP multiplayer, not the stupid F10 map.
  11. Problem is still persistent and breaks MP play to such an extent it becomes impossible to fly a helicopter once the NS430 is in terrain or map mode due to the FPS lag. Other MP clients suffer from the FPS lag as well as they too report lag spikes once I set the NDS430 to terrain mode.
  12. Yes, only presets can be used in the R-828, same as the KA50. For VHF homing, use the ARK-UD on any of its 6 preset channels (found in ...Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\Cockpit\Scripts\Devices_specs\Radio\ARC UD.lua) For FM homing (R828), set the R828 function to compass and follow the bearing indicator on the HSI.
  13. All nice and dandy but do you have any idea of the current implementation of the workings of ED's DCS RWR piece of software code? Having been in the navy and worked with ESM equipment, the whole RWR thing is classified and nobody will tell you exactly how it works. Sure, plain physics can be used but I think you're up for a big suprise if you found out how ED has implemented the RWR. My opinion on the current RWR implementation is that it's a simplified model of emission and detection based on a few parameters which, when true to some statement, gets shown on the display. I don't think it takes PRI/PRF frequency, EIRP or any other physical quantity into account but path loss. Everything above is my own opinion, YMMV.
  14. Let's start by making sure helicopters and aircrafts don't slide off the deck when a ship is maneuvering. Once that's fixed, work can start on an actual underwater map and not the 3 feet deep trench it is today. After that, start work on sound physics underwater, salt gradients, temperature layers and so on. By this time it will be 2030 so computing power should have increased as well. Awfully Slow Development will be more likely as it takes a ton of work to make a hi-fi ASW/ASuW sim.
  15. The Mi8 also has the R-828 VHF FM radio. as with monitoring the different assets, I use SRS within our wing and it enbles you to set a certain radio to a certain ear. I usually have R863 on Left, R828 on Right ear and Yadro on both ears.
  16. I'm with Snoopy, Neck, Grimes and Tippis on this. Although I have no numbers, looking around the forums and the number of external organisations who join us in our weeekly training/combat missions, I can only assume the MP playerbase it a substantial number of your customers. By not allowing the DLC to be used by content creators, you are basically neutering the SC module before it's even released. Sure, it'll run, sure it'll sell... a bit but boy it won't reach its full potential thanks to the neutering applied in the beginning. Tread carefully, look at history. Plenty of publishers/developers out there who stepped into this nail one too many times and life to regret the decision.
  17. Why would you press the hook button? Hover stable over the load and it hooks automatically.
  18. Another SME for the OH58-D, Nice! Go sign up with the PC team and make sure your input is heard there with all the other SMEs!
  19. Yes I did and I will stand by my point, don't get your hopes up.
  20. Given the current maps we have and the overhaul of the Caucasus, I expect the runways in the new map to be as flat as the others are. The cliffs won't be modelled in high detail as they're simply part of the height mesh that's implemented and doesn't have the resolution to make "cliffs" as shown in the pictures. Don't get your hopes up, it's not a new terrain engine they're using, it's just another map. So it's all ocean with a few potruding pieces of land with the ocean modelled below it, just as with all the other maps.
  21. How does the human RIO disconnect? If he/she disconnects by selecting Leave server, you're screwed. The proper way to disconnect is to go to spectators first, then disconnect from server. (press ESC, press Select Role, press Go back to spectators, disconnect) Only that way will Jester feel comfortable enough to hop into the backseat again and help out.
  22. And since all mass is slow, the one system will always be lagging behind the other system, e.g. Engine RPM and main rotor RPM will always be lagging. Change one, the other will react but slower. E.g. pulling power (increasing blade AOA) will slow down the main rotor due to drag, the engine governors detect this and increase fuel flow to compensate but before the engine can properly react, it takes time to get the fuel to the combustion chamber, burn it and use the power to increase main rotor RPM via the power shaft. Decrease power and the opposite happen, main rotor RPM increases due to decreased resistance, the governors will correct by reducing fuel flow to the engines. In the mean time that it takes for the engine RPM to drop, the excess power is transferred to the main rotor, it hasn't got any other way to go! Main rotor RPM increases until, due to less fuel being burned, the engine RPM decreases which will lead to the main rotor rpm to decrease as well. As you can see in the video, the gas turbine is basically two counter rotating shafts that are not directly connected to each other so for one to influence the other, a change in pressure or hot gas needs to take place which needs time to influence the other since the medium power tranfers is air. Yank the collective too hard (remember the manual, no more than 3 degrees per second) and the system is unable to keep up, leading to a too rapid deceleration of the main rotor which, in turn, leads to loss of generators which leads to loss of dampening channels and so on. The other way around isn't good either, drop collective too fast and you risk overspeeding the main rotor which has its problems too.
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