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Everything posted by G3
it looks pretty well proportioned for doing as you describe, great idea too by the way. :thumbup:
yes 1x gtx280 and thanks, was worth the effort to see it working. next i want to set up 1x th2go below a proj, that was my intention all along. so stay tuned for those pics, but don't hold your breath. i have the proj but still don't have a screen, although it has now reached the top of the list :)
not using it at present but i have a touch overlay for the centre screen and i can assure you it is worth it, direct from hong kong for sub $200 for a thin glass panel to usb, perfect for what u describe.
guess it would be, but i have no experience with softth, others may be able to offer some input there. update: today with the 185.85 drivers i hooked up both th2go units again, this time only a minor brightness change from the centre top screen, bordering on un-noticable so not a problem, off to a good start. this time setting it all back to using only one th2go thru nvidia cp, everything went back to normal, unlike the previous attempt. realised that the image on the top monitors would have to be brought down and visa versa for the bottom 3 to compensate for the bezel across the centre, but that was after these shots were done. also the second th2go using the 17" screens would only let me bring the sides in about half the width of the side bezels so they to look a bit wrong. but it works, it works very well, and the performance hit is there but nowhere near what i thought it might be, flight was smooth and very playable. (as per normal, when i first start up using the tracker is a bit jerky but that goes away after looking around the joint for a few seconds before take off) now just to clear the mud, i do not have these screens in a 3x2 layout, it is 2x th2go set up on seperate desks, one with 19" and the other with 17" i just ran a vga cable from one desk to the other desk, all from one videocard on my pc. to simulate a 3x2 stack i have edited photos i took of the 2 seperate th2go setups, to show what it would look like if they were indeed setup that way. that should explain why the screens do not quite line up etc, and my photography skill are also somewhat lacking also. below you will see an in game screenshot, along with the edited photos i took of the six screens of the same in game image, you'll see :) i have reduced the screenshots in size from the original 3840x2048. the classic full frontal hud filling the top centre looking down a little, messing around with zoom too and then a look to the left look out had to sneak in one of the race sim rfactor and our v8 factor league a basic th2go selecting the default shkval-camera-abris option via the in game options menu and a nice little sunset shot i thought looked pretty good so that's it folks, 2x th2go from one videocard.
appreciate he was a good performer, back in the day. pretty hard to look past his weirdness and apparent discretions. bit like a kid throwing a tantrum, put on a big enough song and dance you get to do whatever you like i'm sorry, bad taste i know, in the end he was all white, i'll just beat it. straight to hell for me :D
update: woke up today and was on a mission so to speak, plugged in the second th2go, now both units are connected to one videocard thru 2x dvi outputs via D-sub adapters (we are talking analogue th2go's) display properties: went into win display prop and enabled the second screen and positioned them one above the other. nvidia control panel: took it out of sli mode in nvidia cp as suggested above by CyBerkut, (as it will not let you span across 2 cards non sli, why i do not know, it would be ideal) went to multi monitor and spanned it vertically, i feel sorry for that gpu. new max desktop res was 3840x2048 :) so far so good. dcs: so i fire up the shark thru dcsmax went to in game options to find the new res detected and in the list ready for picking. obviously the menus screens etc were right in the middle but not too bad that is were things went down hill a bit, the top th2go screens all went very very dark, image still there but very dark were as the bottom th2go screens were normal brightness. unplayable but i could see it was working, all six moving with tracker. but why has the top th2go gone dark? ok, so i went back to single screen desktop res, shutdown and disconnected the second th2go. rebooted and holly crap it was still dark, panic in the air. tried booting in safe/vga mode and resetting things that way, nope. ended up removing the nvidia display driver and installing the latest ones. rebooted and then it was all back to normal, few. ok so now back to where i was before plugging in the second th2go. hell of a process but all part of the fun. i took a few screenshots, but they are of little value as it just looks like a normal screenshot :D. you can only tell due to the tiny info bar along the bottom. awesome with the hud just filling the top centre, and potential for the bottom centre to be touch. didn't check actual frame rate but it seemed to still be running ok, chopper not all choppy so to speak. and the horizontal split of the bezels isn't in that bad a position. 100% better than a single th2go, having to look down to see instruments. summary: it seems to work other than the top 3 screens went dark. will keep at it and post results using the freshly installed 185.85 drivers.
is it possible to have no heading hold with ap on
G3 replied to G3's topic in DCS: Ka-50 Black Shark
the scenario in the above post sounds kind of familiar :) flew a quick mission tonight and turned off the heading hold AP, and sure enough it went where i wanted to go, so god knows what i was doing before. found myself feeling out of control at one point tonight, but think it may have been excess rudder at high speed, falling into a slip rather than a rolling into a smooth turn. looking fwd to the patch :thumbup: and a lot more seat time -
an idea i have been wondering about for some time, can you run 2x th2go from one pc? i recently picked up a second th2go, currently i have them set up for myself and my good buddy for racing rfactor, th2go and race sim = heaven. point is: this opens up a whole new set of possibilities with up to 6 screens with the idea of spanning the 2 vertically, (3 across x 2 down) so with any luck dcs might do a res of 3840x2048 similar to Urze setup but using 2x th2go might get a few complaints come race day though :D will be testing with monitors in current location for now, should be more info along shortly.
is it possible to have no heading hold with ap on
G3 replied to G3's topic in DCS: Ka-50 Black Shark
thanks to all for your input, i will check but i am sure i jump into running heli, with heading hold off bottom left blue ap button, trim for hover around 10m alt and still have influence from heading hold ap. will check it out again, and confirm one way or the other. (edit: i wrote top left originally but meant bottom, hope i wasn't hitting top right AP) as for the flight director, i have tried it and liked it, but need to read up more about it as once again, shock horror i don't yet fully understand it :) i like to have all autopilot options on, also using the alt hold/brake on my collective, after trying to fly with all AP options off you really appreciate the stability AP gives, she's a touchy ride with them all off. have been slowly reading the manual, but it is only now after doing some hours that i am actually absorbing the content as i become more familiar with the terminology, and also know where things are in the pit, and to some extent what they do. such a helpful bunch of sim nuts :D cheers. -
after flying the shark for a while now, i am slowly getting my head around most of it's functions. the biggest complaint i get from new pilots trying out the shark is the heading hold, obviously because they and i don't fully understand how it should be done, and they fight it rather than embrace it. so the question is: for general hacking around, lets say you take off and trim for hover, is it possible to not set a heading hold? thanks.
Myself i think yourself is borderline crazy i hope you are aware :D good explaination, thankyou.
thanks for sharing Joe, looks like a top show with a good variety of airframes.:thumbup:
live down here is always tops, once again i am loving your work, so you must be enjoying the fruits of your labour, and good luck to you, well done. HitchHikingFlatlander: i agree a few loose screw s is a good thing, too many people with all there fastened are too up tight :)
update: adding a kvm switch to the centre output of the th2go, so that i can easily switch between the proj and normal monitor, good thinking :thumbup: hope it works ok, can't see or think why not. will be experimenting on and off over the next few weeks and will be keen to share my results. i do love my th2go but i am somewhat frustrated at the lack of vertical real estate. it's perfect for racing sims, but not much good for flying sims with trackir. the shark on the proj with 19" shkval and abris is going to be sweet eye candy.
yes i like your way of thinking, 3840x720 to get the outside view looking sweet and then fudge the others :) i wonder how well the side screens will scale to the 720 when they are in fact 1024 vertical. should be able to stretch the picture using the monitors own OSD settings.
sorry to hear it doesnt work in win 7, as it is/was a good solution, clutch and gas pedal are placed further apart and about the same spring pressure, compared to feet together, brake heavy and gas light i too hope you find a fix :book:
welcome all fellow th2go users, i was hoping you would join me in considering different configurations using the th2go and extra screens or in fact together with a projector. i have now played around with the default monitor setups. 1 camera giving the outside view across all 3 screens. 2 shkval left outside centre and abris on the right, not bad. what i am thinking is to swap the centre screen for my projector. i have the res set @ 3840x1024 for the 3x 19" screens the proj is a 1280x720 res so i am wondering how i will go about it. first idea: outside centre view on projector, shkval and abris on each side monitor respectively, all running directly thru the th2go using the standard 3 screen config. i am worried about how the centre screen will display as is has the smaller vertical res on the projector of only 720 and the does not as far as i know allow you to set different resolution per monitor, mine is analogue version by the way. the th2go could be set to 3x 1024x768, that might work, needs testing. second idea: projector as main screen directly from videocard, second monitor output from videocard going to th2go and setting up the shkval and abris across the 3 screens (only using 2 out of the 3) so dcs just thinks it's a single second monitor with a big res. and maybe even getting the 3rd screen to run touchbuddy screen layout: so the idea is the projector screen above with main view, and the 3 19" monitors below with shkval, abris and maybe touch-buddy. the same as my previous lockon setup you may have seen. i have seen the threads on making custom monitor configs but i am sure i will need a little assistance in getting it setup right any further ideas and discussion on the above ideas welcomed:
finally a copy of DCS BS, a nice boxed version it is too the local EB store had only 1 copy, and it's all mine. got home, unable to contain my joy, i presented it to my wife with a big cheesy grin on my dial, holding it up and opening the front flap, spinning around to the back and then again to the front :) like a "sale of the century" model showing off a prize. She then turns to her girlfriend and says: "please just act excited, he's been wanting this for a long time." You just gotta love a women that understands her man. Now to see if she notices me missing for a few days.:thumbup:
just give it a few minutes, and then it will be fixed.:thumbup:
agreed if meant in malice, but i believe it was meant in good humour, something often misread in text.
great clips guys, thanks.:thumbup: that 2nd stage sure did kick in. and that second vid, had like 4 stage, crazy speeds. SKF: tell em there's a myth that blackshark is the best dam heli sim ever made: and wait for the confirmed result :D
trigger, just caught up on the last few pages of this thread and am loving your progress.:thumbup:
great news thanks JimMack:thumbup:
The Anti-Multimonitor-touchbuddy movement
G3 replied to advent_m's topic in PC Hardware and Related Software
i can empathize with you on all points, but you must realise that for most people this is years of slow accumulation, not immediate bulk purchase. trackir for your birthday, for xmas hotas etc etc. selling points to wife if required can be: you know where i am, not out banging her hot friend.:thumbup: not still at the pub drinking your wages etc. (you can do the same @ home on comms with the mates) -
Got my babies home (triple monitor)
G3 replied to Alex_rcpilot's topic in PC Hardware and Related Software
nice, will be great to have another th2go user on board