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Everything posted by schroedi

  1. AMD hat in DCS leistungsmäßig einen Nachteil gegenüber Intel, aber wenn man sein System länger behalten möchte, sehe ich AMD vorne. Bei Intel muss beim CPU Wechsel meist auch ein neues Board her. AMD hält viel länger an seinen Sockeln fest, so dass ein Bios Update reicht um die neuesten AMD CPUs benutzen zu können.
  2. Try to disable HT. With my old 2600k i get better fps in DCS when Hyper Threating is disabled. You can eventually OC a bit higher with HT off, too.
  3. I don't think it makes any difference, because it doesn't matter if you have 6 or 5 unused cores (in a 8 core cpu)
  4. That's not 100% correct. Heatblur planes use a different core for their radar. So that would be three cores when playing the F-14 and Viggen. Maybe the current ED planes use that feature, too - I don't know.
  5. I have never seen a F-15E with rocket pods.
  6. Apropos MAC bzw FC3. Soweit ich das verstanden habe, wird FC3 in MAC integriert. Heißt das im Umkehrschluss, dass man die FC3 Jets im normalen DCS nicht mehr fliegen kann?
  7. I don't think the new map will need much space on the SSD. It is mainly water, the islands are small and some even don't have towns/buildings. I expect it to be less than 10GB.
  8. How abandoned are the WW2 airfileds on the new map, can you still take off like the ones on the caucasus map or do they look like in reality?
  9. The main reason for the size are the additional maps.
  10. Are there plans to make the M4 rifles useable, maybe as additional hardpoint which you can equip with M4s. Shooting out of the cockpit door should be a lot of fun, although a 5,56mm bullet will have nearly zero effekt on any target apart from troops.
  11. Ich nehme den CM Pod mittlerweile meist mit und lasse den ECM Pod daheim. Insbesondere auf Flares verzichte ich ungern, da IR SAMs ja gerne mal aus dem "Nichts" kommen und man kaum noch Zeit hat großartig Manöver zu fliegen (ne barrel roll und das war's meist), den panic button kann man immer schnell drücken.
  12. There is also a GTX 1660Ti, which is faster than the 1660 super.
  13. I don't think Hawaii would be a good idea, because that would be a one country map and the only country which has a reasonable carrier group sits on the the island.
  14. It is still free. I did the Win7 home premium->Win10 home Upgrade 1 month ago. And no, Win10 home has not the same RAM limitations, it supports up to 128GB RAM.
  15. I noticed that you can put three GBU-38 on stations 2 & 6 but only two on Pylon 3 & 5, which is a bit strange in my mind because Pylone 3 & 5 are the most inner wing stations and should the be the strongest. Is it supposed like that, or should it be the other way round?
  16. You can update your Win 7 home to Win 10 home for free. That will solve your problem.
  17. schroedi


    --- no plz stay with the E, much more versatile.
  18. Oh ja, wie wahr. Bei der Su-25 und Su-25T bitte auch beim HUD einmal durchwischen
  19. Sure, go to user (your name), right click ->properities. Click on path and change it to the location you want. After that you have to affirm it two times, click ok and it's done.
  20. Mit Irgendwas muss ED allerdings auch Geld verdienen, Updates der Module und des DCS Cores sind bisher kostenlos.
  21. Can you shoot the Walleye down with an A/A missile or a SAM? In DCS you can shoot at missilies, but not at bombs. If it isn't possible because of it's bomb designation it should be moved to the missile category to make it "downshootable" like a JSOW or BK90.
  22. Die Radare von Viggen und F-14 laufen auf einem anderem Thread. Als das Radar der Viggen mal überarbeitet wurde, hat Heatblur das eingeführt. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3705517&postcount=1
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