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Everything posted by pepin1234

  1. 我真的很難理解你在這裡想說的內容。你至少能嘗試用英語組成一個正確且連貫的句子嗎?如果您不能,請用您的母語輸入並使用Google翻譯,因為我相信這會有更好的結果。 現在,回到 N019 雷達和 R-27R 操作的細節。雷達以 30.72 毫秒的間隔在照明和無線電校正 (IL - RC - IL - RC) 之間切換。一枚飛彈的完整無線電校正週期需要 358.2 毫秒。如果在此期間間隔中斷(鎖定丟失),則雷達無法恢復它,因為它沒有基於軌蹟的存儲系統(雷達嘗試重新建立鎖定的時間很短) )導彈也沒有足夠智能的電子設備來推斷最後收到的RC 命令之外的軌跡。至於 AIM-7,特別是較新的型號,它們確實具有 INS 和照明雷達,通常具有基於追蹤記憶體的架構以及 CW 照明(如果鎖定失敗)。不管怎樣,如果鎖被丟棄足夠長的時間,即使是麻雀也應該被扔掉——不知道目前在 DCS 中是如何工作的,所以也許有一些東西需要糾正。
  2. Se the video on Telegram from the first post. Loft bombing with rockets like in the Ukraine war
  3. You are the only is mentioned lock missed. its way different than have a notch. Can you get that now?
  4. This. I'm excited to know more about this Su-17 project. Because redfor have been struggling for long time to have a decent bombing task. Whoever made the current DCS developing map road for real was not a smart move. Lot of disbalance and nonsense missions with mixed western and Ru fighters to get a close sense of ground attack capability. Su-17 should get a close approach to a good mission logic. Su-25 it's a CAS very maneuverable but speed is key to get in enemy territory and sadly general Missions most of the time lack frontline, lack a good briefing and lack waypoint. So, the only fix to all that is afterburner and scape.
  5. No, it's not. Make a test and if the opponent get a solid efective notch for a while, that R-27 is missed.
  6. RWR on F-15E is not that precise or fast reaction in maneuvers, seem to be more on the real thing what those guys made. The ED western RWR are magical. You are misunderstanding relock with Notch. I'm talking about a Notch with a solid lock not too long distance. Yeah, everyone know how defeat the Aim-120, I will not go to the F-16 forum missiles to give that explanation. Sound gross and disrespectful.
  7. You give tips to defeat the Mig-29A... you just forget mention the R-27 missile doesn't came back to guidance after the enemy leave the notch maneuver, such its wrong simulation behavior, Notch could take about one sec or two most of the time. The Russian missile become a miss after a single short notch WRONG!! AIM-7 do reacquire guidance very well so that issue is for ED. Have been so for quite long, make it an easy defeat to any Russian missiles.
  8. Just try right now and you will se the differences. It’s only implemented on KOM
  9. The only rocket that perform lofting bombing in DCS is the S-8KOM. Please improve that flight model for the rest of the Su-25 rockets, like S-8OFP and S-13, S-25 etc see OFP in action. There are more videos of S-25 doing this job. https://t.me/mod_russia_en/11972
  10. IRST is not only for dogfighting… if you are a twin engine you will generate more heat. Also for F-16 single is a pretty big powerful engine to be compared with the tiny MiG-21, so F-16 is not that stealth on that regard. So you will be detected from a long distance. As you maneuver side to the IRST sensor you will show the hot side of your engine and R-27T/ET should effectively hit you even when you are maneuvering low on afterburner. another misconception is people tell the R-27T should be launched first to avoid the previous rocket burst. That’s not 100% correct. RU fighter can launch the T variant as second launch, just need to make dive banking maneuver before second T be on the way.
  11. That’s wrong. Are you part of the development team? I’m scare to get an An-2 biplane avionics if ED follow all false information posted here.
  12. Today I shoot down a F-16 from 10000m high, 25km away using R-27R. He was low and I was radar off. I turn Radar ON just over him. No chance to scape. R-27R still can do a good job using tactics
  13. you can combine both so it's even better than FC3. FC3 have the IRST fixed as well on Mig-29. Su-27 have elevation and azimuth, it is way advanced compared to Mig-29.
  14. it's not about game play or balance. The ER missiles must be there because is part of the Payload weapon, ET and EP as well. I understand you don't want that news, but if things go different, then as always, we are on the wrong direction ones again.
  15. Yeah, Thaad should be there. thanks for the suggestion! @currenthill what about to have a second zipped file as an updater to the mayor huge package. That way we don't need to download the whole package every time you launch some minors add and fix. That way slow speed internet people have a refresh on that. I know some people did stop use your mods due the size of the package to download.
  16. The High digit is a M1-2, previous variant. With old radar. I was just trying to have both Ukraine war versions. Sound to me having only the M3 is too much
  17. You just told I am right. If you see before was officially told that was not possible make a Russian 4th gen because a particular reason…. (Don’t wanna repeat the same crap) then now we get a MiG-29 made by public manual. my question to you: WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? Saying again what we all know was not a real reason. Do you really think people gonna believe certain government gonna put in jail the programmer. There are documents and features out there even for new weapons. It’s a leak old Information not secret anymore, nothing that make any difference in the battlefield, because there are newer weapons already. Moreover, there are weapons that were or are banned in this simulator, with the reason: "there is not proof of real use” Example of that is the S-25O. This rocket was not available for very long time. People asked and the answer was there were not proof for the real combat use. After the Ukraine war erupted, They brought the S-25O (by ED with super weak power destruction) to DCS. That was a real proof they are not going to take anything from Russia from manual or documents even when they are for real. It’s a game not a simulator. It’s a manipulation, not an implementation.
  18. ED have something to say about this picture. We were asking for the EP and P (passive for radiation seeker, goes to your radar signal)?? they probably need to see ones captured by Ukrainian. Then they will bring them to DCS. There we go again. But the very funny of this is that many people repeat everywhere that funny invention. With MiG-29 they were telling the same every where and every time.
  19. that's totally wrong! Stop tell false information. Before you told only 20 Mig-29S were on Russian Air force and now Mig-29A never use R-27T...!!! every single user of Mig-29A have both missiles variants.
  20. After this amazing news you deserve a monthly support on your donation site. I really appreciate your job!! About the new Buk. M3 is great and welcome, but M2 have been a lot of real action in the current war. If possible, please make M2 in a later addition.
  21. Correct. Just the Aim-120 performance amazingly well in very high altitude such don’t make sense for kinematics. So things should be corrected somehow
  22. Aim-120 doesn’t have that issue at all. Things should be fixed on that regard.
  23. First red 4th gen fighter is welcome! But what about the missiles? R-27R is just useless over sea level below 100m on the current stage. Today two western fighters launched on my face just keeping flight level under 100m. They already know what we got and so tactics goes in DCS, based in what ED gave us. hopefully they give some love to the current missiles before module be launched.
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