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Everything posted by saburo_cz

  1. Be sure you have both folders with controls for both planes. (in C/user/saved games/DCS/Config/Imput/...) If not, make missing one and copy there files from the first.
  2. Check diffeerent category, i think that commands for camera are not in "View cockpit" in case F-14.
  3. The 1st picture is from current template downloaded today from ED site. It has smaller ammo bay lines (like the P-51A/B/C), smaller gun bay. The 2nd shows current skin directly from game folder, Miss Velma, it is based on "newer" base or whatever.. It has correct volume for ammo bay and gun bay looks more corresponding with real one. Am not sure about fuselage part.
  4. It is caused by using official texture template as a base for custom skins, which is based on the old model. The old model had wrong lines on the wings and probably more.
  5. It is probably due to country "limit" in each skin description file. When you delete that line in description, the skin will be aviable for any country in menu. Or write there any country you need. E.g. this skin is available only for UK.
  6. This decision was not made because of Corsairs ability to replace SB2C and TBF/TBM. It was result of "Special Attack" appearance and the need for more fighters to deal with it. Both the F6Fs and the F4Us served until war end as a fighter/bomber on carriers.
  7. You will find V100 as a "Ignition (toggle)" - I "Ignition ON" - LShift + I "Ignition OFF" - LCtrl + I
  8. Short video showing AN/ARA-8 functionality. 3 becons are set in mission, two are on ground and one is flying AI plane, each has its morse code and frequency.
  9. What is wrong with radio homing for the D-30? It seems to me that it works as it should.
  10. It is probably not the P-51 bug. A bug with plane shaking was reported for several planes and it seems to be connected with certain weather/wind setting.
  11. You are right, you shouldn't be able to reach 2700RPM with propeller pitch lever fully aft. Propeller pitch remained whole time at 18°, like you did not have el. power for propeller pitch motor. And it seems that you kill your propeller pitch motor's power supply by switching the Ignition switch and the Battery switch in wrong order. You first switched the Ignition switch to BATT position and then the Battery switch to On. It should by vice versa.
  12. Unwanted MAP increasing is caused by sudden the turbo's RPM jump from 2000 to 4000. It happens sometime in some conditions. You can usually set the turbo's RPM in this range too (somewhere between 2000 and 4000), but in this case not... It is probably one from several trouble what the P-47 supercharger has in DCS W. A trigger switches opening waste gate, perhaps due to increasing altitude, but missing steady increase in the turbo's RPM causes your MAP jumps up.
  13. The P-47D does not have a manifold pressure regulator like the Spitfire or the Mustang. So, any speed/altitude change means engine manifold pressure change. The manifold pressure regulator cover these changes in certain range, but planes without it require constant care.
  14. I do not know if it is the reason, but 56inHg without water injection is definitively not correct engine setting. 52inHg is maximal permissible without water injection for fuel what we have in DCS W.
  15. No, you do not need to press (or open) that cover. It is just here.
  16. Controls for L/G are in category SYSTEM. L/G controls are Input.Bf109K4.uc - toggle Input.Bf109K4.uc_0 Input.Bf109K4.uc_1 - for Up/Down and Input.Bf109K4.uc_cover (_cover_0 / _1) - for puschbuttons cover "uc" - as a undercarriage
  17. Unfortunately control names are broken at this moment. If you are looking for axis for R.P.M. control, you are looking for Input.Generic.Pich_slider .
  18. When i loosen button for WI, it will immediately go Off. I must press button for lock WI switch to keep WI On. Then, if i want switch Off WI, i just switch button for the Lock again and it will release WI switch to Off position. D-30 early, i have to keep press button for whole time i want use water injection. No lock here.
  19. In section "Engine Controls" : "Input.P47.nos" will activate water injection and "Input.P47.nos_lock" will lock WI switch in ON position (not for P-47D-30 early) too late..
  20. Blades angles are determined by "limit switches" . It does not matter if commands go from manual or auto, limits are always the same! Feather limit switch is clear, it is written on the blade, value is the same like for maximal angle (high pitch) - 48,5° in our case.
  21. Shouldn`t be use Curtiss Electric C542S? When you read notes in "List of Propellers and Governors ... " about the interchangeable blades for the P-47 there is sentence: "Such procedure (means blade change) also requires a change in blade angles". IMHO, difference between written blade angles on the picture i posted and on the list of propeller is probably because different place where it was measured. Standard was Station 42, but in the list is written Station 54 ... So, 80 degrees (PRP value on INFO BAR) what is possible for the P47 in DCS seems not to be correct. I have no idea where is this value measured in DCS, but if i look on propeller with maximal angle i rather see 80° than 53,5° (or 48,5° ).
  22. Acctualy no. Fuel from the primer line goes to manifold after the carburetor. That is reason why the fuel from the primer line increase richness of mixture.
  23. When you do not lock primer, fuel will run into fuel system and will cause too rich mixture. It resulting in heavy smoke and sometimes fire, IRL. In DCS it does what you wrote..
  24. Do we have interchangeable blades in DCS W? Isn`t this the reason why propeller`s hubs have adjustable blade`s pitch angle range limiters? Different blades, engines ...
  25. It seems that propeller pich above 48,3° is not correct and less than 18,3° . Does not matter if AUTO or MANUAL.
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