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Everything posted by piXel496

  1. A simular issue with fw190 is reported: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=164997&highlight=REPORTED .
  2. Sorry, but I am mentally limited with an attitude to argue the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual. I see 373VFS_Crash is the favourit of this poll. I can't find him as a user on this forum? I realized the risk that the worth of this throphy and the external poll construction is prone to devaluate in a thing of "was able in receiving most mouse clicks in 2016". After that, I got the idea (driven by my mental disorder) that this trophy is hijacked into a clanCup and I felt ashamed I nominated Grimes for a setup like this. It does not mean anything I have never heard of 373VFS_Crash, he probably supported the DCS community in many ways for them who apparently vote. Next time, maybe it is better if the winner selects 10 people from all nominees and the poll is done within the DCS forum, even better would be if it was guided by ED and a forummoderator. Anyway succes with voting. .
  3. I recognize this too. Last few days my online flights in the L-39za ended in a spontanious engine fire. Consistent failure when flying under bridges and happens too when in formation, without colission. Version
  4. Below a .miz file for reference; spawn a soldier with F10 menu. ScriptspawnSodierWithMenu.miz
  5. Never give up, you are doing fine! There are missing some "," and the unit needs a group and y = z. Thats all. local _apc = Unit.getByName("apc") local _apcPos = _apc:getPosition().p rifleman = { ["visible"] = false, ["groupId"] = 99, ["name"] = "theRifleman", ["hidden"] = false, ["units"] = { [1] = { ["type"] = "Soldier M4", ["name"] = "theRifleman", ["unitId"] = 999, ["heading"] = 0, ["playerCanDrive"] = false, ["skill"] = "Excellent", ["x"] = _apcPos.x + 3, ["y"] = _apcPos.z, }, }, } coalition.addGroup(country.id.USA, Group.Category.GROUND, rifleman) I added a .miz file for reference below. Succes, :thumbup: ScriptspawnSodier.miz
  6. To track who used guns on who there is event: S_EVENT_HIT. The bug at the moment is it only works in single play or for the host, not for the clients in MP. General script example: hitEvHandler = {} function hitEvHandler:onEvent(event) if (world.event.S_EVENT_HIT == event.id) then local _target = event.target:getName() local _initiator = event.initiator:getName() local _hitData = {_target, _initiator} timer.scheduleFunction(whoDid, _hitData, timer.getTime() + 1) end end world.addEventHandler(hitEvHandler) .
  7. If you want to slingload (any object). It is cargo because of: ["canCargo"] = true. In this example the object is an UAZ because of the ["shape_name"]. The lua: local _trgZone = trigger.misc.getZone("vehicle") local newCargo = { ["groupId"] = math.random(999, 99999), ["category"] = "Cargos", ["type"] = "Cargo1", ["unitId"] = math.random(999, 99999), ["x"] = _trgZone.point.x, ["y"] = _trgZone.point.z, ["canCargo"] = true, ["mass"] = 700, ["heading"] = 0, ["name"] = "the hummer", ["dead"] = false, ["country"] = "USA", ["shape_name"] = "UAZ-469", } coalition.addStaticObject(country.id.USA, newCargo) Test mission 1.5 cargo UAZ attached (I am a bit :sleep: to test it): testVehicleAsCargo.miz
  8. The limitations of this airplane makes it very enjoyable, even more if you have a squad. Pre-plan, formation flight, manage the tiny engine, shooting runs and the fun is. It is within visual range for all and without much technical distraction. OT Sounds great, but those days might look fuzzy today. .
  9. Just tested the above script as a MP client in DCS1.5.3 at Krasnodar lake (because I only have one NTTR licence). It seems to work. Test mission.miz attached below. testShipKrasnodar_MP.miz
  10. yes, with a simple script like below it works in lake mead. something like: local _trgZone6 = trigger.misc.getZone("ship") local staticBuilding3 = { ["shape_name"] = "moscow", ["type"] = "moscow", ["unitId"] = math.random(999, 99999), ["rate"] = 100, ["y"] = _trgZone6.point.z, ["x"] = _trgZone6.point.x, ["name"] = "ship", ["category"] = "Fortifications", ["canCargo"] = false, ["heading"] = 180, } coalition.addStaticObject(country.id.USA, staticBuilding3)
  11. splinter camouflage Nice Shahdoh. You inspired me to make a custom Nevada training skin.
  12. If you had a lot of work in your mission and you still want to change it. You can do it as follows. If you open your mission.miz file (open with zip program), you find a file called mission (open with plain text editor). There you find a section called coalitions. Austria is 23. change it to your preferred coalition as below. For instance change Austria from neutral to red: ["coalitions"] = { ["neutrals"] = { [1] = 7, [2] = 17, [3] = 22, [4] = 23, [5] = 25, [6] = 29, [7] = 30, [8] = 31, [9] = 32, [10] = 33, [11] = 35, [12] = 36, [13] = 39, [14] = 41, [15] = 42, [16] = 44, [17] = 46, }, -- end of ["neutrals"] ["blue"] = { [1] = 11, [2] = 4, [3] = 6, [4] = 16, [5] = 13, [6] = 15, [7] = 9, [8] = 8, [9] = 12, [10] = 2, [11] = 3, [12] = 5, [13] = 10, [14] = 20, [15] = 21, [16] = 40, [17] = 26, [18] = 45, [19] = 28, }, -- end of ["blue"] ["red"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 1, [3] = 18, [4] = 19, [5] = 37, [6] = 24, [7] = 27, [8] = 43, [9] = 47, [10] = 34, [11] = 38, }, -- end of ["red"] }, -- end of ["coalitions"] changed it would be: ["coalitions"] = { ["neutrals"] = { [1] = 7, [2] = 17, [3] = 22, [4] = 25, [5] = 29, [6] = 30, [7] = 31, [8] = 32, [9] = 33, [10] = 35, [11] = 36, [12] = 39, [13] = 41, [14] = 42, [15] = 44, [16] = 46, }, -- end of ["neutrals"] ["blue"] = { [1] = 11, [2] = 4, [3] = 6, [4] = 16, [5] = 13, [6] = 15, [7] = 9, [8] = 8, [9] = 12, [10] = 2, [11] = 3, [12] = 5, [13] = 10, [14] = 20, [15] = 21, [16] = 40, [17] = 26, [18] = 45, [19] = 28, }, -- end of ["blue"] ["red"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 1, [3] = 18, [4] = 19, [5] = 23, [6] = 37, [7] = 24, [8] = 27, [9] = 43, [10] = 47, [11] = 34, [12] = 38, }, -- end of ["red"] }, -- end of ["coalitions"] .
  13. With scripting DCS can come to life. I am not so much into MIST, which is an impressive achievement by it self worth a trophy. But the dedication and results through the years with .lua and the endless patience as our main gatekeeper to communicate to ED makes my community Throphy nominee: Grimes. .
  14. Hi Fri13, I understand you are enthousiastic about a free licence for the student seat in the L-39 and that is perfectly fine. Your reaction where you formulate questions and make answers for yourself are unrelated to my motivation:"Multi-seat capability is a complex development feature worth paying for. With regards to marketing and attract new players to DCS. With what ED offers for free at this moment, it is clear to experience what this sim does and can do more if you buy your prefered plane, map and/or feature.". And I like to add that an extra licence for free student seats is a programming complexity better spend elsewhere and unnecessary diffuses a clear license for obtaining the L-39 or any other aircraft. So please don't blow a gasket, my opinion is still: "Is it a bad idea.. Yes". :renske:
  15. Is it a bad idea.. Yes. Multi-seat capability is a complex development feature worth paying for. With regards to marketing and attract new players to DCS. With what ED offers for free at this moment, it is clear to experience what this sim does and can do more if you buy your prefered plane, map and/or feature. .
  16. I am happy to notice "UIMainView = Gui" is fixed in DCS (update from 03-11-2016) Dear developers thanks! My monitor config as a reference: _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('Monitor T-config'); Description = 'Monitor config' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 2560; height = 1680; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 0; aspect = 2560 / 1680; } } Gui = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 2560; height = 1080; } UIMainView = Gui
  17. I admire the empathy. :thumbup:
  18. Just to top the notch. If only recording then extra SSD else sell msi960 buy msi980 .
  19. @wolle Still I think. Straight to the pub sounds like a good plan. I wish I could go there too then we get drunk and regularly check the DCS forum with our phones and end with throwing static objects because they still can't be properly scripted in 2.0x. Zheerrz, Zu yuo wantz anotzer beerzff .
  20. That is a pretty young age to leave. His last post was the 12th of feb. So he did not see this end comming, that is in a weird way positive. I wish all around him strength. :(
  21. These short video tutorials might help too. .
  22. I recognize the demotivation in the word "unwilling". The frustration is caused by determination and thats a good thing. :) Demotivated I would say: The calls for this bug repair is silenced to death by now, come back in 2017. Nevertheless, I can understand the subordinate position of the script engine due to the development of DCS 2.0. But an answer to this question might fuel our motivation: Is there a rough estimate when the scripting engine gets some preferential attention? .
  23. Hi CrimsonGhost, To compensate for the leg inconvenience the one leg strap modification of the pedals could work if you prefer the TM hotas. (With some minor tweaks) the X55 is my favourit controller for all aircraft, partly because its so versitile. So I think you already where perfectly geared for flightsims. Just as an alternative to twisting the stick. You can use the potentiometer on top of the X55 throttle as rudder input. It has a positive click in the center and and you can still have hands on the throttle and stick. :)
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