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Everything posted by MAD-MM

  1. Over 3000m the Engine starts shaking and quit immediately, not sure Water Methanol is actually supplied in to the Engine.. The Switch over Boost the Engine, but without cooling should be quit very fast but under 3000 m seems to work somehow...
  2. 109 don't have anymore mw50 ......pressure Gauge reads now Zero with main Switch "ON" or "OFF" and Engine starts Shaking :D Did some of the Mustang Player help create this Patch Joke aside
  3. I checked the Replay before was working for me... Burning Skies Today Have to upload with external Share Hoster, 22MB was to big for ED Forum https://www.file-upload.net/download-13206951/ROADTOEVREUX-20180628-185207.trk.html
  4. Would suggest to open free Flight Mission do some turns with upwards and downwards Component with MW50 engaged for 3-4 Minutes, disengage reduce Power to 2700RPM or less and do this again Full Power... I can full fill this Thread with my Engine Dead from my Replays, but this doesn't seem to Help...
  5. My Engine is dying now so fast as before the last Patch....short use Mw50 little bit latter my engine was done... Hopefully this Problem is not can be found fast...impossible to use on longer flights without crashing all the Time the Plane... And upsetting the People for something that is now over 1.5 Years in Game unsolved is no wonder...
  6. My think is about why I vote for MLD is, because like Soviets have different Aircraft Philosophies, they try to do cheap mass Produced Aircraft for mass Attacks. After in DCS we don't fly mass attacks, and like sad before MLD is not a 4Gen Fighter or can compare to F-14 or F-15, but simple things like a dogfight modus or Prober working RWR Suit with SPO-15 and a Radar Range of 70 Km where US Radars was twice as good, was on a F-4E Phantom 10 Years earlier a standard Equipment. How can the MLD to good for anything that we have or right now or get in the Future?
  7. So far I read correct if I wrong the MLD Radar also is improved over the MLA and feature as close combat/dogfight Modus, and have one more tooth in the Wing, so soviets try to make it more dogfight cable. Think its quiet differ from a MLA Version in electronic and Flight characteristic. Would also hope for a MLD Version, what is far more cable..
  8. SPO-10 from the MIG21 doesn't work very well with the limitations of DCS Radar... Hope RAZBAM find a better solution for the MLA...was also hopping for MLD but we see how it goes...
  9. Oh wow Amazing finally something Russian... What happen out of we can not do it because the License is anywhere else assign? Edit: Witch Version still MLA?
  10. Like said TAS=IAS are the same at Sea Level, ISA Conditions are 15 Degree and 1013 hPa Pressure (you can set this under Weather conditions in DCS). The Pressure make's normal (DCS no clue) about the Engine Power output and Drag of the Airframe, with the density of air molecules. With ctrl+Y you can switch between IAS and TAS in the outside View.
  11. Encounter lightweight P-51 with my nearly full fuel Up Fw-190, most cases not really fun...but succeed this Time... don't kill him after his Engine quit for nice Dogfight "so Stats -1 Kill"
  12. I might be wrong, but so far I test AFN-2 over the Years, it never works with 109 because we have not necessary Ground Equipment modelled or even AFN-2 is fully integrated in DCS... Only get this to work in 1.5.8 long time ago with Fw-190 and a ground Vehicle with Frequency set, with 109 it never works... Last Time a Year ago or so even the 190 was not working anymore.. So far it was never Working even when you can set Frequency in the ME, probably this Feature is now fully dropped?
  13. The AGL Fields look still somewhat wired, because sand Airfield done with bulldozer have extreme sharp borders... Looks like they have done the Taxiway and Runway drawn with a Ruler.. But it looks now little bit more natural then before... Little bit more wash out in the Texture surroundings would be nice..
  14. Letzten News zum Thema Mi-24 war das alle Projekte aufgeschoben sind bis zum F-18 release, allerdings ist der MI-24 auch schon seit Jahren bei BST mehr oder weniger entwickelt worden. Dan mal als Projekt wieder eingefroren gewessen und hier und da mal wieder aufgepoppt wie der Cobra Hubschrauber... Leider für mich auch das einzige Modul was mich seit längerer Zeit intressiert, somit ziemlich lange durst Strecke... Wie lang BST noch an der F-18 Mitarbeitet ist ziemlich unklar...
  15. Ich kenn das Thema selber leider nur aus Erzählungen, einzige Quelle dich jetzt soweit gefunden hatte auf die schnelle war Wiki: Die Konkurrenten bemühten sich, die Nachteile des elektronischen Zündsystems anstelle der von ihnen verwendeten Magnetzündung in der Öffentlichkeit herauszustellen. Porsches Zündsystem war auf mindestens einen funktionierenden Generator angewiesen, fielen beide Generatoren aus, konnte etwa eine Stunde mit Batteriestrom weitergeflogen werden. Die konventionelle Magnetzündung funktioniert hingegen auch ohne externe Stromzufuhr. Dieser Punkt war einer der Gründe des kommerziellen Misserfolges.
  16. Naja Porsche wollte das Projekt soweit ich weiß schon weiter betreiben, aber ihnen ist schlicht der Absatzmarkt weggebrochen. Die Amerikaner hatten aufeinmal so ihre zweifel an der Sicherheit über Flugmotoren ohne Magnetzündung Und die Ersatzteilversorgung hat Porsche dan ohne Absatz wieder eingeholt. Vielleicht hat auch jeder Flieger in Zukunft hübsche Solarpanele oben drauf :D Aber ja das ganze Elektro thema ist noch sehr weit weg von brauchbar..
  17. Danke für die mühe intressanter Artikel, auch wenn das geschriebene mehr auf die kommerzielle Luftfahrt und militärische Abzielt vielleicht noch ein paar Anmerkungen. Ich persönlich denke ist klar auch nur eine Vermutung das die nicht kommerzielle Luftfahrt früher oder später mit weiterentwicklung der Technologie bei Elektromotern ankommt . Bis die Boing 747 damit fliegt wird noch lang dauern wie gesagt, aber die Gebrüder Wright oder Gustav Weißkopf (streit über den ersten Motorflug) sind auch nicht mit Turbo Fan Triebwerken davon geschwebt. Als Beispiel wäre die Extra 300LE von Siemens als Protoyp mit Elektroantrieb. Momentan fliegen Cessna & Co immer noch mit 60 Jahren alten Lycoming und Continental Motoren. Diesel Antriebe sind auch wieder stärker im kommen, Diamond DA 42 z.B.
  18. Mean Dogfight Server why not, first Problem anyone have to setup a Dogfight Server... When I look the other "Simulations" the Berloga Server is every Day full, its to practice Dogfight Skills and Team Work in Combat Situation and not so much from tactical Point of Engagement. It is not every one Flying Style, some of the People never fly something like Burning Skys Mission or the other Way around.. But for quick Action with Air spawn with only the handful People currently flying DCS would be more Fun... For me "personally" Flying every Time 20 Minutes to the Blue Airbase absolute Pain with 5 People online to found nothing on this big Mission, absolute kills the Rest of my Motivation to fly DCS... The BS Mission can be Fun but we have to less People flying WW2 MP right now...
  19. Sad Video but thx for Sharing? Can see in the Video it happen in Duxford last Year? What was the cause of the Engine Failure anyone know?
  20. Ok today I got the Time for long Flight on the MP Server, after several short use of MW50, max 5 Minutes my Engine died on the Landing approach with Idle RPM, was still Fuel left.. Before was flying 10 Minutes with max 1.2 Ata back to the Airfield after my Fuel is going low... The Engine/MW-50 Bug is still there but at least for now you can live with it, but still afraid it never get fully hunted down the Problem or get even more in the low Priority Rail... PS: I can not provide any Track, because its MP and Tracks don't work usually in MP very long before Deviation from the Original Flight...
  21. When you get the last Update for Normandy? So right now is the Support for the Map in Service Desert of Syria.. So they announced soon (what ever this means) July 2017 update with Airfields and so on because some of the Airfields are Concrete ones, not like in our Map currently...
  22. Was busy last Days, today I tried 3 Times the Instant Action Mission and it seems the Engine is fine now... Was flying extended Dogfights up to 10 Minutes today with MW-50 was so far running well.. Didn't have the answer now for longer Flights, try next Week some online Experience. But so far it seems good.
  23. Uhhm that's now over Year Gaming Breaking Bug for the most WW2 guys, make out of Fighter a Glider, they don't have Time to give a short Note in the Change Log? Ok I will test it...
  24. I don't see any Change log for the Dora Engine is anything changed in the Code or not?
  25. At first external Payload was not on the List at start was first coming up with pressure of the Community... Spit with clipped Wings was announced back then, but they have to change FM again less lift higher roll Rate so on, there is no Module what I know with currently 2 different Flight Models possible have to be done First, like F-14 with variable sweep Wings... In the mean Time not sure how many effort was done with the current FM, or what is left to do List, the Rudder get Pedal Forces as one Point I know in the meantime...
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