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Everything posted by MAD-MM

  1. Hey Jcomm some of the Servers didn't show up from time to time include for me also BS Server... I don't know what the Reason behind it, but think there is no Problem on your Site... I connect most of the Times BS for Example with IP Adress in MP.. (Copy the IP on my Desktop That works for me at least...
  2. I had Problems with losing my Elevators D9 in a Dive, in a Dive behind a P-51 was able to realy good Pin Point the exact Speed witch is to low... With a max Dive Speed of 860Km/h IAS under 2 Km at 830 Km/h at Ground Level losing Parts is offset...
  3. Thx Guys for the Reply's... Yes understand how to use PRF for incoming and outbound Bandits and look down with Antenna elevation... With Tactical Employment have to admit have now Clue what is F-Pole and so on... My Personal feeling is get lured every time from the Enemy without GCI Link Absolut missing the overview what is going around me and constantly changing Altitude of the Bandits and where to Point my Nose to find something with the Radar or EO, in the meantime I get killed twice.. Seem to look out for more potent Wingman is not a bad Idear...
  4. The MIG 29 is my first FC3 Jetfighter that i buy and actually try in MP... But so far with limited success, i understand how RWR the Radar and other Stuff is Working.. But seems without knowing (my personal experience), the R-77 is not on paar with AIM-120C per example for high Altitude. The next one i feel absolute blind without GCI Link, and not constant spam the AWACS without realy success. Only left chasing down the Valleys with Electric Optical Sight hopefully catch something unaware? Or is there more Professional Tactic that i Miss?
  5. The 40 Bucks was fine before the new Ground Physics Patch, what means fine? There is simple no difference when you slip over the Ground with locked tail wheel or not? this was fine Before and notice able difference...
  6. Labels again disabled why? why we can not go with the old one? and not everyone is flying 2 hours around with 0 Sight?
  7. After the british experimantel "Bo(m)b Cat" it's only difficult is not to overrun the D9 in a Dive, find some P-51 is hard latley...But found two of then, sadly i pulled up one of my finest Flying enjoy...
  8. Ich würde mal versuchen deinen Flieger kollegen die IP vom Server zu geben, und schauen ob Sie connecten können. Manche Server zeigt der DCS Master Server nicht an obwohl Sie da Sind...
  9. The G-14 was born out of the Idear to standardized the G-Production Line, with a uncountable Conversions to streamline the Production, like Erla Canopy for Example.. But the difference was marginal, when they running on the same Engine, except the G6 is a uglyst 109 alive... Only one Future was special for the Western Front, all produced AS/ASM Version with the big Blower from the DB-603 goes to the Western Front for the needed better High Altitude Power..
  10. Hey Dietrich, Yes it is Km/h and time in Seconds, that is the currenty ingame Data tested with both Aircraft, one was in a vertical dive the other one in Level Speed. @ Philstyle there is no test aviable from RAF for LF MK IX at least i found nothing, but A should do it more then doable gainst LF when they could deal with a XIV Spit in a Dive thats the Point. And when you dont belive this, watch your Frustration Videos again, and then do it in the Actuall Version of the Game.... RAF reported to follow in a Dive 21lbs for Griffon spit against the 190D, but I dont found any source or Time witch Version of 190D9 they mean thats why i dont post this...
  11. The Main Strength of Fw-190 is his dive Acceleration and Top Speed against Spit as Main Opponent... When Spitfire was introduced that was one of the main Strength of the German 190 and 109... But after 2 Years of patching the Spit, the Spitfire have currently the same Acceleration in a dive or level like the D9 without MW50, prolonged Dogfight is in the 190 not possible anymore against the Spit... That's is why currently the P-51 is dying in the Multiplayer because there is no reason left to fly it... A8 and D9 have both 1750 Take Off Power on the Paper, but the A8 produce around 200PS less Horse Shaft Power more Drag and less thrust? Not realy looking forward right now for Fw-190A8... SPITFIRE XIV VERSUS FW 190A Maximum Speed: From 0-5,000 feet [0-1525 metres] and between 15,000-20,000 feet [4573-6100 metres] the Spitfire XIV is only 20 mph [32 km/hr] faster than the FW190; at all other heights it is up to 60 mph [97 km/hr] faster. Maximum Climb: The Spitfire XIV has a considerably greater rate of climb at all altitudes. Dive: After the initial part of the dive, during which the FW 190 gains slightly, the Spitfire XIV has a slight advantage. Turning Circle: The Spitfire XIV can easily turn inside the FW 190. In the case of a right-hand turn, this difference is not so pronounced. Rate of Roll: The FW 190 is very much better. Conclusions: In defence, the Spitfire XIV should us its remarkable maximum climb and turning circle against enemy aircraft. In the attack it can affort to 'mix it' but should beware of the quick roll and dive. If this manoeuvre is used by a FW190 and the Spitfire XIV follows, it will probably not be able to close the range until the FW190 has pulled out of its dive.
  12. Hopefully we get the Dora Engine working before the A8 release...
  13. Dear Mr. eekz I followed the Russian Thread a little bit about the labels, for best Spotting you have to fly with the creepiest Monitor in Resolution 1980x1080 for the biggest possible Pixel on your Monitor with Antialiasing deactivated.. That can not be seen in any Statistic what player are using witch Hardware.. For equal Opportunity the labels was perfect, doesn't matter did you fly with VR or shit Monitor you can spot things... Now its for me fishing in Dark, the Planes are jumping so hard between LOD's around the Skyline and Ground you are unable to follow because things what you have insight are vanished from one Moment to the Other... Since the Labels deactivated all people are flying at Ground altitude to spot anything that doesn't tell you the statistic, because you don't see anything with VR or higher Monitor resolution that's below you or above you... Flying then Fw-190 for example is then pain, because turn fight with Spitfire is not your best solution... Before the Labels are accidently disabled by ED, I see no discussion to turn of this thing anywhere?
  14. Nice one of my Favourite Aircraft please do it.... Looking forward to that day I Hunt Victor Charlie over the Ho Chi Minh Trail and Mark Targets for Phantoms...
  15. Was thinking the Same, 1944 got in to service looks like it is restoration object found in some Swamp 70 Years later... Little bit to much....
  16. Hmm NineLine could simply ask his Programmer and tell us back its fixed now or not? This would be easy or? Without testing every time hopefully after every Patch its working now without patch notes?
  17. eekz possible the Label Mod is not working anymore after the Recent Patch.. Can get it to work anymore...
  18. Microsoft Sidewinder 2 and Crosswind Pedals..
  19. What me Concern is we have before 180mph and in can now climb with 80mph that's not a little bit? So either we where completely wrong before what you might be call complete unrealistic, and was before heavy defended by yoyo as no Bug... Dogfight was before pretty easy in the Spit so long you don't do any Prob Hang Flying... Only want to know as objective Fact we are still on DCS level with cooling of the Spit, or what this new Information changed this so drastic..
  20. Hmm you can punch the Spit now sideways on the Runway, pretty unrealistic feel for me aswell... But on the Rollout it's unforgiven then before the Patch, and the Wing drop is pretty difficult to control on low Speeds thats confuse me little bit what was the purpose to change the Friction Model? And the Spitfire is now so ok ish no perfect, but we have now 109 190 so far thats was before fine now complete out of order.. Changed the Wrong thing?
  21. Would really want to know what "objective Facts" compare to early Model now changed so drastic? Or is it also simplify (no feel) like our new Ground Physic?
  22. After I fly only from time to time Spit, I can hammer know perfectly fine the Spitfire also sideways in the Ground what was wrong with the Friction before this change? When you ask me but then are the Dampers are to weak on the Roll out, or the Momentum produced by the Wings are do big...
  23. Yes for me such thing is about the Wrong Way, we have already arcade Options with rudder Help and easy Flight model... As Flight Student when you take off the First Time you have exact now clue what to do, and you get teached also by Muscle Memory and technical Things after what you have to look out...after I using a FFB Stick in absence to the But Feeling, what you have to teach your self in a Simulation there is not much missing... Back to the 109, the Plane have this narrow undercarriage formed in a V and a V in his Longitudinal Axis, when you read German Pilots memories when they not exact Seattle down the Plane on both Main Gears the 109 immediately breaks out to one Side, where the Gear get Friction there was no Slipping around the Runway...
  24. Take Video this morning, 109 don't even make ground loop any more with unlocked Tailwheel.. After we live in the First 21 Century you can even watch this events on Youtube... When you touch down a Plane like this on concrete Runway that was your last Landing...
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