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Everything posted by Whistler_RIO

  1. I find it impossible to believe that Razbam spent 14 years as a contractor making multiple modules for ED without ever getting paid, that is just not how any business works ever. What i find a lot more believable is that someone is making it up to justify not paying their subcontracted talent with some "the client never paid us ever" bs. They likely didnt get paid for their last project, Strike Eagle,because they didnt fulfill their reqs and didnt rectify it, and decided to go nuclear and full-drama instead. If someone were a painter, builder, or architect, hired by a home-owner, and they told me that they didnt get paid at all... the last thing i would suspect is that the wealthy client just arbitrarily decided to screw them out of the money and just wanted to goto court and have a public fiasco. I would assume the true story likely involves some grave mistakes made by the contractor that were not fixed to a resolution. I would never buy early-access if Razbam were involved. Now THAT makes sense to me.
  2. Hmm, well CTS/DB/DCS_World_Template.tmc: 185 This is where the logic resides that abstracts the variation of hardware options. Besides the warthog, CTS supports the optional F18 stick, and the Cougar HOTAS, each just flagged with a value from the UI configurator. I would trace back from the &JoystickF18 (Wherever you see Don used an evaluation like if (!WarthogStick) is generally how the code defines if you are using the Cougar as the fallback case) The values are assigned in CTS/DCS_World.tmc : 123 (Also at Line 835) and reflect options you set in the UI Hope thats helpful
  3. Also found that "hide stick" is not persisting as well. I looked and saw that this is due to malformed schema of values in options.lua the new 'cockpit' array of values is missing them and had them until last patch. writing/migrating them in manually fixes the issue, but this is definitely a new bug
  4. I see. OK thanks for the explanation and your team's consideration to this feedback.
  5. I just wanted to add that this isnt just about the time and work it takes to do it, but also optimization. If every single detail, even those barely perceptable, is modeled in 3D, that all takes memory and rendering and does subtly effect performance when you apply that kind of unneeded detail all over every single model in a simulation. more K-size to download and store, more data to load into memory and more triangles and shapes to render by your graphics card. The idea isnt that a game-designer just makes up whatever they wish existed in a game and then developers optimize it, because that can never work (at least until the day comes when every single user has a much more powerful machine someday). rather, the idea is that the game designer cleverly chooses whats important and decides on the value received in exchange for the footprint on system resources.
  6. I just want to echo this as i totally agree. Heatblur seems to not be thinking this through. Both the tomcat and the phantom seem to have mirrors facing the helmet for some reason. On the tomcat, at least you can reposition them, even though it would be very nice if that stayed persistent in respawns. The Phantom doesnt even allow you to tilt them. its pretty silly. I would hope they have at least one single user-experience expert on the team to look at stuff like this before shipping....right? (the jester menu suggests otherwise)
  7. Maybe you didnt install the drivers for it? when you do, then your windows game-controller panel, if you open the MFD from there, has a drop-down of the ID number to assign to a given MFD. check it out
  8. Ya i own every map, including the new ones Afghan and Kola, and currently only have like 3 aircraft currently installed. my install size is about 950GB. that is uncompressed btw. Its definitely bigger than any game, but not really any sim. MSFS2020 can gobble up some serious space too.
  9. I’ve been rerunning reflected’s campaigns to check out the new checklist and this really does finally resolve my pain points with the space bar in one ingenious flip of the user experience, bravo! I even learned a new thing or two! In SpeedAngels the air to air fence in made me realize I never knew to adjust my MILS! I’m blown away with the immersion it adds to the entire startup and fence in routines. Great work man!
  10. ya ive tried that too, for years. i cant find how to map that either. I kind of thought/figured it was weapon-release (since thats what spacebar does normally) but that didnt work. i also couldnt get Vaicom to fire the space-key either! so its something weird in how DCS programmatically addresses that input event or character-code! Good question!
  11. This is a great idea and tool. thanks for sharing. I dont know if enough people understand the API stack and how important it is to manage it, especially when tweaking settings at different levels.
  12. Just wanted to give feedback and say that I have run the entire campaign with the old voices and now am about halfway through with the new voices and RIO events, and Im really impressed! The new audio sounds great and has not thrown a single bug issue at me yet. Great job and thanks for supporting the product for us! But dont rest on your laurels! Lets get another campaign soon!
  13. i have the latest v56 and am on the beta program. i still see the issue at night. however, i found out that some of my squadron mates who are on other headset, said they were having the same issue. its possible that this is a DCS OpenXR bug and not oculus. (also note that all other PCVR games seem fine). For now, im flying TrackIR for night ops. i forgot how much faster the sim runs in 2D! 144fps! its kind of a nice break
  14. all lights are extinguished on a carrier at night in deep-water operations. this is to keep from being seen from space/altitude/land and giving away position. you turn on your lights as a replacement for the salute just before you are launched off the boat. btw there is nothing complex about Dim vs Bright. bright is for daytime. dim is for nighttime.
  15. im having the same issue at night in my Quest Pro. it must be the local dimming
  16. Just a headsup and thanks to Mbuccia , but a new revision for this was released today. v1.0.1 - works just as well for me as before. https://github.com/mbucchia/Quad-Views-Foveated/releases/tag/1.0.1
  17. Well now that we can just seamlessly jump into the backseat while flying, even in multiplayer, its become standard for advanced tomcat pilots to get to know and use the RIO seat to sort and lockup targets. you should check out a good naval squadron like CSG-8. they give you the training and weekly missions that will get you really good at either seat of the tomcat. https://www.vcsg8.com
  18. just want to say that I have a Quest Pro and get a really nice performance out of it in DCS, with this this open-faced headset design that really lends itself to long missions and the need to peak down and see my flight panels or beverage. there is a specific DCS optimized foveated-rendering utility (made by the creator of OpenXR Toolkit Companion app) that uses the eye-tracking built into the Pro and really delivers some great framerates at high detail levels. https://github.com/mbucchia/Meta-Foveated
  19. I was bothered by the new VAP file thing, but now im glad i wiped it out and re-imported my custom stuff. voice-attack has an ingenious import UI that identifies overwrites and lets you just pluck out the custom commands. so you just export your old profile, and then reimport it on a fresh VAP. I just completely reinstalled the MSI and every setting was exactly like i left it before except my aliases (of which i only have about 4) which had to be replaced and then 'finish' copy/pasted into the VAP. too me an hour, and its working really well now. maybe i needed it after so many years. one thing to remember is how AIRIO and kneeboard commands were once payware upgrades. they were not included in the base VAP until you paid for the upgrade and then added them yourself. i think this standardizes the Tacan and Radio constructors for Jester, and the Kneeboard commands.
  20. Thanks for looking into it for us, HF! Man i just wanted to add that it is NOT EASY, especially these swappable-seat/multi-model profiles (like tomcat or apache or even MirageF1 with its two models from a single profile). i tried to help this effort a few months ago and build a Mirage profile and after 4 weeks felt like i still was barely through one half. HomeFries has the experience and ergonomics-patterns afer all these years and can do this faster than anybody!
  21. ya i also have weird inconsistencies with this issue. sometimes i have blacked-out TCS for the first half of a long mission and then all of a sudden its fine! but usually it doesnt work. i also am running MT in VR
  22. This is a really annoying bug since the introduction of auto-lantirn. it drives me nuts. thanks for posting about it.
  23. Ya sure. that makes sense. once we commit to the inbound contacts , i have to say that you make it work so well with the 3&4 element breaking off 40degrees and our splitting of the hostiles just works so well! Its really compelling and one of the best scripted campaign missions i have ever seen (and ive flown them all really.) I guess maybe what you are saying is that you cannot control the hostile Fishbeds from climbing to 14k at the merge? that is somewhat smart of them to do really! #AI RE: startup wing damage - the damage seems to not affect the aircraft even though you get the messaging saying youve taken damage. i think i saw that this was a recent fix they made was to just have spawning aircraft be immortal while in coldstart? i think i recall that.
  24. paco makes no sense in this mission. when intercepting he comes to the merge at 9k while the bandits merge at 14k. He doesnt even use his heater. i really like the formup and formation while waiting to push. that all plays out really nicely. also the tomcat on the right side of us when starting the mission has his wings open and damages your aircraft.
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