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Everything posted by Mr_sukebe

  1. Try disabling the Oculus frame rate smoothing, ie the one that limits it to 36fps
  2. Just a suggestion from my side. My opinion based upon testing is that Terrain Textures set to High is a very fast way to overload the VRAM requirement of my 3080ti. I’ve been running with Terrain Textures set to Low for months. I was still surprised to see that the most recent update reset the setting back to High. I’d like to recommend that unless you’ve a GPU with 24GB of VRAM that your confirm for yourself by testing with each of the options and then set as you see fit, just ensure that you check it post further updates.
  3. No, it’s really not. In an environment with low levels of enemy radar, you still can’t fly on the deck due to manpads. Go have a read about how Gulf war one showed that. As already stated, it’s now virtually impossible to get into effective range for the GAU without exposing an A10 to the danger of the manpads. A standoff weapon such as an APKWS on a cheap turbo prop is MUCH more cost effective
  4. Here we go, what about a real Tornado throttle unit: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/394860342264?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Osuisr6dQ8O&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Hal1pJpJTxq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY clearly it needs some work, and that’s before replacing the buttons, axes, wiring and control board, but how cool would that be?
  5. Another thought, could you buy a real throttle from a broken aircraft, then have it modified with your preference of buttons and an arduino board? Just because it might have originally had a low number of buttons, doesn’t necessarily stop you from adding more functionally capable ones.
  6. I’m unaware of anything commonly sold that I’d expect to be better than a CM3. Options that spring to mind: - have a dig around to see about the viability of one of the real throttles. Likely to be seriously expensive - upgrade the buttons in the CM3 - there’s a chap called GVL on here who sells custom gear. If you engage with him, he might be able to build what you want, eg: - wait until the CM4 arrives, it’ll happen eventually
  7. Stick with the current method. Both methods have their pros and cons, so changing might improve certain elements, but worsen others. More to the point, the effort/cost to change could be used elsewhere to further improve the map, or maybe add additional assets (eg ships).
  8. That’s not the whole map. I think that it goes a little further north and extends a whole lot further west into the Pacific. For ref, the distance from Port Stanley to the Argentina coast is around 400-500 miles.
  9. Hours. I deliberately identified a distance roughly equating to the distance from southern England to northern Germany.
  10. ??? That doesn’t really make sense. The move to multi core will have been a massive undertaking and stands DCS in a much better place long term It’s worth remembering that the Civ Sim 2024 is primarily to allow introduction of multi core, for which they give you the pleasure of paying for it.
  11. A few thoughts: - VR will always require more horsepower than a monitor, simply because it’s handling more pixels - Remember when that new Civ sim arrived in 2020 and everyone went nuts about its graphics? That’s simply competition. ED cannot stand still with an aging platform and just hope for the best. Want an example, look at Falcon 4. That even has VR support now, but it still looks pap. Do you really think that it sells in big numbers, and that has an unbelievable level of community support. - my belief is that DCS looks better than that Civ Sim, certainly on my rig, which is very similar to yours. Whenever I go near a city in that Civ Sim, it runs terribly and the buildings look like melted marshmallows - as most of the community (based upon the last poll on here) still use a monitor, and it’s easier to run, ED are clearly pushing what can be done on a monitor, with top end gear, which is as it should be. If they didn’t, you’d have users asking that they did. Translating those same settings into VR is never going to work, because of the additional grunt required In short, you need to learn to compromise on your settings and be thankful for what we currently have. I was out yesterday in the Gulf on a JDAM strike in my F15E in VR. Sun setting in the west, low level clouds, looked utterly amazing.
  12. The manual includes recommendations of settings for long cruise. It’s worth a look. And yes, made it there and back.
  13. I did that flight using the Mustang, just to see if I could.
  14. thanks for the response. apologies, I didn’t really understand the last paragraph. That sounds like a fix for passing eye tracking data using the SteamLink. If SteamVR doesn’t support dynamic foveated rendering, what would be the point?
  15. An interesting update. SteamVR has been updated and there's some noise about it's ability to link wirelessly. If anything, that put me off a little, as I'd prefer a wired link (not currently possible). However, the updated SteamVR link also includes foveated rendering by default, and the ability to conduct dynamic foveated rendering if you have a suitable headset with eye tracking, i.e. like the Quest Pro that I have. Clearly, that's rather excellent news, as it has the potential to replace Mbucchia's rather excellent Quad views solution if/when it breaks, as he's pulled to plug on further development, to allow him to move on to doing bigger and better things elsewhere. That's the good news, right now, I couldn't actually get it running. I was happily able to install the new SteamVR App to my Quest Pro and successfully connect to my Steam account on my PC. It took me a few mins to find that to change the SteamVR setting to use OpenXR was only possible on the PC's version of SteamVR, as of course that setting had changed. I was then able to fire up that WW2 combat sim, but unfortunately it then had an OpenXR call failure and crashed. Within the menu screen, it was good to see that DFR was actually running, before crashing when I tried jumping into a cockpit. I tried firing up DCS via Steam, but it didn't want to go into VR. Probably my ineptitude with the settings in Steam. Either way, whilst I was unable to get it running, it DOES look worth investigating as it might well save the day for DFR.
  16. They’re still great fun to fly, even without an AI Nav. As it happens, I was out yesterday in multiplayer in the Mossie conducting low level strikes on railway junctions. Great fun. Just remember to use timer delays on the bombs…
  17. An AI nav is IMO the optimum solution. Fingers crossed…
  18. To add, I have one of the Cubesim damper kits on my TPRs. I really wasn’t that impressed as the design means that the damper is angled at it’s two connecting points, which just strikes me as poor design.
  19. To repeat myself, “it’s much better to under promise and over deliver, than vice versa”
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