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Everything posted by Loukuins

  1. Did a long flight in the night and I can say that I reproduced the issue, it's very random, I have also another issue that instead of going black it goes FULL White. For me it happen a lot with the F5 view, I will give my DCS.log here can't give a track, but the issue is there! (I flew on syria in a F-15E). dcs.log
  2. I will add some informations from a another thread that I posted in : For the max temps it's allowed to have 840°C for an instant and 780°C for 30sec max (this is what I found), and can't go higher than 900°C during startup, also in with AB the max temps at 8900RPM (So in Overspeed mode of the Engine) the temps should be below 735°C.
  3. On what I have it says : No Airbrake during flaring and keep RPM above 7000. And the manual doesn't say to use Parachute in every case but mainly with a plane above 11T. They tell how to airbrake to 100knots as follow : Keeping the nose high at 13° of AOA and then at about 100knots putting the nose down and brake.
  4. No problem, take your time and don't mind asking for more informations if you don't know where it is. I'm really hopping this will fix the issue! I will give you a screenshot to show what those two folders looks like:
  5. Yeah this explain a lot indeed. And I agree that on a 60Hz monitor you won't feel having less Hz on the tracking, maybe just a tad more latency? I don't know to be honnest haha.
  6. If you have 100% on both CPU and GPU that's the best thing, so you use all of your PC at the same time, but in 99.9999% you can't have 100% on both because one will bottleneck the other and vice versa. If you don't have FPS issues you shouldn't worry about those usage
  7. To add some info, I have a 175Hz G-Sync monitor and I run at 150-175fps (forced V-Sync on my Nvidia control panel. also V-Sync doesn't affect the movement of the camera, maybe made them more smooth?). But before I changed GPU I was running at 110-150fps and I still had the same "issue". When I found out that the weird stuttery movement came from Opentrack going at 64Hz I was so happy to have a very stable and fluid experience in DCS haha.
  8. AS-30L was not "widely used on the F1", it was ONLY used by the Iraqi Mirage F1EQ-5/EQ-6 who had the possibility to have a TGP, for the X-29L/T. I have no informations and maybe Iraq upgraded their Mirage F1EQ-5/6.
  9. This looks like you're out of VRAM or there is an issue with a program on the background ? What's your GPU and your DCS settings ? (Screen resolution and MSAA affect A LOT the VRAM)
  10. With OpenTrack sometimes the tracking goes to 64Hz (I have the PS3 Eye camera) and I need to restart OpenTrack to have the full 187Hz to have a smooth movement, if it changes to 64 the movement is not smooth at all... Maybe DCS need a higher Refresh rate of you camera than your FPS ? Idk...
  11. This is a great idea, I don't have the time to check everything so thanks for taking the time to check all of that !
  12. It was only 3D, none of the coding of the different systems were shown, 3D is only a small part of the work, the coding is he biggest one because you can issues that lead to hold in the code and such, be patient and let Aerges work at their pace and they will bring what they promised Also the INS is all new, there is a MFD with multiples pages to code, CCIP and CCRP to code. New radar screen aswell, and new weapons to add with a way more advanced weapon computer and a brand new HUD that combine Mirage 2000C and F/A-18C in terms of informations on the screen, also new radios (2 green from the 2000C), and much more.
  13. For the max temps it's allowed to have 840°C for an instant and 780°C for 30sec max (this is what I found), and can't go higher than 900°C during startup, also in with AB the max temps at 8900RPM (So in Overspeed mode of the Engine) the temps should be below 735°C.
  14. That might fix the issue then, those folder are in your saved game then DCS(.openbeta), those files are pre-compiled shader files, for some reason those files if they are deleted will fix a lot of issue, specially with visual issues, it is recommended to delete those folder at each update, and at each update of your GPU drivers, it will just make a long loading time for the first time then it won't bother you anymore. This can really fix your issue, try it when you can, and let us know if it did or not! I'm crossing my fingers that this will fix it.
  15. I'm not sure too if the Hornet have a Sun visor, but as MAXsenna pointed out if the chat is dimmed it's a game issue indeed, are you running the latest drivers and did you deleted fxo and metashaders2 folders in your saved games? (If you already did all of that then I'm kinda out of solutions I'm sorry) It's a very weird thing, and maybe there is an issue in a very specific situation that the auto exposure of DCS break... I hope we solve this issue, I can understand it can be very frustrating.
  16. Maybe the sun visor pops in and out ? But that won't explain the fade out of the issue progressively... Also I can see it occurs when you move your head down ?
  17. You know the special edition of Cocardes that talks about the Mirage F1 cockpits here the link : Cocardes Digital Hors-Série n°01 (dogfight-editions.com) The BE is not even out, so expect a year maybe until the release of the M, it will depend a lot of how hard it will be for aerges and how much time they already spent on the M, so yeah don't expect it to be close ^^
  18. Np for not being an expert haha. Glad that you liked the informations I shared, there is a french book that talks about the Mirage F1 cockpits and it tells a LOT about the capabilities of the different variant of the Mirage F1, and it has mainly 2 family of Mirage F1, the ones with the Sight and no INS, and the others who had HUD with PCAM and an INS. There is also a third family with a TV for the Radar and Other usage and a HUD PCAM and INS, like the F1EQ-5 and EQ-6 and CR were into that family of Mirage F1.
  19. I'm sorry but I don't have the time to check that today, I will see if I think about it tomorrow (I forgot a lot sadly). Yeah it will not hurt to double check indeed
  20. Exactly, 2D clouds are just images that turn to always look at you, that's why back then almost every mission didn't had much clouds. Now they use the static with wind so the clouds moves, but there is not "dynamic" weather indeed with volumetric clouds.
  21. Also I didn't wanted to mean, sorry if I was in my last message.
  22. That's what I though your issue was after reading the thread, glad you fixed you issue and always check that your Monitor is setup at the right refreshrate
  23. It's not that at all, he is using the dynamic weather that still uses 2D clouds from before, and since ED is not interested to support 2D clouds it might just broke with the last open beta update.
  24. This sounds like a monitor going into night mode and dimming the brightness down when there is not much stuff bright on the screen
  25. Don't use external data support to run games, this will always get you in trouble, the best way would be to get an Internal SSD it's also cheaper btw ^^'
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