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Everything posted by Svend_Dellepude

  1. No, I wouldn't imagine this would be a real world problem, but the DCS radar seems to have some problems for the time being.
  2. You can only use fuse 1500 for CBU-99 and rockeye's. They will always open at 1500 no matter the fuse setting.
  3. And I guess that you shouldn't be able to slew the elevation off target like you can now.
  4. Probably not. Seems like it continues sweeping but no emission.
  5. Yeah! I thought you had it working as it was supposed to.
  6. That's what I do too, or maybe I misunderstand. What I do is: I have a steerpoint where I know the location, Select it as my target ( i made a mission with a bunker at the steerpoint and nothing else for miles), Lock it up with the radar or TPOD, and use the update/DSG/ACPT on the HSI. That just moves that steerpoint to my current location and messes drift up even more. If i do an overfly and use DSG update when over the location it works, which it shouldn't.
  7. How do you do that? When I try the dsg option it updates to my current A/C position and not the position where my sensor(s) are looking
  8. The script editor takes a while to get used to, I'll admit. But once you get the hang of it, it's silly simple. The possibilities are almost endless and you can just do so much more than what any combination of target + whatever program can offer. The only thing that I can't get it to do is axis smoothing, but then again, there is no other program to my knowledge that does that.
  9. The SAM doesn't need to lock you up to do that. Even from 40nm you can get the diamond close enough that you can see the SAM site through the TPOD.
  10. Nah. From the tests i did, INS drifted no matter what i was carrying. Don't know why you didn't see any drift. For that you would need to make a track.
  11. Try for instance to place a steerpoint on a ground unit and then fly around for half an hour. Bring some mavericks and then designate that steerpoint. The maverick triangle will point at the ground unit, but the target diamond will be offset.
  12. Looking through the thread there where actually no tracks, just screenshots. The TPOD is not affected, neither is the radar if you track something. Then you will get the correct coordinates every time. The HUD and helmet IIRC are affected. With precise coordinates enabled on the HSI page you will see drift on the ground while parked. Just speed up time and you will notice.
  13. Just browse through the tread above your post, all tracks shows INS drift. Could be interesting if the tracks worked differently on your system though.
  14. You can use tacan update if you have a tacan station stored in the HSI/TACAN page. But it doesn't always work as intended and you might have to do it a couple of times before it works. But it wont ever be spot on as when you took off. You should also be able to cancel the last update, but that option is missing atm. I think It's pretty much still wip. There is a lengthy thread in here about how drift affects your bombing solution and basically makes using dumb impossible after 15 mins of flight.
  15. Just pause TiR and then press KP5 to default the view before making any adjustments.
  16. It is. Been doing just that for a long time and it works just fine.
  17. Because it's much faster and not so fiddly when you are on an attack run and time is sparse. Of course it doesn't work if you are trying to lock up a moving target. Didn't think about that when i wrote the first post.
  18. There is a thread in the bugs section started by @Gripes323 now about this. I uploaded some tracks and found that MPRF wouldn't even detect a headon target in lookdown at any range.
  19. Better to make mark points using the TPOD and just cycle the markpoints on attack
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