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Everything posted by Svend_Dellepude

  1. Mine also came off after a few month of use. Just took it out and didn't put in a replacement. That has been working for years. Never noticed any difference.
  2. There is a pic here: https://www.amazon.com/Thrustmaster-HOTAS-Warthog-Dual-Throttles/dp/B00T5X3Z2S?th=1 @BuzzU Is this the one?
  3. While it doesn't directly answer your question, there is a 20 min video on YT that explains the FCS: I personally doesn't expect it to be harder than the F-14. As with all old A/C you will have to trim a lot. The FCS in the F-4 is the predecessor to the FCS in the F-15.
  4. It's an old issue. It happens if you don't pull the throttles back far enough after being in afterburner. Dunno why that is, but going from afterburner to MIL and back to afterburner can cause this. To avoid just retard the throttles a bit more after coming out of burner, and then back to MIL.
  5. I go idle on the power and extend speedbrake, when doing the first turn. At 250 i lower gear and by the end of the first turn I'm about 180 and then i extend flaps and avoid the worst balloning. After that you just trim to AoA and increase power as needed while descending to 600'.
  6. IIRC that falling leaf stall was corrected in later models of the Hornet. It's also mentioned in the Jetstream documentary.
  7. It's a bug, where CCIP solution seems to be tied to the ground instead of the A/C. So because of the INS drift that was introduced at some point during development, CCIP solution gets screwed with time. There is a lengthy thread about it here:
  8. If I'm not mistaken, the last 22% is there to make sure you can reach max G or max AoA with forward trim in the system. Might be wrong on this one, but that was my conclusion when i discovered this.
  9. It might have something to do with some centering functions in the real jet that has not been implemented properly yet. For instance you are able to control the elevation from the AZ/EL page. That would create some problems for an absolute axis where the scan area would either have to jump back to position of the hardware or get added as bias when you exit the AZ/EL. The latter would mean that you would not be able to center you scan area anymore. I have the elevation bound to buttons, I've gotten used to it and don't think much about it anymore.
  10. Delete the shader cache. If that doesn't do it, try a repair. I had the same issue and fixed it, but don't remember which of these that worked for me.
  11. There was a bug once that could get the wing fold handle stuck. Dunno if it was ever fixed, and dunno if that is the case here.
  12. If you have a force sensing stick you can also fiddle with the saturation to make the axis more responsive. It doesn't have to be 1:1. Not so with moving axis though. Personally I never got used to using an extension with the F-16, so i took it of and side mounted my Virpil, which was perfect.
  13. Try a repair to see if that does anything for you. Usually FM changes are mentioned in the changelog, so if there where none mentioned, there probably was no change.
  14. INS is not working correctly. Just stick with GPS when possible. There is already a lengthy thread in here about the issue. search for INS + CCIP.
  15. SIL might keep track memory until timeout, while radar off probably won't. Just guessing.
  16. I didn't look at the mission, but they are probably server restricted.
  17. Yeah, IRL maybe. But INS screws up the bomb fall line which it shouldn't. Another benefit is that you all of a sudden have all your sensors working like they are supposed to. JDAM's will land where you intended, FLIR will point where you intended and so on. So until they fix INS this is a solution. My girlfriend might not like it, but ok. Here is a lengthy thread about the issue:
  18. on the AMPCD select POS/GPS instead of POS/INS if GPS is available. That will fix the problem with the bomb fall line.
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