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Everything posted by Shrimp

  1. Hi, Mission 9: - the instructions tell us to startup, take-off, rejoin over the airfield and start the navigation to Evreux at 0500; - actual take-off time was at 0405; - I patiently marshaled over the airfield with 11 aircraft in trail for 55 min (I found this an error but I didn’t want to break any trigger); - kneeboard has take-off time a 07 something (if I recall correctly). Am I missing something; is this a mission error or a specific problem with my installation? Cheers!!!
  2. The track has me as Lead. The remaining description occurs with an AI as Lead.
  3. AI Rubber Band.trk Besides this rubber band / warping / slingshot effect AI also: - start/end turns/climbs/descents abruptly (having wingmen flying in formation); - overshoot the desired heading and must immediately correct it (abruptly - twice); - unrealistically slow down when starting a big turn (big heading change) and starting a big climb/descent (big altitude change) to the point of being impossible to keep formation (for human players with WWII aircraft, at least) and after a short while climb at also an unrealistic performance being almost impossible for an human player to keep up; - keep the leader's plan during turns (as opposed to the earth's plan or a slight altitude stack - high on the outside or low on the inside) when flying close but not tight formation also in an unrealistic (aerodynamically impossible) way. If the human player is flying as #3 or #4 it is impossible to keep formation. This accumulates with the big drop of speed when starting a big turn (looking from behind it is as if #2 and #3 are attached/soldered to #1 with big sticks). All this renders proper formation flying impossible and kills the immersion on paid DLC campaigns. Especially bad on WWII mass formations when the human player flies as wingmen. Cheers!!! Specs: i9 10c/20t 4.7GHz 64 GB 4000MHz RTX 3090 2TB M2 SSD Valve Index Current Windows 10
  4. May I suggest Virpil developers that for VPC Control Panel #3 a NUMPAD be included as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CLR 0 ENT Cheers!!!
  5. Nvidia GeForce 461.40 out. Problem solved. There’s still one rare dropped frame every now and then but the stuttering is gone. It is silky smooth and usable even at 30 FPS. The only remaining issue is in Syria map where performance optimization is needed on the part of the developer. So an unrelated matter. I tested SP on all maps with the Bf 109 and P/TF-51 with IA missions (mainly BFM and free flight in big cities) and MP on Storm of War server. I can finally watch the F3 fly-by view in all its glory and identify bogies at the merge!!!
  6. OK, thanks.
  7. Hi, Is there any way to have one physical button output two alternating logical buttons? If not, would it be feasible for the devs to implement that feature in future software updates? Cheers! Edit: Also: the sum of two physical buttons returning a third logical button.
  8. Ok, probably some issue on my side. I'll keep trobleshooting. Cheers!
  9. For the idle axis setting inside DCS to match the physical position of the CM3 throttle it is easier to check in VPC the axis percentage value when the CM3 is at Idle and then just add 1% and set this value as dead zone for the respective axis in DCS. As for buttons 125-128 they are physical buttons in VPC that must be programmed to logical buttons in the ‘Buttons’ tab. Then DCS will ‘see’ them. Cheers!!!
  10. Hi, I have one request and an issue: - Request that you add english subtitles along with the german ones; - Issue: every now and then the server (Dedicated Server on a different machine) stops every non client unit (both players and AI). So, every human player in their respective machine sees everything else stopped in the air for a few seconds (it seems an eternity). It then returns to normal and many minutes later the same happens again. I haven’t experienced this on you Operation Clear Field mission. This with or without the B-17s enabled. Also, I haven’t perceived anything that may trigger this behavior to help troubleshooting. In the Dedicated Server machine the DCS instance stalls (not responding) for a bit according to Task Manager. Thank you for your missions, Cheers!!!
  11. Hi, I’m also interested in the Antenna Elevation and Manual Range pots for the Cougar Throttle. ‘Cheers!!!
  12. Yes, but as different aircraft have the AB detent at various different positions it is best to have the option in the simulation to define that position in the throttle axis and have on all-in solution. The same for the Idle and Stop detents. These would be the basics. The various programming possibilities of the controllers’ software can be used to further increase users needs.
  13. Update: I tested all 15 wires and all have continuity and do not crosstalk to any other of the 14 wires. So the cable is OK. I connected the Cougar throttle independently with a TUSBA and everything works OK except the Antenna Elevation axis but (most probably) due to a dying pot (which worked well before the above issue!!!). With this my guess is that the issue lies on the joystick base although all their axis and buttons also work correctly. Now, some issues with TUSBA: The axis raw values are narrower than the expected range as seen in the attached picture. Maybe that's because the main throttle sensor and the ministick are mods as stated above?!! I calibrated every axis and virtual buttons but DCS reads the axis raw data and not the calibrated data. Is it needed to calibrate also with Windows Control Panel? The three additional throttle axis (T Idle, T Mil and T Aft) are seen in DCS exactly as the main throttle axis (RY) and not as independent segmented smaller axis. Cheers and Merry Xmas!!!
  14. I would also add ‘Stop’ and ‘Idle’ setting on the throttle axis as an option. This would perfectly match the new Virpil CM3 throttle.
  15. As the title says consider having a dedicated 'FFB - Force Feedback' subforum inside section 'DCS World Topics - Input and Output'. The tech around flight simming is lagging in the FFB department in spite of the demand being there, somewhat waiting for manufacturers to come up with more options for the consumer. I recently purchased Brunner controllers (stick and rudder) and the increase in immersion is substantial, missing "only" the Gs and the smell of jet fuel. But there's much tuning to be made to really grasp the potential of these controllers. This subforum could facilitate the interaction among DCS pilots and propel the increase in FFB users to the best potential of the still limited hardware. Cheers
  16. It happens to me when I change MSAA setting without restarting DCS. After the restart everything is OK.
  17. Hi all, My Cougar Throttle is malfunctioning, having lost all but one axis and additionally all but four buttons activating additional buttons. The sidestick is Ops Normal. In the picture below I am pressing button 19 (ministick press) which is activating buttons 21 and 26. Buttons 20, 21, 22, 23 Ops normal. Button 19 also activates button 21 and 26. Button 24 also activates button 20 and 25. Button 25 also activates button 20 and 24. Button 26 also activates button 19 and 21. Button 27 also activates button 22. Button 28 also activates button 23. Axis S2 is disabled as intended and only axis YR is functioning properly (ministick up-down - TDC horizontal - sideways). The event that may have triggered this was that I installed it in a new mount and connected the throttle to the stick base while the grip was disconnected with USB plugged-in and I had to force bend the cable close to the plug (which I think did not physically damage anything). I have since done all I can think possible (erase firmware, reflash with throttle disconnected, empty buffers, clear memory, HOTAS cleanse via Foxy, uninstall and install drivers in Win10, plug in a different USB port). I suspect it is some hardware problem with the electronic board. If anyone has any hint or tip I appreciate. Cheers!!! Note: I have a HAL sensor for the throttle axis from CubPilot modded in 2004 and a Radar TDC slew upgrade for TM Cougar from deltasimelectronics.com modded this year, all functioning perfectly before this.
  18. The majority of aircraft have a clock with stopwatch functionality.
  19. Hi, Instant Action Bf 109 vs P-51 Furball: the 'engage P-51s ahead' are B-17 instead!!! Cheers.
  20. Hi, Do you record the session real-time or do you play the track afterwards and record it? I ask because my experience has been unpleasant. Only the first sortie of my last session played back correctly. The rest is lost, which actually included the best part from my perspective. Cheers!!
  21. My take on variant, equipment and balance My take on variant, equipment and balance: Variant = any that can be properly modeled. Equipment = any that can be properly modeled. Variant + equipment = avoid (like the plague) hybrid non-real equipped aircraft. It's better to make different sub-modules (like F-14, C-101, L-39, Gazelle...). Choose a specific airframe (c/n) at a specific time and do it. If possible choose one for each developer country (my personal preference: at least one GAF and one RAF). Balance = if we want balance (usually blu v red) we, the mission creators and server managers, can provide a chosen module (the same aircraft for both teams) and give it painted bright blue for the blu team and bright red for the red team. That's balance. I hope the developers understand this message and find it useful. Cheers:beer:
  22. I use Valve Index and the "only" drawback is that, due to performance reasons, the Motion Smoothing, which is subpar compared to Oculus ASW (I had a Rift cv1 previously) creates too much ghosting, thus rendering close combat VID harder. As for the spotting I find it easier than real life for medium, long distances. For close distances what's harder than real life is image clarity/sharpness (SteamVR Motion Smoothness is at fault here) and FOV which makes it harder to keep eyes on the target. For ground targets it is way easier to spot targets than in real life. Most issues are a combination of resolution/sampling/LOD, but overall I find DCS quite good in this department (not saying it's perfect and there is no room for improvement)... ... only hardware has not evolved enough. The future is bright!!!
  23. This!!! ... with a few more years!!! I only open DCS in "2D" for ME or other admin tasks. So, no, the effect does not wear off. Only hoping for better resolution/FOV/performance for the ultimate experience.
  24. I use the keyboard for this action. Anyway, I have the Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar. The issue is not device related. Even when it does not work I go to the Options/Controls and the keyboard command highlights the proper action in the list and also it works when the aircraft starts on the ground. Edit: This may only happen if two pilots (not MP) are on board. Missions Instant Action 'L-39ZA QuickStart Persian Gulf - Camp Attack' and 'L-39ZA QuickStart Persian Gulf - Dogfight' that have only one pilot on board did not have the problem, so engine did go from Idle to Stop. The problem may happen when starting airborne and the aircraft has two pilots (not MP).
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