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  1. no body talks about that over-performing and over speed of F-16C because everyone is happy with that. He can escape so easy. Imagine, even AMRAM 120C can't catch this aircraft. On the other hand the pour F/A-18C is so draggy to a point where you can't even do A2A
  2. but when you call him a 6-year-old boy, you insult him. so you start talking wrong
  3. hahahahaha totaly agree with ALL comments. Pffff no words for ED
  4. After launching an aim120c with TWS & RWS immediately the opponent aircraft receives sound warning for missile. This is not correct. The missile is supposed to be pitbull first ! We need a Hotfix for that
  5. i think F/A-18C now has less drag
  6. AEOLUS3

    Hornet vs Viper

    falcon_120 YouTube C.W. Lemoine Real F/A-18 Pilot Tries DCS: F/A-18 - Part TWO 18:00 talks about F/A-18C DRAG
  7. AEOLUS3

    Hornet vs Viper

    F/A-18C has HUGE DRAG. Does not exist in the reality. ED has to do something for that. We all know why they are giving boost to F-16C. It's obvious
  8. one of the very important things that i would like to mention for the hornet is the drag. please do something for that. in reality this ship is not so draggi ! Fyi F/A-18C maximum speed at level flight in altitudes of 36,089 ft. Mach 1.7. Here in DCS does not exist that ! Do something for that please
  9. one of the very important things that i would like to mention for the hornet is the drag. please do something for that. in reality this ship is not so draggi ! Fyi F/A-18C maximum speed at level flight in altitudes of 36,089 ft. Mach 1.7. Here in DCS does not exist that ! Do something for that please
  10. Totally agree. For the F/A-18C they must reduce drag.
  11. Can someone give me a solution ? i will appreciate it
  12. I can't Record Dcs Flights even in the Instant Action ! ["Tacview"] = { ["tacviewBookmarkShortcut"] = 0, ["tacviewCompressionLevel"] = 1, ["tacviewDataRecordingEnabled"] = true, ["tacviewDebugModeEnabled"] = false, ["tacviewHostTelemetryPassword"] = "", ["tacviewPlaybackDelay"] = 0, ["tacviewProfilingPeriod"] = 60, ["tacviewRealTimeTelemetryPort"] = "42674", ["tacviewRecordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = true, ["tacviewRemoteControlPassword"] = "", ["tacviewRemoteControlPort"] = "42675", ["tacviewTerrainExport"] = 0,
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