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Everything posted by TomVR

  1. Have you considered adding an axis or encoder for the gyro gunsight? Maybe include a hat switch on the throttle grip for POV functions? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3452944
  2. Pretty much the entire mechanical design is done (though still being refined as people are building pits, for example the seat is being redesigned for improved comfort right now)
  3. Almost all the work is being done on the electrical side now, desiging PCBs and testing them. Mechanical is mostly focused on the control column (40lb springs!) and working on the throttle quadrant.
  4. bearings and CNC metal are expensive They like all their stuff cast in potmetal with plastic bushings
  5. Definitely suggest looking into mmjoy2/freejoy* and just making your own adapter. It will get you much better bit depth and learning hobby electronics and soldering is generally a good life skill to have. *freejoy is actively developed while mmjoy2 is dead since 2016
  6. Love the pedal design, salvage from a real aircraft or your design.
  7. FYI these look like they are based on the ancient hempstick(lol) cad file thats been floating around for years and modified for crosswinds. Here is the raw solidworks file with just a straight hole going through them. LeftPedal.SLDPRT
  8. OpenHornet project is working on a stick design that has 40LB(!) of spring strength. Keep an eye out for when the design is in beta (if you jump on the discord the step files are already available, but things are being discovered in the prototyping phase that will change stuff)
  9. I'd save the money on Leobodnar boards and just get a bunch of these shift registers in daisy chained series (5x) into an mmjoy2 or freejoy arduino. Each board can have 128 inputs so 5 of those shift registers should give you 120 digital inputs each. I use mmjoy2 but freejoy is under active development so if you are starting from scratch it's a better option. https://github.com/FreeJoy-Team/FreeJoy edit: side note I'd love to see how you build your ACM panel, been thinking of making one myself, and ironically enough was considering using a zero delay encoder for it (Rest of my pit runs off mmjoy2 devices)
  10. also if you use these zero delay boards in multiples windows can confuse the order of them and swap your bindings Arduino allows you to give each device a unique VID/PID number so it keeps the order correct.
  11. issue is all those devices likely have duplicate VID id numbers, so on bootup windows doesn't know which one is which. Don't know if there is a way to flash them. (with MMJOY you can set them on the top right on the configurator) Also since DCS supports 128 digital inputs, you could likely get everything working with just a few boards.
  12. split axis like that is also very common, no real reason to have x and y on the same plane
  13. Ended up scoring a real tornado GR4 grip (very similar to the harrier and F-18) at a great price, so now I am working on making a stick with a real steel part, so abandoned my F-14 ambitions for now
  14. Just a little ring to put around the base of the pickle switch to look... more serious. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4669429
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  15. global pandemic and half life alyx came out at the same time. They aren't making more of those cheapo headsets so they have all be gobbled up. if you already have a facebook account, the quest 2 with link is superior to all of them in almost everyway, And is close to the Reverb G2 in resolution with a good USB 3.0 link cable. Cost half as much too
  16. combination of MSFS2020 and starwars squadrons has basically consumed the global supply of HOTAS stuff Also consider the global pandemic and that flightsim as a hobby definitely appeals to people getting tired of their spouse hassling them around the clock lol
  17. recognized my switches ;) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3452944 They were eyeballed from my superhornet throttle I have, Though I see you aren't using the pyramid for the top switch I did a really rough photogrammetry scan of it https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fa-18-super-hornet-throttle-grips-741c3b6d01314ed6b7897d1103d8b15a
  18. That actually looks very simple to design, with a lot of good photos. Just wonder how the T.O/Climb lever detents work for the two throttles. is it pushthrough or do you need to compress them to get over a gate? Also is there any sizing information on dimensions? Also I guess mixture is not a part of the quadrant controls? edit: 360 photo reference: http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/cockpits/WWII_tour/WWII-20.html
  19. If the intention is to have an extended stick, why even combine the axis into a gimbal. Why not do something more split with the pitch axis separated from the roll axis?
  20. Been using MMJOY2[v20160818upd1]. Which is the best version to be using?
  21. hmm which version was that the case? I've been using the 2016 build thinking it was the most stable.
  22. latest project. https://streamable.com/6casx8 also it seems I can't set custom button mode functions after the 32nd button is that intentional behaviour? Using the 2016 version of mmjoy2
  23. if that seat is based on the openhornet one, you should know there is a revision underway for the seat as the first version of the plans had some comfort issues
  24. not to suggest anyone pay this much, but great for reference photos: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Martin-Baker-GRU-7A-Ejection-Seat-from-the-Legendary-F-14-Tomcat-Complete-RARE/184472587752?hash=item2af36c4de8:g:2dQAAOSwcNJfd8rj#viTabs_0
  25. new update (ptc 23) for quest allows are higher render target now, so when you update you should be able to push higher pixel density over link. I'm still using a Q1 over usb 2.0 with no issues.
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