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Everything posted by HavaFaza

  1. The J79 has a very distinctive groan/drone at idle, being a single-spool turbojet and not a twin-spool low-bypass turbofan. Heatblur's TF30 very clearly doesn't have this and sounds just like the TF30 videos you linked, adjusting for the different audio quality. Yes, they both sound "old," i.e. screechy and multi-layered. But that's a quality shared by all old jet engines — an example you can still experience in person are the Speys on old Gulfstream IIs and IIIs. You can instantly tell when one is landing and taxiing from the sound alone (and of course, taking off from how loud it is). And as others mentioned, idle sounds as heard on a video will vary considerably depending on what's recording it, camera distance, etc. Jet engines are so darn loud that they sound completely different up close than far away, because when close you're either wearing hearing protection (which changes the sound) or the noise is loud enough that it's just painful white noise. The same applies to microphones, which is why you were able to find videos that seemingly sound different than what you find ingame.
  2. Looks like an F6F-3 in the 2024 and Beyond video, going off the bulge on the cowling over the exhaust tubes
  3. Hi there! I tried installing this mod, but it looks like the .zip file is empty.
  4. Oleo struts have a tapered metering pin (or similar) that increases damping as the strut compresses. The pin is thicker at the bottom than the top and is attached to the lower piston. As the strut compresses, it passes through an orifice that restricts how much fluid can pass between the upper and lower cylinders, decreasing its area and increasing the strut's damping. Ideally, the strut's damping maxes out before the strut can bottom out, so heavy impacts will get very close but not quite to bottoming out.
  5. I'm not sure on the F-14 specifically but you'd be surprised how silent hydraulics are. Check out this video of a B-25's flaps moving from stored hydraulic accumulator pressure: They make a hissing sound but it's just barely audible — it ends at 20 seconds or so. This is only partially related, but you obviously can't hear any of this in flight, or even on the ground idling, or with an electric external hydraulic pump motoring away. In fact, the only time you can hear hydraulics are when on the ground idling: using the brakes or the unloading valve cycling creates audible hissing. The only hydraulic-related noise that's audible in flight is lowering the landing gear at approach power, and even then it's a thump as the downlocks let go and the mass of the landing gear moves, turbulence as the gear lower, and then a sharp click when the nose gear locks as it's in the cockpit area. The DCS P-51's flaps make a quiet hissing noise when moving them with stored accumulator pressure. Since IIRC the F-14's wing sweep actuator uses a hydraulic motor and jackscrew, it's probably louder with a different sound. Still, it's probably going to be very quiet, and only audible with engines off and with the camera in external view near the wing sweep actuators.
  6. "Shear nut" is simply in the context of the difference between an AN310 and AN320 castle nut. The AN310 is designed for both shear and tension loads. The AN320, with its lower profile design, has about half the tensile rating and is intended for shear applications only (eg. a clevis).
  7. Cool stuff. The Bearcat is awesome and will be extremely fun to fly and use in combat (even if it saw little combat IRL, that's one thing DCS is about anyway). I wonder what version they're doing.
  8. Is hitting the keybind a toggle? And if so, is there a way to know whether it's pulled aside from keeping track of how many times you've pressed it mentally?
  9. The true behavior of flashing lights was bug reported a while ago as well, though it's much lower priority than many other things it would be great to see the proper behavior and nav light blinking represented correctly eventually.
  10. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=4430383#post4430383 Hopefully seems to be on Heatblur's radar.
  11. HavaFaza


    I bug reported this a few weeks ago, if it may be of any help. Thanks for looking into it though!
  12. Looks like you have a opening bracket instead of a comma in the bolded line here: {"HB_F14_EXT_RIO_HELMET", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC {"HB_F14_EXT_PILOT_HELMET_RoughMet",false}; Try changing that and see if it works
  13. Bug: The Master Caution, Threat Advisory, Caution Advisory, and Digital Data annunciator lights for the RIO seat are very dim and are almost unreadable in daytime, and are noticeably dimmer than similar lights in the pilot seat in identical environmental conditions. Can I reproduce it 100%: Yes How to reproduce/ description: Step1: Enter Caucasus F-14 free flight mission Step2: Switch to pilot seat Step3: Ensure the plane is flying towards the sun to eliminate sun glare as a factor Step4: Move MASTER TEST selector to LTS and depress Step5: Observe intensity of indicator lights Step6: Switch to RIO seat Result: Observe the intensity of the Master Caution, Threat Advisory, Caution Advisory, and Digital Data annunciator lights. Switch to the front seat again, and observe how the pilot's Master Caution, Caution - Advisory, and other lights are much brighter in comparison. DCS Version: OpenBeta System Specs: CPU AMD Ryzen 5 2600 GPU NVIDIA GTX 1070 8GB RAM 32GB RAM SSD Intel 660p 1TBOS: Win10 Log & Track: Attached Screenshots: Pilot seat Master Caution and misc. light brightness Pilot seat Caution - Advisory annunciator light brightness Master Caution, Threat Advisory, and Caution Advisory annunciator light brightness. Almost unreadable :( Digital Data light brightness, similarly dim Mods: None dcs.log F-14B RIO ANNUN BUG REPORT.trk
  14. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=278469 looks like it's been reported
  15. What's your audio equipment like? The fact is these complaints would make sense if you're hearing the sound through very low quality speakers/headphones/etc.; with such gear the high-quality complex samples the DCS 109 uses are almost indiscernible. A disclaimer as I don't fly and am not an audio expert, but I've seen many warbirds (admittedly not the 109) fly and have been in a P-51 during a runup, and a B-25 and T-6 in flight. Based on watching videos of 109s, and comparing videos of the warbirds I've seen with what they actually sounded in real life, I have to say the DCS 109 seems spot on. You can turn up the volume to max and play with the throttle and propeller, and the sound changes accordingly. Every single asset is extremely high quality and has no noticeable loops. You don't feel like you're playing a 109 simulator, but you're actually there, flying a Messerschmitt. And that's only from inside the cockpit, the external sounds are an art of their own. Very few games can attest to that. Our warbirds in DCS weren't sampled from a gopro mic in a youtube video, they instead went out to a flying example with extremely expensive audio equipment and spent days if not weeks recording and perfecting a soundset, then spent a similar amount of time in the studio coming up with ways to represent them in the sim on the fly (I feel like that doesn't get the appreciation it deserves!!). This is why some videos can sound so different, because they usually use the camera's built in microphone and many sounds that are apparent in high quality recordings simply aren't there. In a similar vein the reality is that these nuances aren't apparent with very low quality speakers/headphones/etc. They can sometimes even sound "meaner" in theses setups because of clipping and other stuff, but the actual sound is just less complex. And remember, DCS is a simulator, so it doesn't make sense to make a plane that sounds like a youtube video or arcadey game, they instead made a plane that sounds like real life. I'm not saying it's wrong to use low quality equipment in an elitist way or whatever, I don't have anything more than budget SHP9500s plugged into my motherboard myself, just that there could be a disconnect between expectations and reality in this regard. Thanks for reading my wall of text.
  16. This. If you're wondering what a spinning prop looks like but don't live near a suitable airport, just (BRIEFLY) look at a spinning car wheel on the highway. It's not exact but it gives you the general idea: it fades into a disc and the individual blades (spokes in this case) are barely discernible at high RPM. A certain other game gets fast-spinning props pretty right, so it'd be great to see this in DCS at least as an option. It looks worse for screenshots and videos sure, but not as representing what you see with your eyes.
  17. I thought it was pretty clear we're getting a separate IRIAF F-14A in addition to the USN F-14A. The wording here and in this thread implied it's a bonus on top of the USN F-14A that we're already getting. In any case I would be immensely surprised if we somehow ended up with Heatblur not releasing a USN F-14A.
  18. Thanks Hiromachi :D
  19. They are modeled, but work inconsistently in multiplayer for some reason. See this kill I got in singleplayer:
  20. Thanks for the update. You guys are the best :worthy:
  21. Absolutely, but the 21bis also has significantly more thrust even without the second afterburner. With the stick pulled full back I could only maintain level flight with the second burner on, anything less and it'd descend, which while I'm not an expert it makes sense for the increased weight.
  22. I can't believe noone's mentioned that the "scripted" (as Hiromachi pointed out this is a misnomer anyway) stall is totally gone in the latest patch too. You can go over 17 degrees of AoA and still generate body lift, though at the expense of immense amount of drag - even struggling to maintain level flight - though as you would expect for a delta. But for example, you can pull the stick all the way back and maintain level flight at a little over 100 knots, just as Have Doughtnut and the pdf in https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=264111 described, and you can even do the classic Egyptian last ditch split-S and not stall into the ground. The only issues are that roll control and lateral behavior could be off but I think that's already been reported anyway, and a factor of the FM still being tweaked. Overall, I'm beyond satisfied with the FM changes and looking forward to the tweaks in the future. Thanks yet again M3 :thumbup:
  23. The supercharger sounds fine, and wonderful. Remember that the 109's supercharger is almost directly exposed to the air, and that it's powered by the engine with a fluid coupling instead of a gearbox like our other warbirds so it makes sense that it lags behind the engine RPM changing a bit.
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