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Everything posted by Furiz

  1. It's called navigation drift due to many factors, read up on Navigation in the F-16C manual before you report.
  2. @CrustyJim Hey, please check that you have performed Cursor Zero. It's the usual suspect Also, done proper alignment? Maybe INS drift... many factors to consider If not try replicating that on Caucasus map in a short mission and then post a track here so we can see whats going on.
  3. This kind of stuff kills immersion for me... mission03. If you plan on doing stuff like this or adding commercial adds during missions please tell us so I can skip your campaigns. Otherwise great campaign, I like it.
  4. Yeah that's cause of the INS drift that happens, you can't really count on pre planned attack anymore with JDAMs on given coordinates. I don't know how it was in real life, but JDAMs atm are not fulfilling their purpose. I don't know if FIX would help, didn't get to test that yet. To refine JDAM accuracy you can use onboard sensors, TGP for example with a 3 to 5 sec lase prior to drop for better ranging information.
  5. I think that in DCS the head roll is too much, they should add an option so that users can adjust the roll.
  6. Would love to see 3d model
  7. @d0ppler Cause the sensor point of interest at CZ is at the steerpoint, you don't move the steerpoint (you notice that when you press CZ your SPI is then moved back to STPT) but you move the SPI and the aircraft does that by creating an offset from currently selected STPT. So when you change STPT without performing cursor zero, thus zeroing the offset, next STPT will show with that offset applied as well. It doesn't show it to you visually but that's what happens. You can check that by pressing 4 on the ICP, you will get STPT info showing coordinates and then move your TGP around you will notice that those coordinates don't change, that's cause STPT is not being moved, SPI is moving.
  8. Only with mods, DCS F-16C version does not come as dual seat or with CFTs.
  9. Good idea
  10. Never said you need it to fire off bore.
  11. You can employ AMG-88 using the missile seeker, or HTS pod. When using missile seeker you need to point the aircraft towards the emitter, lock the emitter and fire, the problem is that you don't know the distance to the emitter. HTS pod is much more precise, and with it you can fire off bore. Check the manual for detailed instructions.
  12. Oh, that might be a typo
  13. It is a non US modern jet, which is great cause it gives DCS much needed diversity, it wuld be great if we had more non US jets from modern era.
  14. We are getting USAF A version, as they have said previously. Then later maybe B and C models. US marines and navy.
  15. Rafale AA drone hit.
  16. Planes in DCS are not more OP or less OP, they are made as realistic as they can be.
  17. Startup and switch off: Notice how much it can tun nose wheel in the end.
  18. If its like that IRL I have no complaints.
  19. But that is not the solution, The solution is that ED adjusts and slows down the slew rate of Maverick missile, which is making it very hard for us to target anything.
  20. You know you can pull the HMD visor up with a key, you sure you are not pressing that? Also check the knob if its turned back, and also check if some other key is bound to DMS AFT.
  21. I agree, the slew rate of TGP is different than what we have with Maverick, Maverick slew is faster and its making it very hard to make small corrections. If he adjusts the curves to make Mav slew rate acceptable it will make slew rate of TGP very slow...
  22. Tracks can get corrupted with newer versions of DCS, so it is better to make new tracks
  23. This has been reported I think 2 years ago and still happening. recent image:
  24. You can slew TGP in Nav mode, and you'll see SPI move, that is where the TGP is looking.
  25. Only 2 posts but you surely know a lot about DCS. My best guess is another fake account to steer up the drama and troll around.
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