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Everything posted by Furiz

  1. Then it might be this issue: Still under investigation.
  2. You have to switch to Mark Point, starts with STPT 26, or while in mark page press M-Sel to select that mark point as steerpoint.
  3. You can press and hold right mouse button on the knob and use mouse movement to fine tune your course. You can do that with all other knobs.
  4. That has been answered here: I never point track until I want to command auto handoff. That was also answered by Raptor here: You don't need to get the reason. They are replicating the real thing as best as they can. If this weapon is too complicated for you I suggest using GBU-12, also very good for moving targets. And you can point track and research.
  5. Yeah, sorry, my bad since I don't use it so I mixed things up
  6. I agree with the above poster here, This built in deadzone is creating lots of difficulties to people that have normal joysticks, it would be completely fine if we all had force feeeback sticks but 99% doesn't have those. Because of that we are having problems making precise movement cause we don't exactly know when the jet will start responding, and force applied to move the PC joystick is always the same so we have no sensation on how fast the jet will respond on our inputs. With FFB, as I understand, the harder you pull the more response you get, we don't have that feeling with PC stick. This might be great for FFB users but for most people flying F-16 it is not great. Why can't there be option to switch like Apache has? It has FFB friendly option, and 2 more options, is it possible to make such selections for F-16?
  7. Is this track bugged or you didn't fire any HARM?
  8. Yes, but nothing will change, Mav will just lock the same wrong target again so it needs to be manually slewed anyway.
  9. Make a short mission to replicate this bug you want to report, then when you are done exit, on the next screen you will have Save Track option, so save it and post it here.
  10. And if it was wrong target what did you do? So whats the difference? It only switches it auto for you. If you get the wrong target you needed to undesignate and fine tune anyway. You can't undesignate Mav with TGP as SOI right? And as Raptor said they are still working on handoffs, so I guess we will see more tweaks and I'm betting TMS RIGHT will see better use.
  11. I noticed that when TGP is SOI and TMS FWD is pressed it will auto handoff and switch SOI to WPN page, then if you TMS AFT once it will break lock on WPN page, you have to TMS AFT second time to reset Mav seeker, switch SOI to TGP and you can either TMS FWD or if TGP is still in POINT TRACK you can TMS RIGHT to attempt the auto handoff again. TMS RIGHT auto handoff doesn't work for me if TGP is not in POINT TRACK mode.
  12. There is SP option in AG, but not in NAV mode tho, Snowplow will set it in front of your aircraft at half of your FCR scale, so if FCR is set to 40nm SP will set TGP at point on the ground 20nm ahead of your aircraft. but if you want to put it on velocity vector you need to use DTOS with gbu12, or VIS with MAV or GBU38.
  13. Hey, watched your track, please when doing bug reports don't use headtracking or VR it is a pain to watch, and make short track as possible. I never noticed you verifying coordinates, when doing Norm alignment you need to verify coordinates within first 2 min of the alignement. That is most likely the case here. I don't have problems with mark points or steerpoints.
  14. No, TMS AFT when not in AREA or POINT TRACK returns it to selected steerpoint. It will then show SP or Snowplow, can you post a short track so we can see what is going on?
  15. It has never been TMS UP long, it is TMS AFT if TGP is not in POINT or AREA track.
  16. Yes you are right, my bad, was looking at the wrong stuff
  17. Ok I understand that, what about CZ on HSD then? currently there is no CZ on HSD.
  18. He was talking about three sensors so that's why I assumed HAD rather than HSD, but there is no CZ on HSD or on HAD while STPT is offset, and nothing happens when HAD or HSD is SOI and TMS AFT is pressed to return SPI to selected STPT. F-16 HSD HAD no CZ.trk
  19. Either way you would have to switch SOI for this or that reason. I think it is much better this way.
  20. Did you mean HAD here? If so, when TMS AFT is pressed while HAD is SOI and no emitter selected it will not move SPI to selected STPT location, it will stay on last designated emitter location. I'll make a track later if needed.
  21. I think what he means is that TMS AFT while HAD is SOI and emitter unselected should reset SPI back to active STPT. Currently when TMS AFT, while HAD is SOI, is pressed it undezignates the current designated emitter but SPI remains on the emitter location, and second TMS AFT while HAD is SOI does not return SPI to active STPT. Which is correct since in HTS section of the Viper manual there is no mention (as far as I know) that TMS AFT will return SPI to STPT location.
  22. Yeah that's the best way to do it, in my experience with employing Maverick it is best to boresight at 5-7nm, cause that's the most likely the distance it will get a lock and it will be fired from.
  23. I had it return to original STPT with TMS AFT on TGP, CZ on TGP and CZ on FCR. Post a track so we can see what is hapening.
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