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Flight Simulators





Found 21 results

  1. nullLink: https://github.com/niru-27/DCS-Keybinds-Manager Backup & Import your keybinds even after UUID changes (different USB port/Windows reinstall) Share you keybinds with others who have the same device as you FC3 alone has 9 modules. If you have just a throttle + stick, that's 9 x 2 = 18 times you have to manually import the LUAs from Controls Menu. Then there's the other categories like UI Layer, Camera, Default, etc., that can have their own separate binds. Imagine if you have more devices & modules, especially if you're into DIY button boxes. They quickly add up, prompting me to come up with a way to handle the UUID changes seamlessly. Bonus: Handles your custom Modifiers assignment Handles the leading space in the filenames for VKB devices, which Windows removes any time you try to copy-paste the LUA files More info in the repo.
  2. Sorry about the title, just blowing my own trumpet Soooo, I've only gone and made all the keybinds for the two CDU's and ALL five MFD's...... enjoy For Joystick and keyboard. 375 Lines of code For those using Quaggles Input Injector Mod InputCommands.zip CH-47F Quaggles.zip DCS (04-DEC-24) For those that just want to add them to the core game (OvGME Ready) CH-47F Keybinds V3.zip CH-47F Keybinds V4.zip DCS CH-47F Keybinds V4.1.zip DCS <<< APOLOGIES - DO NOT USE Ch47F Keybinds v4.2.zip DCS (04-DEC-24) Cheers Jon (edit: updated for MFD brightness controls)
  3. Hi everyone, there is a keybind to change the radar range to 5 and 10 miles from the pilot seat? all i found is the jester keybinds for 25 and 50 miles in wide and narrow mode, but i wanna know if is it possible to set as 5 and 10 miles, i know is possible to jump back in the WSO seat and set from the knob but when you jump on the front cockpit jester set again as he want.
  4. It's been several times now that I had to manually clear the keybind that enables the camera to automatically track a launched weapon, it interferes with gameplay and ruins immersion and recordings. While I'm ok clearing the keybinds manually this isn't always (ever) possible, as I only find out it's bound again when it's already a problem. Completely disabling certain keybinds would prevent this issue, along with the issue of having keybinds that conflict with other software reappear over time, forever.
  5. I want to use the numeric keypad for the numbers of the up front controller, not for centering view (I use a joystick button for that). I've unassigned all combinations of KP5 I've found in the controller settings, both in the A10CII Real section, but also in General and UI sections. And then assigned KP5 to UFC key 5. But still, whenever I press KP5 it will still recenter the view (in addition to generating an UFC key 5). How do I make sure KP5 does NOT recenter the view? It's quite annoying that it recenters the view every time I want to enter number 5 on the UFC.
  6. The keybind for the pilot Fire Control Switch doesn't work. Thanks {down = weapon_commands.Pilot_SWITCHER_FIRE_CONTROL_UP_Ext, cockpit_device_id = devices.WEAP_SYS, value_down = 1, name = _('Weapon Control ON'), category = {_('Weapon')}}, {down = weapon_commands.Pilot_SWITCHER_FIRE_CONTROL_DOWN_Ext, cockpit_device_id = devices.WEAP_SYS, value_down = 1, name = _('Weapon Control OFF'), category = {_('Weapon')}},
  7. Hi everyone, Really pleased with the new keybinding setup for the Hind, but I did notice a major item that's missing for me, and that is keyboard keybinds for the anti-torque pedals (Z and X by default). There are keybinds for them in the pilot seat, just not the operator seat. I'm well aware that I should really just pull the plug on some MFG crosswinds, but at the moment (and for the more immediate future) I'm stuck with having to use the keyboard for the collective and anti-torque (as well as rudder and throttle in other aircraft) and to add fuel to the fire, I also don't have any head tracking, and I'm playing on a laptop with a 15.6" screen.
  8. I constantly lose Keybinds. I save to the same file, anytime i need to use that file after an install or error.. it doesnt work. Example, i just reinstalled onto a new SSD, i saved the LUA from the old game, loaded it, nothing. (The file itself is like 10kb, contains hardly anything) How does Keybind Saving work? I use the same file for all modules. Ex "DCSKEYBINDS.lua" Reprogramming 300 keybinds everytime i have a problem with DCS is affecting my mental health.
  9. Is there a way to key bind the "Right ALT+ENTER" command in game?
  10. Hello, most of you probably know this already, but I'm bringing this up again. The F-15C (and the A-10A) does not have any altimeter setting keybinds. This effectively means that the barometric altimeter cannot be adjusted, which is a critical oversight especially considering the probable rise of instrument flying due to the new (amazing) clouds and the upcoming weathersystem overhaul. This has been an issue for years. I believe I last posted about this like 4 years ago. The other FC3 aircraft apart from the A-10A have the binds (so the A-10 should get these too, along with the F-15) and the do work, for reference. The name for the keybinds are: "Altimeter Pressure Decrease" and "... Increase". I hope this is finally resolved to bring all the modules to the same state systems-wise within the FC3. Regards, MikeMikeJuliet
  11. I cant be the first one whos run into the problem but maybe. While trying to set zoom in and zoom out default keyboard bindings in DCS are Numpad "/ and *" The * works just fine for zoom IN, however the / key does not with Stream Deck, really surprising. Using both BarRaider and the default Hotkey button in Stream Deck, the / key will not work. The Zoom IN however * key works fine while using hotkey OR BarRaider. Windows does allow the input no problem and you can type the actual key all day long using the button, but it doesnt go through to DCS or its not recognized. Any ideas? My next step is to pick Elgato's brain and see if they use a different language of some sort for Numpad keys that DCS may not recognize. Who knows.
  12. when in the CPG seat, i am unable to change the keybind for the camera transpose mode. i normally change clickable cockpit on/off to middle mouse button, but MMB still activates camera transpose mode, even when there is nothing bound to that button
  13. Let me get it straight, not everyone owns a warthog and Orion hotas, making small adjustments for AH-64D trim is sometimes hard. With a trim hat just like Mi-24P, we would easily be able to trim very small movements with “not so expensive” sticks, DCS modules are expensive on itself and expecting that we all have nice sticks is kind of a bummer. If you agree with my suggestion it would be nice to make ED add a trim hat (and maybe give an option to enable or disable it in a special setting for realistic users with fancy sticks). Thanks
  14. I had it bound previously but after the last few updates and changing of my HOTAS / Control Panels, I can't find the binding to bind to anymore. I've manually scrolled all the way through it and there is nothing for either 'Hydraulic' or 'HYD' or 'FLT' or 'Isolation'. Was this removed or has this never been implemented and I was only able to bind to it because of DCS BIOS (which I no longer use)?
  15. Would be nice to have some additional key binds for the AWACS to include "declare" and "Picture" as bindable keys. the AWACS already has it for "bogey dope" I would love to see the radio commands expanded more into separate bindings that can be configured/bound to taste. Cheers.
  16. Most modules have some common keybinds, like the Kneeboard, but they are not populated with keystrokes, (bookmark etc.), or the keystrokes are not equal between all modules. If they were handled my ED, with a common setup/keystrokes, it would be easier to work with with macro keyboards and other peripherals, and make "one profile to rule them all" in VoiceAttack. Cheers!
  17. It's simple, we have many nice keybinds, while a lot of them have no predefined keystrokes. This makes it harder to share profiles for popular apps like VoiceAttack and peripherals like macro keyboards.
  18. Hi, When cycling views with the f-keys, it's very easy to skip past the object you were looking for and have to go through all the objects again to find it again. It's also, for example, not possible to quickly return to the f1 view briefly between time spent spectating on an object, without cycling through all objects in that category again to find it each time. Any or all of the following changes/additional bindings for the f-keys would be very handy for quickly switching to the view you want: F-keys remember to the last selected object in that category, and switch back to it when changing category An additional binding to cycle backwards through a category A 'previous view' keybinding to step back through the last few categories and objects recently viewed. Thanks, Benom8 EDIT: I think the most glaring omission and least disruptive of the three to add is item 2. The others suggestions might need some more thought on the details, but something along those lines would be awesome.
  19. Sorry, Id like to report next issue. Ok I know that Gazelle its a old module but it sells still so should be updated with current keys stanadrd as well. When the model was released those keys wasnt present. See this: Those position for VR users arent present in current version of Gazelle but ... they are present in every module. Also I noticed that no Flashlight too - "LAlt+L". Those keys was added in the last 1-3 years ago to SDK (or even before, I dont remember). Please to upgrade it too.
  20. I was able to do it before. I only can use the normal pause and it freezes everything. I am trying to shoot a video but since i cannot pause the game and move my free cam freely, i am not able to do it. Thanks for the help!
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