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I'm still interested in a release purchase when available.




- Bear

Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty.


- Robert A. Heinlein

Posted (edited)

put me on list for release, if you go back to my original post you will see my forum name has changed from goldzxpg to 59thCasper.


many thanks :)

Edited by 59thCasper

59th | Casper


Our Website | Our Facebook Page | YouTube Channel | Our Discord


System : 9900k 5ghz, 32GB 4166mhz Ram, 2080Ti, Hotas Warthog, Virpil WarBRD base, MFG Crosswinds, VR + TrackIR, All Modules For DCS


Posted (edited)

Point Ctl Purchase list.




ON RELEASE LIST = Purchase on release

ON HOLD LIST = Purchase at a later date


01 FZG_Immel

02 Oesau---------------ON RELEASE LIST

03 BlacleyCole

04 redtail

05 Los

06 Ratcatcher----------ON RELEASE LIST

07 ram0506

08 cordite

09 farmertom-----------ON RELEASE LIST

10 Icebeat

11 hakjar--------------ON RELEASE LIST

12 huzar

13 Jabbers

14 joca133-------------ON RELEASE LIST

15 Snacko

16 DayGlow

17 Thick8

18 FoxDelta------------ON RELEASE LIST

19 EntropySG

20 tibidisdik44

21 AKA_Clutter

22 rrohde--------------ON HOLD LIST

23 hansangb

24 skunk160

25 Iku64---------------ON HOLD LIST

26 streakeagle

27 sparkchaser2010

28 =Panther=

29 jnr4817

30 OzWookiee

31 Phoenix FR

32 schurem

33 lolof1

34 lucky-hendrix

35 Snapps

36 Snow51th

37 Fusedspine33--------ON RELEASE LIST

38 Pac-Man--------------ON RELEASE LIST

39 GVO

40 aaron886

41 Chic-------------------ON RELEASE LIST

42 AdrianK---------------ON RELEASE LIST

43 heloguy

44 Bob_Bushman

45 VirusAM

46 Shrike_AU

47 DeadEnd

48 Gladman--------------ON RELEASE LIST

49 A2597

50 dburne

51 Sydy

52 tribundf

53 R3ddishF0x

54 Drakeshoot

55 ruskybeaver

56 rowdgordypiper-------ON RELEASE LIST

57 Kirin

58 mr_mojo97------------ON RELEASE LIST

59 Bearfoot

60 Gruman

61 FireCat-----------------ON HOLD LIST

62 Cal.Iber

63 jv44bubi

64 Rymy

65 nobfunt

66 fargo007

67 Fri13

68 westr

69 mariner3302

70 Joe_S

71 crazysundog

72 SDsc0rch

73 cmeliak

74 VFRHawk

75 MetalGear_Honk

76 Metro

77 kaltokri

78 tintifaxl

79 RogueSqdn

80 pgh2atl

81 neok

82 Salsam--------------ON RELEASE LIST

83 gianlu320-----------ON RELEASE LIST

84 iffoif

85 Goblin

86 Velez

87 malamar

88 TWC_Alamo

89 defygravity

90 mars----------------ON RELEASE LIST

91 Exikutioner

92 SageOT

93 C525

94 Elnocho3

95 do.st-----------------ON RELEASE LIST

96 Redeye

97 maducks

98 Shadoga

99 MemphisBelle

100 Bankler

101 Deano87------------ON RELEASE LIST

102 TheBamse

103 javelina1------------ON RELEASE LIST

104 wolle

105 DigitalEngine

106 webweaver40

107 59thCasper---------ON RELEASE LIST

108 I./ZG15_FALKE

109 ///Rage

110 Zajel----------------ON RELEASE LIST

111 Tripleinside

112 Habu_69

113 Smerlin

114 DEG

115 winkj

116 Haukka81

117 y905

118 HuggyBear-----------ON RELEASE LIST

119 RedeyeStorm

120 Aries144

121 LuSi_6

122 Nexus-6

123 Kirk66

124 Cthulhus

125 Harlikwin-------------ON RELEASE LIST

126 Pinello

127 Himmselbuster-------ON RELEASE LIST

128 The Falcon

129 kongkiat

130 desmoflex-------------ON RELEASE LIST

131 WhiskyDelta

132 Svsmokey

133 reilar-------------------ON RELEASE LIST

134 Manilva

135 DutchCoolHand--------ON RELEASE LIST

136 panton41

137 Cap'n Penguin

138 DD_Crash

139 Dangerman

140 souporsonic

141 sirrah

142 Stitch

143 Guppy

144 Finn---------------ON RELEASE LIST

145 chokko

146 frenzon

147 Archer16-----------ON RELEASE LIST

148 9echo

149 djblaen

150 Torch

151 antonio.

152 Solo86

153 b123cdd------------ON RELEASE LIST

154 Macka

155 Fennec

156 Wrench

157 hazzer

158 SpeedyE420

159 sydost

160 LhuanDula

161 Arjan2856

162 Gman109

163 2alpha-down0-------ON RELEASE LIST

164 Radial

165 Andre92

166 dzubei

167 Zeroskills---------ON RELEASE LIST

168 FAB----------------ON RELEASE LIST


Also if you haven't, please read MilesD post 660 tab 66 to clarify.

If I have missed you or you wish to change your standing or be added to the list post or PM me.



To all members, this list is no longer in use the new list will be kept simple in alphabetical order found "link below" to help Miles request post 687.




690 post


Cheers Firecat.

Edited by FireCat
update new list structure



Didn't got pm. I have too much going on on my RL so seems that I can not buy this until mid of June so you can put me to wait list..:). This is still THE MUST have equipment..:)


My row at list

25 Iku64



HP Z420 | Xeon E5-1650 @3.20GHz/3.70Ghz | 16Gb DDR3-1333 | ZOTAC GTX 980 Ti AMP! | Micron RealSSD C400 256Gb | Sound Blaster Z | TrackIR4 | Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog| CH Pro pedals | Win 10 Pro 64-bit



Please put me on the release list. be aware I have an Odyssey+

AMD RYZEN 7 2700 / 32GB / RTX2070 / 500GB M.2 with Windows and DCS / 2 - 500GB SSD / Rift S/ TM Warthog with F18 stick and Virpil WarBRD / Foxx Mounts/ MFG Crosswind rudders + 3 MFD's | Now enjoying VR with PointCTRL controllers + Gamematrix JetSeat

Hi FireCat/Miles,

Please, put me on the release list.




Didn't got pm. I have too much going on on my RL so seems that I can not buy this until mid of June so you can put me to wait list..:). This is still THE MUST have equipment..:)


My row at list

25 Iku64


Please put me on the release list. be aware I have an Odyssey+



Preference set as requested.

Tab 68

post 678




Please add me to the release list.

New hotness: I7 9700k 4.8ghz, 32gb ddr4, 2080ti, :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, HP Reverb (formermly CV1)

Old-N-busted: i7 4720HQ ~3.5GHZ, +32GB DDR3 + Nvidia GTX980m (4GB VRAM) :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, Rift CV1 (yes really).


Hey Guys,

Just to keep things simple and not add to much work to FireCats plate, Lets just use the list as is, in numerical order (no annotations required). There are a few people that I will be shipping to first for immediate feedback, but after that I think its best if we just follow the list as is. If someone does not purchase before the next group is published, they can still purchase anytime. It wont require any rearranging or annotating of the current list.

When I get the order I will just check FireCats list to ensure your number is below the currently shipping groups.

So please check FireCats list below, and if your name is on it you are good to go, even if your not ready to purchase right away.








Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/



After all that talk of using the list "as is", I would like to suggest a change if its good with everyone else.

FireCat, I assume you have this list automated in a spreadsheet, and I liked when you had it in sorted alphabetically first. I think it was easier for people to check where they were. It will also make it easier for me to check when I receive the orders.



Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/


After all that talk of using the list "as is", I would like to suggest a change if its good with everyone else.

FireCat, I assume you have this list automated in a spreadsheet, and I liked when you had it in sorted alphabetically first. I think it was easier for people to check where they were. It will also make it easier for me to check when I receive the orders.




Makes sense. One thing though, I'm now going to wait for the Pimax5K+ model. So we'd have to know what models are available or not.


And could you post the latest renders/pics? If my HMD version is not yet ready, I may just order the Rift one and mod it myself. You know...not having any self control or patience. :D


HW Spec in Spoiler



i7-10700K Direct-To-Die/OC'ed to 5.1GHz, MSI Z490 MB, 32GB DDR4 3200MHz, EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3, NVMe+SSD, Win 10 x64 Pro, MFG, Warthog, TM MFDs, Komodo Huey set, Rverbe G1


After all that talk of using the list "as is", I would like to suggest a change if its good with everyone else.

FireCat, I assume you have this list automated in a spreadsheet, and I liked when you had it in sorted alphabetically first. I think it was easier for people to check where they were. It will also make it easier for me to check when I receive the orders.




Will this help below:)


Cheers FireCat.

Posted (edited)




PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ







40 aaron886

523 actually_fred

42 AdrianK

455 aero550

237 Afterhours

234 airdamien

404 AizenSousuke

21 AKA_Clutter

519 AlexCaboose

521 AlliedHawk

165 Andre92

276 Andrew u.k.

240 Andy2828

338 AngieD

451 Anteuz

151 antonio.

322 antsh

147 Archer16

390 Aries

120 Aries144

161 Arjan2856

278 arturojgt

235 AspenGrey

259 assafm25

503 Astronaut

219 Astronut

315 A101Wayz

49 A2597

163 2alpha-down0



309 Babuino

333 badwookie

307 bagel778

467 bagel778

373 Baldrick33

100 Bankler

304 bax

211 baylor703

473 Bdoyle13

383 beagleRampant

290 Beamscanner

59 Bearfoot

336 Beerhunter

542 Berstoopid


03 BlacleyCole

236 Blaze

283 BloodBane611

449 bloop

243 Bluemask

255 Bluethornton

287 Bluewings

463 bmsimpson93

44 Bob_Bushman

339 Bombay26

397 bomber

230 Boogieman

364 Boogieman10

218 BoraHorza

405 Boris

191 briankb

526 Brownedtrouser

452 =Buccaneer=

474 bugolax

245 Burner

213 burungku

274 Butcher59

507 buttcannon

153 b123cdd

395 B77L



531 Cab

62 Cal.Iber

470 callmecrash

548 Camel

137 Cap'n Penguin

516 capthaltli

301 Cargon


284 CavScout_USMCG

420 chamol

41 Chic

145 chokko

533 =Chuck=

461 cityparker

458 Cleric812

73 cmeliak

279 Cop23rd

08 cordite

380 Cosmo1964

530 Cowboy10uk

71 crazysundog

545 crispy12

483 crowebar

124 Cthulhus

221 Cybermann

93 C525

107 59thCasper



366 daddio007

261 dagipper

541 dahlgren

377 Damalio

139 Dangerman

447 dani7395

527 davemuir

16 DayGlow

50 dburne

391 DD-83

138 DD_Crash

47 DeadEnd

101 Deano87

431 DecoyWaffle

89 defygravity

114 DEG

174 DeshMindER

130 desmoflex

105 DigitalEngine

441 Dillero

468 Dingo

456 direct-to

149 djblaen

254 DoctorKamikaze

475 DoctorNo

491 dogjutsu

95 do.st

207 Downswell

365 dpgfla

277 Drac

343 Drac411

54 Drakeshoot

440 DREAM_787_liner

248 Driskill

297 dstar

398 Dureiken

135 DutchCoolHand

267 DthFrmAbv

501 duckdown

183 dwbarnett

426 DWL

345 dwpenney

166 dzubei



329 Eagleeye0024

94 Elnocho3

354 Entreaken1

19 EntropySG

233 epolta

510 evanswillo

91 Exikutioner

148 9echo

486 e4mafia



446 f1w1

168 fab

66 fargo007

09 farmertom

155 Fennec


286 Fibonaccov

433 fiddlinjim

411 FinalGlide

144 Finn

61 FireCat

511 FiringPin

203 flameoutme

318 Flamin_Squirrel

275 flankerrider

414 fofobond

535 foggymind

18 FoxDelta

518 FoxOne007

515 Freddo1974

188 FreightDog

146 frenzon

67 Fri13

202 frollo

360 Funflite

529 funkster

37 Fusedspine33

01 FZG_Immel



479 gabbko

353 GaryM05

445 gaz2644

387 gcompc

310 gdehanot

506 General Tappy

83 gianlu320

48 Gladman-

162 Gman109

85 Goblin

320 Gobblehunter

208 Godit

319 goldleader

459 Golfwingzero

192 Gonzzo

471 GoodHope

349 goon2503

415 Gredgelock

223 Greekbull

509 GroundedJohan

60 Gruman

247 Grump

513 Guile

282 GunfighterSIX

228 Gunnergolly

143 Guppy

464 Guy72230

39 GVO

385 01G8R



112 Habu_69

11 hakjar

226 Hammer

172 hammer97

348 hannibal

23 hansangb

376 Harddrive

178 harleyzhao

484 Harlequin420

125 Harlikwin

116 Haukka81

490 HawaiiHawk

157 hazzer

450 helgeras

270 heloguy

520 Hextopia

427 Hicksy

127 Himmselbuster

525 hoeck


389 hoyhoy9

357 hschmitz01

118 HuggyBear

359 HULKYxy3

12 huzar

273 99Hawk



180 Icaro_07

10 Icebeat

388 IceManiac1234

313 Ickx

84 iffoif

25 Iku64

512 illperipheral

332 Ishbob88

317 Ivan

108 I./ZG15_FALKE



13 Jabbers

232 j-burton

171 jameslockridge

103 javelina1

453 jay43

375 jaylw314

308 jeffchrisope

346 jemi

382 jerryn

363 Jetsiah

280 Jetstreamsky

303 Jimfish

462 jfamiens

29 jnr4817

14 joca133

70 Joe_S

437 Johnnj

257 jrasia


522 jross194

252 JR_Walker

402 JungleDriver

63 jv44bubi

302 jweb

485 jym

222 j9murphy



77 kaltokri

215 KartRacerNC

379 kawsakii

429 Kalianum


540 Kiituri

57 Kirin

123 Kirk66

281 kjohncampbell

434 kmlaal

216 kodiak80

129 kongkiat

251 krusty974



340 Lancezh

436 Law_Dawg518

160 LhuanDula

266 LimitedLiability

295 LiveBait

497 162ndLoadtoad

550 Loadie

239 Lobstrosity

33 lolof1

337 Longknife

538 LordNPrior

478 lornalux

05 Los

371 Lt_Jaeger

341 Lucarrr


34 lucky-hendrix

401 luke88

121 LuSi_6



154 Macka

97 maducks

494 Majik

504 majmike

87 malamar

181 malusku

134 Manilva

69 mariner3302

393 Markeebo

90 mars

454 Matty308

201 mavrick1709

205 MaximusOrion

238 megger35

197 MegOhm_SD

406 memoric

99 MemphisBelle

508 Merlins51

75 MetalGear_Honk

76 Metro

253 Metzger

502 mibo

372 mikealsm

242 MileHigh

457 MostlyHarmless

381 motjoo

499 Mower

58 mr_mojo97

305 Mrpopo199

534 MrRoper

185 MrShooty

400 MuddyMcFilthy

532 Muellerman

264 Murphderf

358 Mustang25



306 naloxone

419 Nander

199 NatoAviator

229 nawarren

271 nb

539 NCurk

81 neok

293 Neon

122 Nexus-6

328 ngiraldo

186 nicka117

268 nick_thain

193 Nightstorm

425 nkr

65 nobfunt

439 nyam



210 obiuan

02 Oesau

177 Onslawt

438 Opy

514 orcrist

386 Ozchuck

416 Ozeflyer

30 OzWookiee



38 Pac-Man

28 =Panther=

136 panton41

423 Papa Saubär

465 Papercut

409 Pappen

460 ParanoiaAccount11757

187 Particleman

369 Pasopati

546 patpatpowercat

477 patrey1136

403 Pavespawn

496 pchRage

368 pdebaty

272 pefman

342 Pepper1972

80 pgh2atl

214 Phaze11111

31 Phoenix FR

212 PhoenixRising

194 photohap

126 Pinello

347 PingPongChampeen

182 Pirimeister

481 plaughlin7

378 pmiceli

258 pogoemt

367 Propnut

227 psycho



164 Radial

492 RagingBunny

314 Rahmbo

325 ramrunner800

07 ram0506

06 Ratcatcher

209 raymondabel

206 33rd_Razorblade

443 Rebel13

96 Redeye

119 RedeyeStorm

291 Reddshift

04 redtail

396 RedX

133 reilar

413 Reivax46

524 RePhil

394 Revs

435 Rex854Warrior

370 Rix

384 Robbo763

408 Roger01

79 RogueSqdn

250 Rooty

265 rosteven1

448 RotorHeadXP11

56 rowdgordypiper

22 rrohde

55 ruskybeaver

64 Rymy

53 R3ddishF0x

109 ///Rage



296 SaberX74

418 Sacapuces

92 SageOT

82 Salsam

417 sambel73

217 Satchking

493 sav07

444 saxon.jones

505 scheffchen

32 schurem

362 ScoobyDoux

72 SDsc0rch

170 Sephroth

98 Shadoga

551 shd1hornet

472 sherriff

289 Shik

488 Shiroka

498 Shlee

225 Shogun0

46 Shrike_AU

495 Silver Fox

141 sirrah

327 Skeinon

24 skunk160

428 Skymiyazaki

466 Slick Twitchy

113 Smerlin

552 Smoder---------------------------END

288 Smoke 1-1

15 Snacko

399 Snake122

292 Snapper

35 Snapps

244 sniperpr1

324 Snoopy

36 Snow51th

152 Solo86

179 Someone

331 Soontirfel

140 souporsonic

27 sparkchaser2010

500 SPAS79

482 spazmo

158 SpeedyE420


424 sskacy

200 StandingCow

430 StealthyNeo

311 Stephmeister

142 Stitch

335 ST0RM

26 streakeagle

528 Str][ker

334 Sunshadow

132 Svsmokey

330 swimbody

159 sydost

51 Sydy



169 TacoGrease

476 tanr

190 tcl86

537 tekk

536 tennek

323 Terry

227a Terry Dactil

198 terrydew

102 TheBamse

128 The Falcon

262 thehevy

321 TheHog107

17 Thick8

189 Thudster

361 THXT01A

20 tibidisdik44

78 tintifaxl

374 toffy

195 Tonkenna

246 tonyStark80

312 TopCat

150 Torch


52 tribundf

480 trigen

111 Tripleinside

351 Trollef

175 Tronorail

469 Tundra

517 Tuuvas

88 TWC_Alamo

407 twells555

544 twgin



549 UDPiccolo

176 Upchuk

344 usfighting



410 Vegas Squid

442 Valk

352 Vanilla_Jedi

316 VanZeb

547 Vayth

86 Velez

74 VFRHawk

45 VirusAM

260 Vitallini

269 volk_50

204 Vosene

356 Voyager



256 121wolf

326 Waldi82

350 walttoDCS

412 wearing mittens

106 webweaver40

68 westr

487 Whiplando

220 Whiskeybravo

131 WhiskyDelta

241 Wicked.-

196 Wilcino

184 wingsuit

115 winkj

231 Wmacky

300 wngover

104 wolle

156 Wrench



294 xHavocx



432 Yaga

392 Yeti-UK

422 yohji

117 y905



110 Zajel

298 zerocoolz125

167 Zeroskills

489 Zulu_Uniform




LINK HERE https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php...54&postcount=1





01 FZG_Immel++++++++++++++ NOW

02 Oesau

03 BlacleyCole

04 redtail

05 Los

06 Ratcatcher

07 ram0506

08 cordite

09 farmertom

10 Icebeat

11 hakjar

12 huzar

13 Jabbers

14 joca133

15 Snacko

16 DayGlow

17 Thick8

18 FoxDelta

19 EntropySG

20 tibidisdik44

21 AKA_Clutter

22 rrohde

23 hansangb

24 skunk160

25 Iku64

26 streakeagle

27 sparkchaser2010

28 =Panther=

29 jnr4817

30 OzWookiee

31 Phoenix FR

32 schurem

33 lolof1

34 lucky-hendrix

35 Snapps

36 Snow51th

37 Fusedspine33

38 Pac-Man

39 GVO

40 aaron886

41 Chic

42 AdrianK

43 heloguy

44 Bob_Bushman

45 VirusAM

46 Shrike_AU

47 DeadEnd

48 Gladman

49 A2597

50 dburne

51 Sydy

52 tribundf

53 R3ddishF0x

54 Drakeshoot

55 ruskybeaver

56 rowdgordypiper

57 Kirin

58 mr_mojo97-

59 Bearfoot

60 Gruman

61 FireCat

62 Cal.Iber

63 jv44bubi

64 Rymy

65 nobfunt

66 fargo007

67 Fri13

68 westr

69 mariner3302

70 Joe_S

71 crazysundog

72 SDsc0rch

73 cmeliak

74 VFRHawk

75 MetalGear_Honk

76 Metro

77 kaltokri

78 tintifaxl

79 RogueSqdn

80 pgh2atl

81 neok

82 Salsam

83 gianlu320

84 iffoif

85 Goblin

86 Velez

87 malamar

88 TWC_Alamo

89 defygravity

90 mars

91 Exikutioner

92 SageOT

93 C525

94 Elnocho3

95 do.st

96 Redeye

97 maducks

98 Shadoga

99 MemphisBelle

100 Bankler

101 Deano87

102 TheBamse

103 javelina1

104 wolle

105 DigitalEngine

106 webweaver40

107 59thCasper

108 I./ZG15_FALKE

109 ///Rage

110 Zajel

111 Tripleinside

112 Habu_69

113 Smerlin

114 DEG

115 winkj

116 Haukka81

117 y905

118 HuggyBear

119 RedeyeStorm

120 Aries144

121 LuSi_6

122 Nexus-6

123 Kirk66

124 Cthulhus

125 Harlikwin

126 Pinello

127 Himmselbuster

128 The Falcon

129 kongkiat

130 desmoflex

131 WhiskyDelta

132 Svsmokey

133 reilar

134 Manilva

135 DutchCoolHand

136 panton41

137 Cap'n Penguin

138 DD_Crash

139 Dangerman

140 souporsonic

141 sirrah

142 Stitch

143 Guppy

144 Finn

145 chokko

146 frenzon

147 Archer16

148 9echo

149 djblaen

150 Torch

151 antonio.

152 Solo86

153 b123cdd

154 Macka

155 Fennec

156 Wrench

157 hazzer

158 SpeedyE420

159 sydost

160 LhuanDula

161 Arjan2856

162 Gman109

163 2alpha-down0

164 Radial

165 Andre92

166 dzubei

167 Zeroskills

168 FAB

169 TacoGrease

170 Sephroth

171 jameslockridge

172 hammer97


174 DeshMindER

175 Tronorail

176 Upchuk

177 Onslawt

178 harleyzhao

179 Someone

180 Icaro_07

181 malusku

182 Pirimeister

183 dwbarnett

184 wingsuit

185 MrShooty

186 nicka117

187 Particleman

188 FreightDog

189 Thudster

190 tcl86

191 briankb

192 Gonzzo

193 Nightstorm

194 photohap

195 Tonkenna

196 Wilcino

197 MegOhm_SD

198 terrydew

199 NatoAviator

200 StandingCow

201 mavrick1709

202 frollo

203 flameoutme

204 Vosene

205 MaximusOrion

206 33rd_Razorblade

207 Downswell

208 Godit

209 raymondabel

210 obiuan

211 baylor703

212 PhoenixRising

213 burungku

214 Phaze11111

215 KartRacerNC

216 kodiak80

217 Satchking

218 BoraHorza

219 Astronut

220 Whiskeybravo

221 Cybermann

222 j9murphy

223 Greekbull


225 Shogun0

226 Hammer

227 psycho

227a Terry Dactil

228 Gunnergolly

229 nawarren

230 Boogieman

231 Wmacky

232 j-burton

233 epolta

234 airdamien

235 AspenGrey

236 Blaze

237 Afterhours

238 megger35

239 Lobstrosity

240 Andy2828

241 Wicked.-

242 MileHigh

243 Bluemask

244 sniperpr1

245 Burner

246 tonyStark80

247 Grump

248 Driskill


250 Rooty

251 krusty974

252 JR_Walker

253 Metzger

254 DoctorKamikaze

255 Bluethornton

256 121wolf

257 jrasia

258 pogoemt

259 assafm25

260 Vitallini

261 dagipper

262 thehevy


264 Murphderf

265 rosteven1

266 LimitedLiability

267 DthFrmAbv

268 nick_thain

269 volk_50

270 heloguy

271 nb

272 pefman

273 99Hawk

274 Butcher59

275 flankerrider

276 Andrew u.k.

277 Drac

278 arturojgt-

279 Cop23rd

280 Jetstreamsky

281 kjohncampbell

282 GunfighterSIX

283 BloodBane611

284 CavScout_USMCG

285 Lucky++++++++++++++REMOVED BY REQUEST++

286 Fibonaccov

287 Bluewings

288 Smoke 1-1

289 Shik

290 Beamscanner

291 Reddshift

292 Snapper

293 Neon

294 xHavocx

295 LiveBait

296 SaberX74

297 dstar

298 zerocoolz125


300 wngover

301 Cargon

302 jweb

303 Jimfish

304 bax

305 Mrpopo199

306 naloxone

307 bagel778

308 jeffchrisope

309 Babuino

310 gdehanot

311 Stephmeister

312 TopCat

313 Ickx

314 Rahmbo

315 A101Wayz

316 VanZeb

317 Ivan

318 Flamin_Squirrel

319 goldleader

320 Gobblehunter

321 TheHog107

322 antsh

323 Terry

324 Snoopy

325 ramrunner800

326 Waldi82

327 Skeinon

328 ngiraldo

329 Eagleeye0024

330 swimbody

331 Soontirfel

332 Ishbob88

333 badwookie

334 Sunshadow

335 ST0RM

336 Beerhunter

337 Longknife

338 AngieD

339 Bombay26

340 Lancezh

341 Lucarrr

342 Pepper1972

343 Drac411

344 usfighting

345 dwpenney

346 jemi

347 PingPongChampeen

348 hannibal

349 goon2503

350 walttoDCS

351 Trollef

352 Vanilla_Jedi

353 GaryM05

354 Entreaken1


356 Voyager

357 hschmitz01

358 Mustang25

359 HULKYxy3

360 Funflite

361 THXT01A

362 ScoobyDoux

363 Jetsiah

364 Boogieman10

365 dpgfla

366 daddio007

367 Propnut

368 pdebaty

369 Pasopati

370 Rix

371 Lt_Jaeger

372 mikealsm

373 Baldrick33

374 toffy

375 jaylw314

376 Harddrive

377 Damalio

378 pmiceli

379 kawsakii

380 Cosmo1964

381 motjoo

382 jerryn

383 beagleRampant

384 Robbo763

385 01G8R

386 Ozchuck

387 gcompc

388 IceManiac1234

389 hoyhoy9

390 Aries

391 DD-83

392 Yeti-UK

393 Markeebo

394 Revs

395 B77L

396 RedX

397 bomber

398 Dureiken

399 Snake122

400 MuddyMcFilthy

401 luke88

402 JungleDriver

403 Pavespawn

404 AizenSousuke

405 Boris

406 memoric

407 twells555

408 Roger01

409 Pappen

410 Vegas Squid

411 FinalGlide

412 wearing mittens

413 Reivax46

414 fofobond

415 Gredgelock

416 Ozeflyer

417 sambel73

418 Sacapuces

419 Nander

420 chamol


422 yohji

423 Papa Saubär

424 sskacy

425 nkr++++++++++++SERVING



426 DWL

427 Hicksy

428 Skymiyazaki

429 Kalianum

430 StealthyNeo

431 DecoyWaffle

432 Yaga

433 fiddlinjim

434 kmlaal

435 Rex854Warrior

436 Law_Dawg518

437 Johnnj

438 Opy

439 nyam

440 DREAM_787_liner

441 Dillero

442 Valk

443 Rebel13

444 saxon.jones

445 gaz2644

446 f1w1

447 dani7395

448 RotorHeadXP11

449 bloop

450 helgeras

451 Anteuz

452 =Buccaneer=

453 jay43

454 Matty308

455 aero550

456 direct-to

457 MostlyHarmless

458 Cleric812

459 Golfwingzero

460 ParanoiaAccount11757

461 cityparker

462 jfamiens

463 bmsimpson93

464 Guy72230

465 Papercut

466 Slick Twitchy

467 bagel778-

468 Dingo

469 Tundra

470 callmecrash

471 GoodHope

472 sherriff

473 Bdoyle13

474 bugolax

475 DoctorNo

476 tanr

477 patrey1136

478 lornalux

479 gabbko

480 trigen

481 plaughlin7

482 spazmo

483 crowebar

484 Harlequin420

485 jym

486 e4mafia

487 Whiplando

488 Shiroka

489 Zulu_Uniform

490 HawaiiHawk

491 dogjutsu

492 RagingBunny

493 sav07

494 Majik

495 Silver Fox

496 pchRage

497 162ndLoadtoad

498 Shlee

499 Mower

500 SPAS79

501 duckdown

502 mibo

503 Astronaut

504 majmike

505 scheffchen

506 General Tappy

507 buttcannon

508 Merlins51

509 GroundedJohan

510 evanswillo

511 FiringPin

512 illperipheral

513 Guile

514 orcrist

515 Freddo1974

516 capthaltli

517 Tuuvas

518 FoxOne007

519 AlexCaboose

520 Hextopia

521 AlliedHawk

522 jross194

523 actually_fred

524 RePhil

525 hoeck

526 Brownedtrouser

527 davemuir

528 Str][ker

529 funkster

530 Cowboy10uk

531 Cab

532 Muellerman

533 =Chuck=

534 MrRoper

535 foggymind

536 tennek

537 tekk

538 LordNPrior

539 NCurk

540 Kiituri

541 dahlgren

542 Berstoopid


544 twgin

545 crispy12546 patpatpowercat

547 Vayth

548 Camel

549 UDPiccolo

550 Loadie

551 shd1hornet

552 Smoder---------------------------END

Edited by FireCat

I didn’t receive the PM. However, I am #88 on the list and ready to place my order as soon as my unit is available. My HMD is an Odyssey Plus.



Denver, CO


Military Flight Sim

I7-7700K, 4.9 GHz, Z270-Gaming MB, 16GB, 512GB EVO-960 NVMe M.2, 512GB WD Black NVMe M.2, 1 TB SSD Raid, EVGA RTX 2080ti, Samsung Odyssey Plus, TM HOTAS/MFDs, MFG Crosswinds, Gametrix 908 JetSeat


GA Flight Sim

I7-5820K, 4.2Ghz, Godlike Carbon MB, 16GB, 512 GB EVO 960 NVME M.2, 2 X SSD, EVGA 1080ti, HTC Vive, 3 X 4K 55" TVs, 4 X 27" Monitors, CH: Flight Yoke, Throttle Quadrant, Rudder Pedals

Hate asking last minute questions. Will extra mounts be available for folks with multiple types of headsets?


Hi, Miles post below should help.


tab 63 post 630



Posted (edited)

It’s hard to keep up with this. What is a “release list” and do I need to do anything else to buy one of these at launch? Isn’t that the point of the list?

Edited by aaron886

Great work guys, this looks amazing! Not sure I’m following how the system works, but if needed; please put me on the release list. If the release list is no longer used, then I would like to buy at release regardless. Just to be clear on my intent.

SYSTEM: Mainboard MSI B360M Bazooka | CPU i7 8700k @ 3.2 GHz | RAM 2x8GB GDDR4 @ 2400 MHz | GPU Gainward GeForce RTX 2070 Dual Fan | 256GB SSD | Win 10 x64

DEVICES: MSI Optix 24" LED Curved | Thrustmaster Warthog | MFG Crosswind | TableMount MonsterTech

MODULES: A-10C | F-14 | F/A-18C | Spitfire | P-51D


These look sweet; how do I go about signing up to purchase them?

2080Ti FTW3 Ultra - G.Skill RJ 32GB (16x2) DDR4 3200 - Ryzen 2700X 4.2Ghz OC - Corsair H100i Pro - Samsung 970 EVO M.2 2TB - TMW HOTAS w Delta Sim - F/A-18C grip - 10cm Sahaj - TrackIR 5 Pro - Rift CV1 - MFG CWind - BuddyFox UFC - DSD RK II - Cougar MFDs w/ LCDs - Foxx Mounts - VPC MongoosT-50CM base


- Maps: NTTR, Persian Gulf, Normandy

- Modules: FC3, F-14A/B, F/A-18C, AV-8B, A-10C, F-16C, F-86, KA-50, P-51D, WWII assets, and [insert campaign name]

Dreaming of the F-15E / F-14D / Rhino


Not sure what this whole PM thing is about. Never got one but whatever, I'm paying attention to the thread, I see I'm listed as a release candidate, so I'm good.


Please let me know if more is required.

i9 9900K @ 5.1Ghz - ASUS Maximus Hero XI - 32GB 4266 DDR4 RAM - ASUS RTX 2080Ti - 1 TB NVME - NZXT Kraken 62 Watercooling System - Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas (Virpil Base) - MFG Crosswind Pedals - Pimax 5K+

VFA-25 Fist Of The Fleet

Not sure what this whole PM thing is about. Never got one but whatever, I'm paying attention to the thread, I see I'm listed as a release candidate, so I'm good.


Please let me know if more is required.



Me too, ready to pull the trigger. ;):thumbup:

MSI MAG Z790 Carbon, i9-13900k, NH-D15 cooler, 64 GB CL40 6000mhz RAM, MSI RTX4090, Yamaha 5.1 A/V Receiver, 4x 2TB Samsung 980 Pro NVMe, 1x 2TB Samsung 870 EVO SSD, Win 11 Pro, TM Warthog, Virpil WarBRD, MFG Crosswinds, 43" Samsung 4K TV, 21.5 Acer VT touchscreen, TrackIR, Varjo Aero, Wheel Stand Pro Super Warthog, Phanteks Enthoo Pro2 Full Tower Case, Seasonic GX-1200 ATX3 PSU, PointCTRL, Buttkicker 2, K-51 Helicopter Collective Control

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