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Radar detection trigger in mission editor


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Hi, I miss a trigger in mission editor, which would react on target detection (radar/visual). I imagine something similar like "unit/part of group/ part of coalition in zone" in combination with specific unit.
e.g. IF unit(radar) DETECTS unit(target)/part of group/part of coalition DO ....


I´am trying to bypass it by lua script, but without any succes yet 😞

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+1. That'd be very useful for missions where avoiding detection is critical.

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The vCVW-17 is looking for Hornet and Tomcat pilots and RIOs. Join the vCVW-17 Discord.


F/A-18C, F-15E, AV-8B, F-16C, JF-17, A-10C/CII, M-2000C, F-14, AH-64D, BS2, UH-1H, P-51D, Sptifire, FC3
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16 minutes ago, Black6 said:

Hi, I miss a trigger in mission editor, which would react on target detection (radar/visual). I imagine something similar like "unit/part of group/ part of coalition in zone" in combination with specific unit.
e.g. IF unit(radar) DETECTS unit(target)/part of group/part of coalition DO ....


I´am trying to bypass it by lua script, but without any succes yet 😞


Hi, here is an example with DCS script. It uses this function DCS func isTargetDetected - DCS World Wiki - Hoggitworld.com


In my example the RWR detection of SAM site radar by a wingman is evaluated every seconds, and displays a message when the SAM is RWR detected (which also stops the evaluation).


You can adapt it to your need (name of "target" unit to be detected, name of "detecting" unit, and type of detection : radar, visual, etc...), also the "do" function when detected in my example is in the script, but you can change the line that displays text to instead activate a flag - example trigger.action.setUserFlag( "2", true ) , and then add a trigger to do whatever you want when the flag n°2 gets activated.


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55 minutes ago, toutenglisse said:


Hi, here is an example with DCS script. It uses this function DCS func isTargetDetected - DCS World Wiki - Hoggitworld.com


In my example the RWR detection of SAM site radar by a wingman is evaluated every seconds, and displays a message when the SAM is RWR detected (which also stops the evaluation).


You can adapt it to your need (name of "target" unit to be detected, name of "detecting" unit, and type of detection : radar, visual, etc...), also the "do" function when detected in my example is in the script, but you can change the line that displays text to instead activate a flag - example trigger.action.setUserFlag( "2", true ) , and then add a trigger to do whatever you want when the flag n°2 gets activated.

test-RWR-detection-message.miz 8.64 kB · 3 downloads

I have to switch to 2.7. This will take some time. Could you replace F-18 by F-16 or F-5? I don´t have this module.


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3 minutes ago, Black6 said:

I have to switch to 2.7. This will take some time. Could you replace F-18 by F-16 or F-5? I don´t have this module.



You can open the mission file in mission editor, click on the F-18 group and change the type from hornet to whatever you want and save (it just needs that the unit/pilot names remain the same for the script to work).

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This would also be incredibly useful for SAM sites, especially if we extend it to detecting an incoming missile (likely to be an ARM) and shut down. At the moment I have to take a guess at what range a particular RADAR would be able to detect one and shut down.

Edited by Northstar98
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Modules I own: F-14A/B, F-4E, Mi-24P, AJS 37, AV-8B N/A, F-5E-3, MiG-21bis, F-16CM, F/A-18C, Supercarrier, Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H, Mirage 2000C, FC3, MiG-15bis, Ka-50, A-10C (+ A-10C II), P-47D, P-51D, C-101, Yak-52, WWII Assets, CA, NS430, Hawk.

Terrains I own: South Atlantic, Syria, The Channel, SoH/PG, Marianas.


GIGABYTE B650 AORUS ELITE AX, AMD Ryzen 5 7600, Corsair Vengeance DDR5-5200 32 GB, Western Digital Black SN850X 1 TB (DCS dedicated) & 2 TB NVMe SSDs, Corsair RM850X 850 W, NZXT H7 Flow, MSI G274CV.

Peripherals: VKB Gunfighter Mk.II w. MCG Pro, MFG Crosswind V3 Graphite, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro.

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8 hours ago, Northstar98 said:



This would also be very useful for SAM sites - whether or not they are able to detect an incoming missile (likely to be an ARM) and shut down. At the moment I have to take a guess at what range a particular RADAR would be able to detect one and shut down.


Hi, the "Controller.isTargetDetected" function also work with weapon detection.

Here is a mission example (using Mist because of event handler that I'm only able to make work with Mist...) with 1) a event handler that detects HARM shot and track it for the SAM SR unit's radar detection, 2) a detection function that makes SAM SR unit to go GREEN state (radar off) for 45 seconds (can be changed) when a HARM is detected (with a defined delay to turn GREEN), then go back to RED state and start again detection (with a defined delay to restart detection).

It works very well, but you need to tweak the different "defined delays" to makes SAM SR unit's survivability to varie from "untouchable" to "easy to kill with HARM". (if delays are 1 seconds for : HARM detection / GREEN STATE, and RED STATE / start again to detect, or if delay between GREEN and back to RED state is long enough, then the unit will be untouchable by HARM ! Can only be disabled by GPS glide bomb launched during GREEN state for example)

In my example I've put a short 45 seconds delay between GREEN and back to RED states, and a 30 seconds delay between RED STATE / start again to detect, so if HARM is still in position to track again when SAM SR goes RED and close enough to reach it within 30 seconds, it will hit it. The SAM SR unit gets disabled almost every times with these settings.

Tunable triggers/delays are :
1) alarm state GREEN - Time since flag 2 - X seconds (time between detection and GREEN state command)
2) alarm state RED - Time since flag 3 - X seconds (time between GREEN state command and RED state command)
3) restart HARM detection - Time since flag 4 - X seconds (time between RED state command and restart of HARM detection)

Works for 1 HARM tracked at a time (in my example the 2 hornets only shoot 1 HARM at a time), it would probably needs a table of existing HARMs and detection of all HARMs through table to be really efficient in all cases. (and tracking/detecting all kinds of ARM also)
Play mission in F10 map view and use time acceleration to see things happening (with displayed messages each time something happens), play with the delays settings in triggers, if you want.


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On 5/7/2021 at 3:03 PM, toutenglisse said:


Hi, here is an example with DCS script. It uses this function DCS func isTargetDetected - DCS World Wiki - Hoggitworld.com


In my example the RWR detection of SAM site radar by a wingman is evaluated every seconds, and displays a message when the SAM is RWR detected (which also stops the evaluation).


You can adapt it to your need (name of "target" unit to be detected, name of "detecting" unit, and type of detection : radar, visual, etc...), also the "do" function when detected in my example is in the script, but you can change the line that displays text to instead activate a flag - example trigger.action.setUserFlag( "2", true ) , and then add a trigger to do whatever you want when the flag n°2 gets activated.

test-RWR-detection-message.miz 8.64 kB · 8 downloads

Many thanks for your help. Now it works just like i wished. Now, I´m able to adapt it for any purpose i need.


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Wait, it's tied to the AI wingman's RWR? Cause AI wingmen can do some crazy shit, pop up and get detected while your own plane is doing NOE flying just fine. 


I want to do something similar except with clients in coop multiplayer. 

Edited by WelshZeCorgi
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And to be honest this would make things delightful.

Problem is it should not be triggered by the radar beam simply hitting your aircraft. It has to be modeled so you are identified as an aircraft and not ground clutter. And tall order coming here; distinguish if it sees a confirmed hostile or just an unknown or friendly. So we can inside the editor just set that up and have aircraft launch from airbases.

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On 5/14/2021 at 7:50 PM, Ducksen said:

And to be honest this would make things delightful.

Problem is it should not be triggered by the radar beam simply hitting your aircraft. It has to be modeled so you are identified as an aircraft and not ground clutter. And tall order coming here; distinguish if it sees a confirmed hostile or just an unknown or friendly. So we can inside the editor just set that up and have aircraft launch from airbases.

AI RADARs almost certainly don't take in clutter into effect; so long as it's within the scan zone, has a radial velocity over a threshold it can see it so long as LOS isn't blocked, with some compensation such that the RADAR behaves as it were on a spherical Earth, despite DCS' flat Earth maps.

This is something that was fairly easy to see in the sensors.lua file, but that along with several others was hidden as part of the 2.7 update.

Edited by Northstar98

Modules I own: F-14A/B, F-4E, Mi-24P, AJS 37, AV-8B N/A, F-5E-3, MiG-21bis, F-16CM, F/A-18C, Supercarrier, Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H, Mirage 2000C, FC3, MiG-15bis, Ka-50, A-10C (+ A-10C II), P-47D, P-51D, C-101, Yak-52, WWII Assets, CA, NS430, Hawk.

Terrains I own: South Atlantic, Syria, The Channel, SoH/PG, Marianas.


GIGABYTE B650 AORUS ELITE AX, AMD Ryzen 5 7600, Corsair Vengeance DDR5-5200 32 GB, Western Digital Black SN850X 1 TB (DCS dedicated) & 2 TB NVMe SSDs, Corsair RM850X 850 W, NZXT H7 Flow, MSI G274CV.

Peripherals: VKB Gunfighter Mk.II w. MCG Pro, MFG Crosswind V3 Graphite, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/7/2021 at 5:38 AM, Black6 said:

Hi, I miss a trigger in mission editor, which would react on target detection (radar/visual). I imagine something similar like "unit/part of group/ part of coalition in zone" in combination with specific unit.
e.g. IF unit(radar) DETECTS unit(target)/part of group/part of coalition DO ....


I´am trying to bypass it by lua script, but without any succes yet 😞

Yup +1 just give us the trigger back.  

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

This would be an excellent addition to the ME. Knowing when a given radar, or any radar has detected either a specific group or unit, or anything from the opposite coalition (or even the same coalition) is useful in so many situations.

It would allow mission creators to make better use of SAM's and also help deal with the limitations in the current AWACS modeling.

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Awaiting: DCS F-15C

Win 10 i5-9600KF 4.6 GHz 64 GB RAM RTX2080Ti 11GB -- Win 7 64 i5-6600K 3.6 GHz 32 GB RAM GTX970 4GB -- A-10C, F-5E, Su-27, F-15C, F-14B, F-16C missions in User Files


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Hello Everybody,

in the script


local DetectingUnit = Unit.getByName('P19')

local TargetUnit = Unit.getByName('Tiger-1')

if Controller.isTargetDetected(DetectingUnit , TargetUnit , Radar) == true then

trigger.action.outText('detected by Flat Face', 10)

trigger.action.setUserFlag( "11", true )



If possible to change Unit.getByName with a Coalition (BLU, RED or NEUTRAL)?

thanks for support


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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is what I used where EWR-1 is the radar. I amHarrier1-1and my 2 wingmen are Harrier1-2 and Harrier1-3

local DetectingUnit1 = Unit.getByName('EWR-1')
local TargetUnit1 = Unit.getByName('Harrier1-2')
local TargetUnit2 = Unit.getByName('Harrier1-2')
local TargetUnit3 = Unit.getByName('Harrier1-3')
if Unit.getByName('Player-1'):isExist() then
if Controller.isTargetDetected(DetectingUnit1 , (TargetUnit1 or TargetUnit2 or TargetUnit3) , Radar) == true then
trigger.action.setUserFlag( "1", false )
trigger.action.setUserFlag( "2", true )


The mission starts by activating flag1 and the script runs continuosly until a detection which turns off flag1 and thus stops the script. Flag2 then lets you action "other stuff"

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Darkenmass said:

Maybe i am dumb but you can use vanilla code to do it, just add a trigger zone as big as the radar detection zone, and use the unit/coalition/group inside zone trigger.....

That's pretty unworkable for mimicking a RADAR I'm afraid.

  • Assumes targets will be detected at the maximum range of the RADAR (or at least what DCS thinks the maximum range of a RADAR should be) or in other words, doesn't account for RCS at all.
  • Doesn't account for LOS.
  • Doesn't account for radial velocity (at least for doppler based RADARs - be they pulse-doppler or CW).
  • Doesn't account for any kind of jamming.

DCS' RADAR modelling outside of playable modules (and out of those, only a few have high-fidelity RADAR modelling, with one being notably superior to everything else), just using unit inside zone would effectively reduce any kind of fidelity.

Edited by Northstar98
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Modules I own: F-14A/B, F-4E, Mi-24P, AJS 37, AV-8B N/A, F-5E-3, MiG-21bis, F-16CM, F/A-18C, Supercarrier, Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H, Mirage 2000C, FC3, MiG-15bis, Ka-50, A-10C (+ A-10C II), P-47D, P-51D, C-101, Yak-52, WWII Assets, CA, NS430, Hawk.

Terrains I own: South Atlantic, Syria, The Channel, SoH/PG, Marianas.


GIGABYTE B650 AORUS ELITE AX, AMD Ryzen 5 7600, Corsair Vengeance DDR5-5200 32 GB, Western Digital Black SN850X 1 TB (DCS dedicated) & 2 TB NVMe SSDs, Corsair RM850X 850 W, NZXT H7 Flow, MSI G274CV.

Peripherals: VKB Gunfighter Mk.II w. MCG Pro, MFG Crosswind V3 Graphite, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro.

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  • 1 month later...

Is there anyway to detect if an AI (Enemy) aircraft has visually or on their own radar, detected a player (or several if multiplayer) aircraft/helo and then fire a trigger action if it does? 

I'm trying to write a sneaking mission where there are enemy aircraft all over but the weather is crap, so it's possible to sneak past them but I need things to go south if they are detected. 

It seems like the enemy AI can see through everything and knows everything all the time and doesn't take into account if the player is behind them or behind a hill or the aircraft doesn't have a radar and the weather is crap - they can still see them. 

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4 hours ago, Elphaba said:

Is there anyway to detect if an AI (Enemy) aircraft has visually or on their own radar, detected a player (or several if multiplayer) aircraft/helo and then fire a trigger action if it does?


Awaiting: DCS F-15C

Win 10 i5-9600KF 4.6 GHz 64 GB RAM RTX2080Ti 11GB -- Win 7 64 i5-6600K 3.6 GHz 32 GB RAM GTX970 4GB -- A-10C, F-5E, Su-27, F-15C, F-14B, F-16C missions in User Files


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  • 1 year later...


I have a question regarding on "how to" make use of these fine lines of codes.

So while I used the script and put them into a lua, it seems like they're never evaluated.

local DetectingUnit = Unit.getByName('R_EWR_IADS-1-MAYKOP')
local TargetUnit = Unit.getByName('TESTOMAT-1')

if Controller.isTargetDetected(DetectingUnit ,TargetUnit ,Radar) == true then
  trigger.action.outText('I CAN SEE YOU!!!', 20)
  trigger.action.setUserFlag( "10", true )


But I am at Angels 30, my EWR is screaming that the EWR in question is pinging me, but I don't get the message nor does it seem as if the Flag is being set, as I have an ingame trigger (Switching) to spam me with a debug message.

So long story short: Is there a way to continously re-evaluate the script or how to best integrate it into a mission?

Thanks in advance


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