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Any closer to a dynamic campaign?


Havent been to this forum in awhile, and have in fact put down A-10 due to the fact that I have played the SP campaign and am not interested in MP. Seems like the only sim like this out there anymore but for all the aircrafts greatness the environment really sucks. Are there any new SP campaigns?

Is a true dynamic campaign ever going to come? Oh jesus, if it wasnt for the awful graphics I would still be playing Falcon 4... Someone tell me there is hope. Immerse me in the conflict I beg you! These scripted SP missions are boring the hell out of me.

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  • ED Team

Have a go at making one yourself in the editor ?


If you really want dynamic multiplayer is the way to go, no mission is ever the same when you have humans flying together :)


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Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

Posted (edited)

If you are searching for new missions:

Ever thought about to look up in the user-files section?


- just in case you don't know about it.



- Do you really don't know up-to-now where to gather some info about your questions?



I Had a look in your thread history:


icon1.gif Any new campaigns?


icon1.gif Campaigns Available?


Sorry , cant hold it!

And now I get a slight guess about your reputation status... but you get a +1 from me for trying it again!

-never mind-


(everyone can have a bad day once in a while,... today it's my turn)

Edited by PeterP


Closer - yes,


both with regard to things you'll see in the "New things" thread under DCS.world (if you think about what some of them might lead to), and to things that haven't yet been publically anounced.


There yet. No.



Why post in this section of the forum? It's for missions (see sticky). Needs moving.

i7-7700K : 16Gb DDR4 2800 Mhz : Asus Mobo : 2TB HDD : Intel 520 SSD 240gb : RTX 2080ti: Win10 64pro : Dx10 : TrackiR4 : TM Warthog : ASUS ROG SWIFT PG348Q

Havent been to this forum in awhile, and have in fact put down A-10 due to the fact that I have played the SP campaign and am not interested in MP. Seems like the only sim like this out there anymore but for all the aircrafts greatness the environment really sucks. Are there any new SP campaigns?

Is a true dynamic campaign ever going to come? Oh jesus, if it wasnt for the awful graphics I would still be playing Falcon 4... Someone tell me there is hope. Immerse me in the conflict I beg you! These scripted SP missions are boring the hell out of me.


The graphics of Falcon 4 BMS aren't that terrible if you are somewhat forgiving. EECH is also OK, if you like helicopters.


The thing is, DCS is an excellent sim and a poor game, whereas F4 and EECH are good sims (worse than DCS) and good games.


What you want is an excellent sim and an excellent game, and AFAIK nothing like that exists in the modern gaming world.



Posted (edited)

Why not? Everything should be perfect (high-fidelity aircraft + high-fidelity terrain)!

Edited by jmod

Let's fly together for the sake of peace :)


I thought I saw in the map editor a way to supply and trigger attrition with the supplies being effected by transportation of aircraft and trains and vehicle?


Que no?



" any failure you meet, is never a defeat; merely a set up for a greater come back, "  W Forbes

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts,"  Winston Churchill 
" He who never changes his mind, never changes anything," 

MSI z690 MPG DDR4 || i9-14900k|| ddr4-128gb PC3200 || MSI RTX 4080S|Game max 1300w|Win11| |turtle beach elite pro 5.1|| ViRpiL,T50cm2||MFG Crosswinds|| VT50CM-plus rotor Throttle || G10 RGB EVGA Keyboard/MouseLogitech || PiMax Crystal VR || 32 Asus||


:music_whistling:You can't always get what you want....

You can't always get what you want....

You can't always get what you want....

But if you try sometime, you just might find,

You get what you need.:music_whistling:


So what do we want for a starting point? How about a military authentic simulation. Then lets move on and add everything else.


Oh wait...


We will get what we want. And what's more, its on the product roadmap...and ED are delivering as well! But you can;t have it all at once...that's just cheating!



Posted (edited)

DCS CAMPAIGNS ....... Thinking of the Future!




It all sounds exciting.


I would like to see heaps of Theaters with Dynamic War Campaigns which are a must for all DCS / ED Titles for future survival of this name brand!


More like Falcon 4.0 or PMC Theaters since these are Air Force Jets ready for WAR they need to be flown in a proper Dynamic WAR Campaign.


PMC Theaters more here





These are the Theaters I'm personally thinking of Korea, Balkans, Afghanistan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Iraq, Israel, Iran, Russia and Japan all with Dynamic War Campaigns.


Making it capable for MP online play and offline SP.


Also adding more Jets like:-


- USAF F-16CJ Block 52 with an Afghanistan Campaign


- IAF F-16D Block 52 or F-16I Sufa Block 52 with Israel Campaign


Also an F/A-18 E/F Carrier Ops over the Persian Gulf in an Iraq Campaign


And Red-flag Operations (ie NATO and/or Nevada), and flying in sortie package, Nice!


Also some others are Saab Gripen 39, Typhoon Euro Fighter, Mirage 2000C & D, SU-37, SU-35BM, F-22, YF-22 and F-35 STOVL variant for carrier ops in an Iraq or Iran Campaign.


All super hi-fidelity air craft true flight modeling, realistic avionics with 3D HD fully clickable Cockpits.


Well since DCS is a Combat Sim primarily so then the DEVS should design the sim similar or better than Falcon 4.0 concept a study sim in which will always be la crème de la crème in combat sims its history alone has more weight than any other sim read here:




Its design roots is imbedded with real life Air Force input read these links as to why:






It is vital to understand why and how the F4 concept develops the combat pilot to become an Ace Pilot and proficient and perform tactical missions in real time air defense war strategies it was and is the purpose for the designing of campaigns as a combat pilot.


F4 has a following of over 4000 members it would be wise for DCS to learn from the F4 concepts as we are talking about a "Combat Sim" and the old faithful F4 still has much to say in 2012 and future of combat sims.



Some Video Reviews





So really so much more could be created here I cant believe this stuff takes years to develop from posts that I read.


Oh well its worth the wait, right! smilewink.gif


Edited by WRAITH



Posted (edited)
Hi any further news, dev input or discussion on this would be appreciated thanks.


:thumbup: :smartass: :joystick:

If you would just read the whole thread, instead of posting about F4, then you would know that they are working towards a dynamic campaign or something similiar. Just in small steps.;)


Just so you are aware a DC is in the plans - however it will be implemented iteratively. The First two componants of which, are the Warehouse systems and the Mission generator. More will follow in time.
Edited by EagleEye

Deutsche DCS-Flughandbücher

SYSSpecs: i7-4790K @4GHz|GA-Z97X-SLI|16GB RAM|ASUS GTX1070|Win10 64bit|TrackIR5|TM Warthog/Saitek Pro Pedals

Posted (edited)

Yeah I know bud I did read it took me a while but no real hard facts and no formal thread discussing it so bud your outa place since this is a Wishlist thread, just pointing that out to ya;)

Edited by WRAITH




ED will communicate any news regarding future features when they are ready for it.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

Yeah I know bud I did read it took me a while but no real hard facts and no formal thread discussing it so bud your outa place since this is a Wishlist thread, just pointing that out to ya;)


It isn't a wishlist thread.

ED will communicate any news regarding future features when they are ready for it.


Okay great an announcement is on the way....kool


Thank you very much



Posted (edited)

You gota fish info some way around forums lol


Its what this smile is aboutshifty.gif


Its all Lock and Key lock.gif Doh!



Edited by WRAITH



  • ED Team
Okay great an announcement is on the way....kool


Thank you very much


You gota fish info some way around forums lol


Its what this smile is aboutshifty.gif


Its all Lock and Key lock.gif Doh!




Fishing isn't so great here, they just usually throw the fish at you when you aren't expecting it :)

Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

1146563203_makefg(6).png.82dab0a01be3a361522f3fff75916ba4.png  80141746_makefg(1).png.6fa028f2fe35222644e87c786da1fabb.png  28661714_makefg(2).png.b3816386a8f83b0cceab6cb43ae2477e.png  389390805_makefg(3).png.bca83a238dd2aaf235ea3ce2873b55bc.png  216757889_makefg(4).png.35cb826069cdae5c1a164a94deaff377.png  1359338181_makefg(5).png.e6135dea01fa097e5d841ee5fb3c2dc5.png

Posted (edited)

not dumb to that either:helpsmilie:


Forgive me 100.000.000 *10/2 Please





Edited by WRAITH




Hi fella's,


If I may, share my personal view and discuss it freely and not meaning to start a flame war.


F4 was designed with real air force input found here http://www.combatsim.com/review.php?id=57 as I have explained in above posts which really is a treat and something for DCS to really think about moving forward and not wish the whole thing away just becoming another FSX which I enjoyed for a while and now its wasted space on my HD.


Sorry, but thats true for a majority even among real life commercial pilots, the sim was a joke I mean the original release not current work with FSX allot has been fixed and modded with 3rd parties but you would have spent a good $500 or more to get it where it should have been, anyway beside the point. But still something to consider and treat seriously many guys I speak to simply dont bother with FSX or MS Flight but prefer Xplane10 flying 747 and A380's but no combat simulation, anyway thats move on.


I read the whole thread again carefully, sure I completely understand and this is not BMS or FF here, but never the less Combat Sims are awesome and not many want to take the F4 path because it is a challenge and is very different from an editor even thou I dont know about coding or am I a Dev but I have read and studied all that there is out there on F4 and the principles that F4 is built upon is awesome and a treasure.


What surprises me though Microprose could do it, Free Falcon does it and BMS is doing it, so then why cant DCS do it as a commercial line.


Okay I see where this might go and the heated debates and all that, but thats not my intent or what I am trying to do or say, just that it is worth it in the end to do it.


Meaning reviving the F4 concept found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_4.0 and developing the F4 concept into DCS is vital for a combat sim and I tell you right away you would be thanked over a million times and those who follow F4 would not shy from purchasing and supporting DCS products even further to support the effort.


So once DCS has grasped onto the whole engine thing and developed several theaters in different time lines with many options and benefits like relevant Air Craft and war scenarios etc etc it would have a solid founding to which continue and maybe share that with 3rd parties for a whole line of theaters like PMC more info here http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/falcon-4-pmc-theaters.php


The theaters I have in mind as suggestions personally I repeat would be Korea, Balkans, Afghanistan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Iraq, Israel, Iran, Russia and Japan all with Dynamic War Campaigns and with many benefits and treats in each one.


I kinda feel like many thou it just will never happen, which is sad because now we have all this new tech I mean look at this guy...WATCH



WoW nice...ha


With HD 3D screens and multicore GFX and Intel i7 processors oh boy you can have a real ball with combat sims now days its not the 486 days anymore its full on now, love it.


I'm still using original release of DCS-A10 and LockOn because stuck with Windows XP Pro 32bit not for long thou getting Windows 7 and some upgrades soon.


Anyways I hope for the best :thumbup:



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