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Everything posted by CobaltUK

  1. + Gaffer DCS (1333) Gaffer DCS - YouTube
  2. I know nothing about other VR systems sorry. Once set up SteamVR used in conjunction (for me) with the DCS Updater/Launcher GUI Utility is a 2 click operation. 2nd click being to choose VR or non VR DCS launch.
  3. What does it matter then ? If the RL method can be followed that will give you your buzz. The fact there is in effect a cheat makes no difference to you surely ?
  4. Is there a way to get F11 to go directly to the AB your jet is at ?
  5. I was going to ask the question elswhere then read this. Holding paddle in during yank and bank does not preserve AP setting. For me that is.
  6. Hi Claire. Good luck with your PPL
  7. Did not look bad to me. I would have come in lower and slower and since there is a strong crosswind i think getting the nose down for tracking stability is preferred to aero brake. I did not notice if you deployed air brake towards the end. They were not out on final i did notice.
  8. Somebody will hopefully have advice but your starting point ought to be i suggest, the quick mission Landing. Both for practise and to create a file than anyone can look at. Load mission into mission editor. Save as new name into My Missions folder. That way you can save the track after flight which i do not think you can with the quick missions. I think IR Sky already came up with your answer
  9. No wonder the file is big. You started it with a cold start on ground ! BTW not everybody has Syria. 4.5 mb file using installed quick mission landing.
  10. Speed, height on approach ? Is it stable until wheels lowered ? Touchdown speed ? Suggest you use the landing mission to create a track so conditions are known factor. A quick check on that for myself. Final at 155knts touching down at 145 and nose dropped at runway exit C
  11. Seems to need some mods installed to play trk
  12. I get just the same. Coming straight at me co-altitude. Fruitlessly bashing TMS up and it gets as close as 20 miles before a lock. This has been on MP servers if that's relevant. . Not yet tried with latest patch. Oh and no indication Mig jamming.
  13. The OP announced an appreciable change for him post patch and whats wrong with that ? So it sounds from comments that its not widespread and thats good. Many many issues following a patch turn out to effect some and not others. As it happens i also found the jet falling out of the sky in situations no different to pre patch. Put the module to one side since plenty others to occupy me. Too many people here with nothing better to do than preach and hate. Pity no dislike button here.
  14. What are the numbers so can compare? I would have thought an extender was worst possible means to get responsive action.
  15. Ryzen 5600X, 12GB system mem (available) with auto adjusted VMEM. No issues on the 4YA Syria capture bases server. Typically 25-30 players. Oh and VR so that's an extra burden on gpu even though its 16GB. Would be interested to hear if the 4YA server is just as bad.
  16. Several occasions of fuel leaks. No indications on fault panel. Notice too late the fuel needles. Saved the day once having noticed sooner, by then changing the fuel feed knob. Or so it seemed.
  17. WinWing now offering pre order for its Orion F16 throttle and base
  18. The WingWing throttle and grip has gone from re stock March 15th to date unknown.
  19. It seems common that the flight will take off regardless of lead being stationary at runway. Example F16 King Of The Hill mission (Syria) There is another 4 ship mission (name forgotten) where jets start outside of shelters. A request for taxi has the flight A.I moving at once and its a race to get in front at a junction. They also take off after flowing past lead at runway threshold. Same if lead did not get ahead.
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