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Everything posted by Gunfreak

  1. No problemchasing either of them in my P47. Dive after them then hall them in as they do lazy turns and shoot until they burn. The P47 AI does it too. Just dive for the deck.
  2. Until we get (if we get) a 109G6 I would love for a G6 check mark to the AI. Can't do anything about that 30 in the nose or finer aerodynamics. But it would limit HP, max speed, max climb speed etc. A bit annoying flying a spitfire campaign in 42/43(or even mid 44) against 109s that much much faster. When you should be faster in your spitfire. It doesn't appear that removing MW50 has any affect on AI.
  3. Spitfire and 109 seems to have very similar AI, not only do they have infinite power and super accurate shooting. But the AI seems more agressive, while the two 190s and P47 seems to have very avoiding AI. all those 3 AI seems to dive for the deck at first sight of enemies. If I fly a P47 against a single 190(either of them) they will dive down, and you simply follow them, and then it's just a matter of reeling them inn and shooting them. The Spitfire and 109 AI seems perfectly comfortable to fly at 20-30k feet, while the P47 and the two 190s don't like to stay up high.
  4. My 500th subscriber special is finally done. Took me 5 days and many many hours to get done.
  5. Canopies only cramp your style and blocks views anyway.
  6. So no radio? How do you get Wingmen to attack?
  7. When the F6F was shown in the 2023 and beyond. I joked that the Hellcat would come before the Corsair. I was joking because Mag3 had said they were working on the damage modeling and that was the last thing to do before being handed over to ED. So I honestly thought the Corsair would come out sometime after summer 2023. I'm not joking anymore, a high chance now the F6F will come before the F4U.
  8. I'm guessing those stationed in Norway by 43/44 mostly tried to keep their heads down and hope to surive until wars end. And where probably very happy that the whole fortress Norway as the last holdout didn't happen. Except for RAF raids and the odd Resistance attack that caused German casualties. It was probably the safest place to be a German the last years of the war.
  9. I've gone from elite fighter pilot mustache. To French Napoleonic pioneer.
  10. I've been waiting for the Corsair since before the F4 was even a twinkle in the eye of Heatblur. And unlike the F4, the Corsair seems to always be close yet never getting close to release, If you wait for the Corsair, than all other modules are nothing compared to that(except possibly the Kiowa)
  11. Looks doubtful they'll make "winter" And that's just fine.
  12. Seems like bomb/splash damage will finally get some fixes going by what ED said about the new bomb stuff. Rockets and cannons not very effective against infantry which is a shame but hopefully that will get fixed. I also hope the big bombs get improvements, as od now the 2000lb bomb delivers lots of point damage. But very little outside its impact. Meaning they do almost the exact area damage as a 500lb bomb. Tried to blow up 3 barrackses that stood very close to each other. Could not blow up all 3 with a single 2000lb bomb. The 2000lb did just much/little damage to the 3 barrackses as a 500lb bomb.
  13. Messerschmitts in the Channel where they belong.
  14. It was just random chance that no German fighters were around. Or probably some German doctrine. Since it doesn't appear any of the bombers attacks were intercepted by German aircraft.
  15. I haven't heard about F6Fs on Normandy. But F6F did fly cover in Operation Dragoon, shooting some bombers i believe, the only air to air kills for the F6F in Europe. Corsairs flew over Norway but never engaged enemies. The F4Fs flew in Europe and Mediterranean during much of the war. Shooting down Germans countless times. The F4Fs last victories were over Me109s were in Match 45 South of Norway. There were plans for Marine Corsairs to take off from carriers and use Tiny Tim rockets against V1 sites. Never happened because Marshall's hatered for all things Navy/Marine. But it is a what if.
  16. In a realistic scenario you as a pilot would either come out to a running plane, that the ground crew had stared 10-15 minutes before the pilot comes out. Or at the very least it would recently have been warmed up so the plane would be good to go as soon as it was started. Sadly that isn't possible in DCS to have a warm and dark start up.
  17. In a realistic scenario the ground crew would most likely have started the aircraft. Or at the very least recently warned the engine up. It's not realistic for a P47 or P51 pilot to jump in a dark and cold aircraft start it up and in the case of the P47, sit there playing with yourself for 15 minutes to warm up the systems.
  18. Just some take-off practice to get ready for my 500th subscriber special
  19. I'm gonna laugh my ass off if it comes on my birthday (the 19th)
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