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Everything posted by Bedouin

  1. It will not be a Black Hawk, in the latest QA with Wags, he told that the want to do the UH-60M but still doesn't have the necessary information to do so... My guess is it will be a AH-1 Cobra version or a MH-6 Little Bird
  2. Much better - but a lot of RL work at the moment so not much time for practising..
  3. I am also just started the Jeff, i thinks is so great - still a little tricky to land - but practice and patience then i should get there - loving the LS-6 (JDAMs)... i am a ground pounder so love these...
  4. Can you post some pictures of the cockpit - but really looks great...
  5. Can it be used with the Chinook..?
  6. Read somewhere on Discord - that this is a private mod, so unless the creator changes his mind to release it, when won't be flying it - anytime soon..!
  7. Hmm i got it for free in 2016 because i bought it before release as a bundle with the A-10C, so guess it was released in 2016
  8. I got the Hawk on a VIrpil TCS Plus - but will be ordering the Apache grip later this month with the Counter-Balance kit But was wondering what are people using as Cyclic, i got a brand new AVA base from TM - and the A-10 grip and the F-18 grip but can't find out which i like the best - anyone got experience with this... and could i but a Virpil grip on the base or will i lose to much functionality..? Sorry to steal the thread
  9. Any links or know of any Youtube videos there is covering this after the change
  10. I read somewhere that the AVA has a 5 pin instead of the 4 pin - therefor will the adapter not work on the Warthog base..
  11. Hi guyz, I am really close to press buy on this... but a couple of questions... 1. Can you raise or lower the seat..? 2. If not possible, what are the distance from floor to top of seat in CM..? Thanks..
  12. Would be cool with the J-10C in DCS - but haven't seen or heard anything from Deka that it is in the works but hope still it pops up as a surprise one day.. Is there a mod of the J-10C which uses the JF-17 cockpit, and how does it work, perform - is it any good ?
  13. Have we heard anything about if it's the Block 2 version of it or Block 1..? Do we know if there are any countermeasures on the variant we are getting..? And i guess we won't get any FLIR or terrain following Radar... Hoping there soon will be released more news and a roadmap with features for this magnificent beast
  14. And of course the CSAR mission types with Apache cover - another really cool aspect.
  15. Anyone know if the Sniper Pod is purely cosmetic or have unique functionalities...?
  16. I am using the StreamDeck XL and Normal one and a Streamdeck+ to all the cockpit interactions, works well.. A lot of work to map it all, but a very nice solution. Especially with the StreamDeck + possibility to use Dialstacks
  17. Hey, when i use snapview i have to keep the key pressed to stay in the view... is there a way to make it stay in the choosen snapview until i press a different snapview key ??? Thanks in advance.
  18. There is also the new cool Visor animation - a very nice touch
  19. I am considering downloading the mod, as this looks so awesome.. But a question on keybinds, can you do al the same keybinds as in the normal C-model or is there a variation in the mod...? thanks in advance
  20. I am planning to use the screws (like you do) and then velcro the front to the plate... Monstertech has already released a TQS specific plate
  21. From my viewpoint and understanding its as normal as most other choppers, with the collective on the left and cyclic in middle for both sides of the cockpit
  22. Canadian CH-47 with glass-cockpit
  23. But when Wags in an interview comments that it will be the next in the pipeline, then how do you conclude this statement to be wrong..? Do you got some juicy insider info you wanna share
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