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Everything posted by Nealius

  1. Google Earth, View menu, historical data. There's a slider but only a handful of snapshots between 2008 and present have clear images.
  2. Stopgap that works for me: Map trim reset to an easy to reach button on your HOTAS and tap that while you're on final approach. The bug seems to affect trim, so if you reset your trim there's no trim for the bug to mess with *taps head*
  3. I've been using the new fox feature to recreate reduced visibility from haze, and it looks very good, though I recently discovered that the fog thickness in-game maxes out somewhere in the 7000ft block, while the thickness slider in the Mission Editor will allow us to set very high thickness levels well beyond 7000ft.
  4. My A-10C loaded with 70% fuel (somewhere around 85% GW or so) hit a bunch of bumps on 21L around where the arresting cable would be, then at 150kts GS the starboard tire popped. Main gear is rated for 165kts GS (may fail, not will fail according to the -1) and I've pushed that limit before multiple times on 21R as well as at Kandahar and various other maps and locations and never had a popped tired, so I'm guessing this is a 21L runway issue instead of an A-10C issue. (Also when taxiing at the beginning you can see some of the T-walls blocking the taxiway). (Additionally, 21R is marked as closed with an X on it in DCS, and also marked as closed on Google Earth, yet the AI use it exclusively). (Should I make separate reports for the other two items?) tirepop.trk
  5. If a target is designated in the system it defaults to AUTO mode as US Navy doctrine is to drop in AUTO, which is different than the USAF doctrine (mainly F-16 as far as I know) is to drop in CCIP. You can hit the NWS button (once or twice, it's been a while) to undesignate the target and the CCIP pipper should appear.
  6. Some more dark-green liveries without unit markings on the nose from the early GWOT days would be nice too.
  7. Something seems to be amiss with the airspeed to DISS switch again. Working on a track for debug but this is what I've observed on Afghanistan map: Flying a due-easterly track from Ghazni to Ramak at 200kph, the doppler gauge was indicating aft and right movement when at that speed it should have been off completely. The moving map was indicating a due-south ground track, 90 degrees off from actual ground track. Upon turning off airspeed to DISS, the doppler gauge correctly turned itself off and the moving map indicated a correct due-east ground track. On my second flight in the area I left the airspeed to DISS switch off the entire flight and the moving map worked with near 100% accuracy.
  8. Yes we can do player/client and statics by "start on ground" but we shouldn't need to.
  9. I've been working on a random-generated sandbox mission and am always struggling with tanker placement. As a layman what I identify as a safe zone is further away from the operating area than the aircraft's origin airbase, so I end up putting the tankers closer to the combat area than they probably would be for the sake of gameplay. I've already got 5 tankers and 4 operating areas, but the more I learn about the conflict the more I want to build into the mission and it's just going to get overloaded with triggers and units
  10. Delta ramp, and really most of that entire side of the airbase, should fit C-130s yet we are unable to place them anywhere on Delta ramp, and are limited to only 5 spots each of Charlie (09-13), Sierra (01-04) and Tango (01-04).
  11. Historically CH-47s were parked at the Romeo ramp however the mission editor thinks the Chinooks are too big for these spots.
  12. Polish forces operated Mi-24 and Mi-8 out of Ghazni using the 8 helipads. In DCS the sytem thinks the pads are too small and won't let us place the aircraft on the ramp. In this Google Earth image you can can see Mi-8s, Mi-24s, and two UH-60s parked on the pads.
  13. Any trailing zeros needed for the input? I don't recall off-hand how many digits the Viper wants and I don't have the campaign to see if it gives 6, 8, or 10 digits, but it may be worth investigating.
  14. Is Bagram 21R/03L supposed to be closed? There's a black X painted on on 21R in DCS. In Google Earth there are multiple Xs painted on it. It seems like the AI use it, though. Also some Bagram parking issues. Historical satellite photos show Chinooks on Romeo ramp yet we can't place any there. C-130s also shown on Delta Ramp and all over Charlie ramp, yet we can only place them on 5 of Charlie and none of Delta. The decorative shelving and cargo at almost all the ramps is right in the middle of jet/prop wash and would get blown to oblivion in actual operations.
  15. Last time I trapped the Tomcat (maybe 2 months ago?) the ball was calibrated for the Tomcat.
  16. Well he certainly isn't shooting blanks with the missus....
  17. Yes. You can set the advanced waypoint action to green state, then in the triggered actions window set both red state and green state. Then in triggers you can set desired conditions with the action AI TASK PUSH either red state or green state.
  18. Is it set to play to the group that you are flying in?
  19. I've been building a large sandbox for casual play and it's been happening to me everywhere. Landing at Kandahar? Pitch up. Landing at Bagram? Pitch down while doing a TACAN arc to line up on initial 5nm out, then a pitch up as I cross the threshold. Flying around Bost doing combat ops? Random pitch down and pitch up depending on location relative the runway. Never happens on Syria at Incirlik or any of the Jordanian bases.
  20. Yes. It was actually after cleaning the cache that the problem started. It works in incognito mode, but not in regular browsing.
  21. +1. Every single flight in the A-10 for me (about 8 flights now) has experienced this pitch up behavior on the Afghanistan map. I'm about to quit playing the A-10 entirely until they fix this.
  22. The suggested solution is no different than what ED did with Link16 naming in the Viper.
  23. The resolution of the green space itself is also quite poor in DCS.
  24. Ghazni citadel is also missing.
  25. The Github explains everything: https://github.com/evogelsa/dcs-real-weather/blob/main/cmd/realweather/README.md
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