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Everything posted by probad

  1. i dont know whats up with people anymore they were talking up such a fuss about a little bit of snow up here as if people had never seen snow even though it literally happens every year
  2. dude do you know how long the queue is?
  3. what we need is a good old fashioned war to really show what works and what doesnt
  4. dont bother with the little slider throttle, go for keyboard throttle plus stick layout su-25 has the throttle and view controls mapped to the numpad by default so put that under your left hand. move your sensor controls to the arrow keys instead and related stuff like ground stabilization and target lock to nearby buttons and you should be good to go.
  5. i love how they always say the same damn thing "i just want to see if theres enough desire for this to exist" like they're all popped out of the same cookie mold sure enough as they start with the same words they also all end the same way
  6. fly, crash, whatever, in the process of just fiddling around with it you'll start having questions, the forum and the manuals are only tools to get those questions answered. im not a fan of getting lost in the whole 'formalized dcs learning' meme but i guess for some people its a form of roleplaying. like im saying you can be serious ("i will make sure to keep trying to fly formation even though its frustratingly difficult") without going formal ("i can only practice formation after i learned the startup")
  7. i dont get why you go around ed to try to pitch a product you dont even have, seems like poor form you want to use "community response" to boosh an idea through? what are you going to do if the proposal gets shot down? play the audience and blame it on ed being some meaniebutts? this is like a really dolled up version of those dev larper pipedream threads you find down in the modding section ill say something good once i see something good.
  8. "wtf trying to pull angles on angle fighters makes my rate fighter eat shit????? noooooooooooo it cant be my fault for flying wrong!!!!!!" angles fighting is natural for most people and it takes some work to learn the different sight picture and reactions needed to make rate fights work. it will feel like you're giving up the fight but you must learn to lag your pursuit. think in terms of running up his ass instead of leading to intercept.
  9. the rwr tells you which direction to look out the window the smoke tells you where the missile is headed problem solved
  10. this must not be a person interested in airplanes so why should we care again?
  11. its got to be the 17f, we already have a module weighed down by the izmrud
  12. cant wait to deal with the boom operator whos tabbed out on facebook
  13. in the spirit of reconciliation i should say that its not lost upon me the underlying goodwill of this proposal as a way to compliment the a-4 devs on a job well done. its just unfortunate that the realities make it a counterproductive suggestion.
  14. some of us i think are hostile because we're aware dcs exists in a rather hostile environment -- a greater social undercurrent where quantities have trumped qualities. talks of simply "more content" ignore the burning issue of "of what quality?"; arguments in favor of "more players" disregard the unfortunate problem of "of what interests?" i think at least that there is an obligation to turn the discourse to pay attention to these devilish details, even if it is discomforting, as they are the nucleus of what makes dcs stand apart from the crowd
  15. just because it sounds positive doesnt make it a positive though and maybe that sounds weird to you but disregarding the will of the mod team roughshod is inherently rude, even if you present it politely how can anyone talk about not hurting the feelings of forum members at the same time callously treating the developers' wishes? are they not human because, in rendering a service to society, they have suddenly degraded themselves to mere servants? disgusting.
  16. remember when the a-4 mod was a grassroots community effort? and remember when it demonstrated that grassroots community efforts are utter jokes because it takes too much effort to walk instead of talk? so gospadin had to turn it back into a properly managed closed project? but here we are full circle with the community popping up again going full ideas man on it the irony is delicious, i love it
  17. looking forward to getting mogged on by that one nerd who flew 2 hours around the edge of the map just to lob hellfires at the apron looking forward even more to him crying on the forum that it wasnt fair he got shot down by a bvr missile
  18. dcs would have never been a thing with this kind of approach history is actually so full of unfair matchups that your idea of fair matches through historical precedence has no actual ground to stand on. conflating historical "set" matchups with fairness and making a meme out of it all is one of the cardinal sins of the simulation community because in focusing only on simulating the material you neglect to simulate the most key element of the history: the people. you neglect that essential attitude of the fighter pilot who has no quarter to care for either historical precedence or for fairness. for the a6m pilot, meeting the f6f in 1943 was an unfair and unprecedented matchup. for the p-47 pilot, meeting with a me262 in 1944 was an unfair and unprecedented matchup. for the mig-17 pilot, meeting with an f-4 in 1965 was an unfair and unprecedented matchup. if you actually cared about roleplaying history you wouldnt come at this with such a gamer attitude of muh matchups
  19. did you know a biplane can also outturn an f-16???????? absolutely scandalous
  20. danielnl maybe you should appeal to blueflag admins a bargain where you agree to some probationary terms that would be a win win since i think this community would really be sorry to miss out on your entertainment idk man this sounds like a million dollar idea right here
  21. id give up both my mig-15 and 19 for this tbh
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