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Everything posted by toutenglisse

  1. @maajr57 on the picture above, change "TYPE : Turning point" for a parked option.
  2. Yes, you can use a very little script to do that : For example, if you want an action trigger to turn red coaltion to hold fire, use ChangeCoalRoe(1, 4) in a "do script" box. .miz example attached (F18 player surrounded by naval, sam, and mig groups, that start on "hold fire" Roe, and turn to "open fire" at time > 30s). This uses Roe, but you could also play with "alarm state" instead I guess. test-change-Coal-Roe.miz
  3. Yes there are several solutions but only for spawning a "player" skill aircraft (spawning a "client" is not possible for what I know).
  4. Quoting latest DCS Official News letter : "Once air-to-air refueling is completed, the inertial navigation system (INS), and the new RWR will be delivered and the EE will be ready for release."
  5. I guess late activation on a client slot is still not working. Attached is an example of what you can do. (example with 1 slot at enemy base that is captured at 1 mn, plus 1 slot at blue base to switch between) test-client-slot-at-captured-base.miz
  6. Only AI (AI being flight leader) has ability to reach this route's waypoints, and make the route switch to next waypoint.
  7. The route on F10 map is for AI exclusively. Only AI can effectively reach these waypoints so the route's objective switch to wpt2 when wpt1 is reached for example. You have a F10 map route because you have an AI wingman. The route is attached to you because you are flight leader and can't switch to wpt2 because you can't reach wpt1 (like an AI does). If you set an AI for leading flight (eventually yourself as client for num.2), you will see that route's objective switch to next wpt when a wpt is reached.
  8. @algherghezghez yes it is possible, but while it does work with both "Client" or "Player' units, it will only work in singleplayer (as it respawns inside a "Player" skill aircraft only - not possible to respawn inside a client aircraft - it would destroy existing Player unit each time another one use the respawn by refuel) I attached a .miz example. Choose hornet/viper client slot and enter inside the moving zone attached to tanker (close to it). When you are inside there is a little lag while you respawn with full fuel tanks, with a message. The script gets all initial datas from your aircraft, and respawns it with the fuel maxed out (and position/speed updated). EDIT : as a downside effect, it also restore initial AC conditions... (no damage, initial weapons loadout) If you don't have the hornet/viper change the type to one you have in mission editor, change skill to player or client and reduce the fuel to very low. test-auto-air-refuel.miz
  9. Hi, it doesn't work because you set a defined number (2) as unit ID that is not the correct number. In these cases you should use a function to get the "live" ID of the unit you want. This code does work : function ACtivateByHoggit() env.info("DEBUG: -------------------------------- Turning ICLS ON by Hoggit function --------------------------------") local gp = Group.getByName("CV59TF"):getController() local UnitID = Unit.getByName("Teddy"):getID() gp:setCommand({id = "ActivateICLS", ["params"] = { ["type"] = 131584, ["channel"] = 5, ["unitId"] = UnitID, }, }) end
  10. Line 41 ( event.target:getController():setCommand(SmokeOn) ) activates smoke from smoke pod. Color is set by the pod you mount on plane. It only seems to work for AI I don't know why (for client / player, smoke pod can only be activated with a keypress. Trigger or script don't work). So I also added next line. Line 42 ( trigger.action.ctfColorTag(event.target:getName() , (event.target:getCoalition() == 1 and 2 or 5)) ) activates smoke without pod, by default comes from exhaust. It's set like this : "2" (red smoke) for coalition "1" (red), and "5" (blue smoke) for other coalitions (blue or neutral). Color numbers are described here : DCS func ctfColorTag - DCS World Wiki - Hoggitworld.com (I corrected the script in previous post because I wrote 0 instead of 1 for red coalition - 0 is neutral) The script makes a table of planes at mission start, and does add to table planes when they eventually spawn later (AI or client/player). When one of them is hit it does activate the smokes for 5 seconds, with a message giving plane types (or player names). During the 5 seconds the target is removed from table and added again after to detect further hits.
  11. You can use this script (copy - Ctrl C - and paste - Ctrl V - in a "do script" action box at mission start : test-smoke-on-hit-script.miz
  12. Hi, yes you can get this by delaying your flight by 1 second (as player flight). This way, if AI hornets next wpt at start is RTB on the carrier, this will be active priority task "in the queue" (before your presence on the deck will "reserve" the 4 cats). Example attached. It is also possible to set you as "client" and start as spectator, and select client slot after 1 second, but I think 1st method is prefered. test-cold-start+landing-hornets.miz
  13. Wings folded on my side (up to date openbeta). Try a repair ?
  14. @v81, I think it may be possible to check objects at spawn spot inside a function, called when a player select a slot, and refuse or valid the spawn. I have no MP scripting exp., nor any way to test, so this has 99% chances to be an error, but a script example I can think off :
  15. @Gunfreak time > 300 sec as condition for "mission start" is not supposed to happen. It should work with a "once" trigger.
  16. @sirrah or include the cold start duration (I think it only depends on the AC type, but it is fixed duration) into your START trigger delay for uncontrolled. EDIT : but of course only if cold start duration is smaller than the delay you want, or your described solution is the only one that works.
  17. Hi, you need cockpit triggers to do that (described from page 155 of DCS User Manual EN 2020.pdf), not script for what I know. I attached a miz file example with Hornet on ramp. Tune 1 of the 2 radio comms to 121.000 to get flag activated/message. Tune both out of 121.000 to get flag deactivated/message. To get parameter's name you need, you also need a debug console (DCS-bios mod). Example of similar thread with answers by @Rudel_chw : test-Hornet-radio-tuned-trigger.miz
  18. UNCONTROLLED. When setting an AI group to a “Takeoff from Ramp” (cold start) waypoint, the Uncontrolled check box can be used to have the AI group appear at their starting location on the ramp, but not begin the spool up sequence until initiated by an AI TASK trigger as set by the START Command in the Triggered Actions of the group. In this case, the group aircraft will appear in the mission in parked configuration and remain as such until triggered to “come alive” (from DCS User Manual EN 2020.pdf)
  19. Yes any unit, whatever the type, that you include 'Awacs' as part of the unit/pilot name. Be sure that it has a radar (script checks for radar detection only, and I didn't put a check for Awacs unit having a radar). It is supposed to work with multiplayers of both blue and red side (everyone gets menu with own side Awacs).
  20. Thanks. Attached here is updated script (also updated example in previous post). Now Unit/Pilot name just need to include 'Awacs'. Make as many as you want. I made the needed changes (sub menu with list of Awacs - if more than 10 I will need to add 2nd page sub menu etc...) and I added a function (UpdateAwacs()) in case you spawn new Awacs purposed units. Stand alone, won't interract with other custom radio items. EDIT : except of course if I named my functions with names existing in other scripts... I removed "cheat" for Helo radar. test-scripted-Awacs-v2.lua
  21. Just a note, it works OK if you use any ship as awacs, but Tarawa seems to have an issue with very low radar range detection.
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