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Everything posted by jonsky7

  1. Hi, Have all the advanced waypoint actions for trains been removed or am I not doing it right. I'm sure you could get a train to go back and forth along a track by selecting the switch waypoint command, and have it say hold in a station for a few minutes before setting off again. All I get now is "no option"
  2. I get that too, as if there is some sort of "film" or texture over the camera lens, really bugs me sometimes.
  3. You can get into an issue with the graphics card's maximum supported 3D application resolution You're trying to export a resolution of 8560x1440 which is now more than most graphics card can support. As a educated guess I'd say you're losing 880pixels off the edge. 3x1440p monitors are 7680x1440 eg GTX1080/RTX2080ti/RTX3090 Max res is 7680x4320 7900XTX max resolution is 7680x4320 In fact I can't find a single graphics card that will do more, seems to be a standard, equivalent to 2x4K displays.
  4. If you start on Land, you don't get the cue to set up your radios, I think this is required to get the messages.
  5. Thanks, didn't think of that. I was hoping there was a slew option that just moved the little target marker, but I'll certainly give your tip a try.
  6. That's exactly what it did before this change. It was a bit fast when using a joystick button though. But at least the mouse wheel over the knobs worked properly. It's not very nice currently.
  7. The kneeboard by default opens in the bottom right corner of your game resolution. The game resolution is described in step 2 of the guide on the first page. The green rectangle around the screens in the example images. If your 3rd screen is the bottom right corner, you shouldn't need to do anything to have the kneeboard open there. If you want to alter the position the kneeboard opens in, then The kneeboard mod described on page 1 still works as of current open.beta, though it may fail integrity check on servers with pure scripts required. I don't play on those servers as I have many display export mods which also fail pure scripts. There's a neat little tool at the end of step 3 that can be used to find position and size. Once you have the numbers, the part of the kneeboard mod guide you need is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to DCS World\Scripts\Aircrafts\_Common\Cockpit\ and open the file ViewportHandling-resize.lua This is where will configure where we want the kneeboard to open. Line 33 says dedicated_viewport = {0,0,default_width,default_height} This is already modified and will open the kneeboard on the top left You can however replace all the text with numbers, eg: dedicated_viewport = {1000,360,600,800} You would put the numbers in line 33 so it would look something like dedicated_viewport = {4340, 0, 600, 800} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like more help then it would be best if you include a screenshot of your display setup from windows display manager. Include the resolutions of your monitors. Say where you'd like the kneeboard to open. Regards Jon
  8. Hi, In WAGS' IAT video he says you can adjust the central tracking point while in IAT mode. How do you do that please?
  9. odd, what are you trying to bind it to? Or doesn't it work at all?
  10. What a guy ! Thanks very much, I would have never guessed the output script to cause this, so much appreciated.
  11. LeftALT+Z to slow down speed LeftCTRL+Z to speed up time LeftSHIFT+Z to set normal time
  12. Are you selecting the controller column? I don't think you can load it all in one go, you have to select each controller in turn. Left click the controller name eg, the red circled area
  13. What's the latest version of the UH-60L mod please? 1.3.1? Apparently it's causing some vehicle sounds to be missing in CA
  14. Yeah, turning shadows off removes the lines, but not having shadows isn't much of a fix. They get wider and worse the lower the setting you use for shadows.
  15. Well I reverted back to to test it out. No banding there. I used the same track replay as above, so exactly same conditions etc. That's a bit of a downgrade and HORRIBLE.
  16. Hi, I'm seeing weird lines on textures since the last update.... Don't recall seeing them before this patch, anyone else? I've done a cache delete, FXO and metashaders etc weird lines.trk Most of these shots are slightly exaggerated to get the point across, but I see them out of the window and across the cockpit textures sometimes too.
  17. Same, trying to use the AI He-111, can place it in the mission editor, can arm it, model is in the arming window looking good. Start the mission but no HE-111 present. The Hurricane, P-51, FU4, seem to work
  18. Looks amazing! Don't suppose there is enough done for an AI model is there?
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