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Everything posted by rwbishUP

  1. no mods, but this is how my interior panel lights look. anyone else?
  2. Wasn't sure which topic to post under, this is affecting all of my modules with targeting pod capability. I can't get targeting pods to detect JTAC designations. I have tried every module that I have, that carries a TGP. I have tried different des codes, maps, terrains, altitudes, etc.. I can use nvg and clearly see the laser, and even place the TGP on the target and LST will not detect the JTAC laser. The farthest I have been able to detect a designation via the TGP is within around 3000ft / 914m of the actual designated tgt. The laser guided mavs are working fine, they detect spots like normal.
  3. Wasn't sure where to ask this, but. Would it be possible for me to implement Abubis Herc to my single player TTI maps?
  4. @skywalker22, I've noticed some weird tank/skin anomalies to. I can't get any of my skins to use their own liveries on their bags, they all use the default clean livery. I even made a custom tank skin and added it to my livery and still goes to default. Can't find any errors in the description.lua or anywhere else, it's driving me nuts.
  5. @Exorcet, sorry for the late reply. It's basically a pass/fail mission, if the 2 primaries aren't destroyed, regardless of collateral units, it's a failed mission. I used your first suggestion, but added a few more parameters to get the full effect I wanted. I used increment zone, and set my different mission end triggers based on the zone that the airfield would be inside of when RTB. I wanted to force the pilot to have to do a complete park and engine shutdown @ the airbase. Before the message would be passed to them. Sort of a, see the mission completely through, regardless of outcome. I'm trying to learn how to implement flags and a little more advanced trigger actions, since I've not really worked with them a lot. Thanks for the reply and for the help, friend.
  6. I think, the way the carrier is implemented, if you were able to set take off from ground and place it on the carrier. The aircraft wouldn't bind to the carrier deck, it would just slide off of it, or the aircraft would just drop straight through the carrier on mission start. And I would say to fix that would take a BIG rework on the carriers and probably the bodies of water. Would be nice though.
  7. I'm building a ground attack mission. It allows only one bombing attack pass. There are multiple units in a condensed tgt area, but the main objectives are two, dark Mobile Anti Air units. I know how to set triggers to finalize the mission for successfully damaging the two particular units. But, I was wondering what would be the best way, to finalize and set a mission failure after player has landed, if these two units escaped without damage? I'm trying different flag combos, but can't get the result I need.
  8. @SedloI can't get a response from the kc130 when I tried with a VHF frequency, weird. Thanks for the reply.
  9. Are tankers only going to be able to have UHF freqs now, or is this just a bug?
  10. Really like the mod, hope dev continues on it. I'm a big fan of heavy helos.
  11. could someone point me to documentation on AI scripting and commands for the mod? In order to set up automated resupplies/airdrops.
  12. Would be pretty handy, have needed it quite a few times. I wish it were possible to set up operating trains again to.
  13. Same, I've heard most all of the same ones from day one of having the module. I came across all of the voice files and was actually gonna make a backup and record some new replacements to use in sp missions, to break up the monotony a little bit. But, I can't be serious enough, I always start doing Chris Farley, Tommy Boy, tow truck crash re-enactment.
  14. I was plundering around in some install folders, and came across the speech files for Jester. I noticed there are a lot of phrases I've never heard him say, and I almost exclusively fly the 14. Are all of these phrases supposed to cycle? Or, were only certain ones scripted into the module and the rest just not removed from the release? Just want to know if there's something I need to change in order for Jester to use all his phrases.
  15. Wow, that's weird, thanks for letting me know about that!
  16. I don't think so, at least I've never been able to. I've always had to create separate groups of 1. Are you trying to set up a specific formation spacing in the ME?
  17. My scripting knowledge is very LOW. So, I would like to have a script, that would direct AI ground units or unit to a downed aircraft. I'm wanting to model airfield crash response, (airport fire rescue trucks, medical hummer, etc.). Like the carrier rescue helo script. I know I can use triggers for basic late activation. But, since a crash could be in various locations on the airfield. I would like to know how to get the location, or point of crashed aircraft, passed to the AI ground units. So they would set their own path to the crash as long as it's inside the airfield zone. Was wondering if this would be possible, even with scripting? Sorry if I posted in wrong topic, please move if so.
  18. Found that it was my Mods Folder, now trying each mod 1x1, must be a popular mod since affecting so many. Must've posted @ same time, thanks @rem27
  19. tried deleting options.lua, no luck, just had to login again, then it quit
  20. Same boat, DCS not starting. Small splash screen, then just quits, no error msg or feedback. NOT USING STEAM VERSION end of log file only has this: 2021-05-20 18:45:07.062 DEBUG Scripting: generated "weapons.missiles.SMOKESAMIR" = 350 2021-05-20 18:45:07.062 DEBUG Scripting: generated "weapons.nurs.FUMIRCG" = 351 2021-05-20 18:45:07.062 DEBUG Scripting: generated "weapons.nurs.FUMIRCW" = 352 2021-05-20 18:45:07.062 DEBUG Scripting: generated "weapons.nurs.DRECS" = 353 2021-05-20 18:45:07.062 DEBUG Scripting: generated "weapons.nurs.FUMIRCR" = 354 2021-05-20 18:45:07.063 ALERT Dispatcher: Error running db_scan: ?:0: attempt to concatenate a nil value 2021-05-20 18:45:07.063 INFO DCS: application shutdown 2021-05-20 18:45:07.238 WARNING EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManager::Create() doesn't exist. 2021-05-20 18:45:07.315 INFO TERRAIN: lSystem::exit() 2021-05-20 18:45:07.315 INFO TERRAIN: lSystem::CleanScenes() === Log closed.
  21. Thanks again for the help @staysoft & @dark_wood, really appreciate it.
  22. Nice, thanks for the help @staysoft, would you happen to have the link to the mod or the name, just in case I can't find it by searching? edit: Would it happen to be the zil truck in the pack by @SUNTSAG?
  23. Can the SS-1C Scud Launcher be re-armed in mission, or is it single fire per mission? If it can be rearmed, which support unit needs to be placed with it to do this?
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