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Operation "Blue Flag" - 24/7 PvP Campaign - ROUND 5

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The Reds won Op. Blue Flag 5!






GCI: "Control to SEAD: Enemy SAM site 190 for 30, cleared to engage"

Striker: "Copy, say Altitude?"

GCI: "....Deck....it´s a SAM site..."

Striker: "Oh...."

Fighter: "Yeah, those pesky russian build, baloon based SAMs."




Best way to troll DCS community, make an F-16A, see how dedicated the fans really are :thumbup:





It has been an honor fighting with you, thanks to everyone who participated.





GCI: "Control to SEAD: Enemy SAM site 190 for 30, cleared to engage"

Striker: "Copy, say Altitude?"

GCI: "....Deck....it´s a SAM site..."

Striker: "Oh...."

Fighter: "Yeah, those pesky russian build, baloon based SAMs."




Best way to troll DCS community, make an F-16A, see how dedicated the fans really are :thumbup:


Considering just how back and forth this has been, plus the extraordinary cheating by =Air= this afternoon, and the nuke that got dropped, I'm calling this a draw.


Meh, most of us stopped bothering last week, red won by default.

If next round is the same for crashing 5 times in 1 minutes I wont bother with that either.

Sorry Greg, Xcom Ciribob et al, just soul destroying and fun sapping to go through 5 start ups in a row.

And lo, Reverend Vegas did say "Take forth unto the infidel the mighty GAU 8 and expend its holy 30MM so that freedom will be brung upon them who knoweth not the joys of BBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT"



Meh, most of us stopped bothering last week, red won by default.

If next round is the same for crashing 5 times in 1 minutes I wont bother with that either.

Sorry Greg, Xcom Ciribob et al, just soul destroying and fun sapping to go through 5 start ups in a row.


Wow... Red put tons and tons of effort into winning. We also were discouraged from time to time by server issues, but we didn't give up. There are pilots with tremendous amounts of skill on both sides. To say Red won by default is rather obnoxious.



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"De oppresso liber"


NZXT Phantom Full Tower, Intel Core i7 4960X Processor(6x 3.60GHz/15MB L3Cache) 20% Overclocking, 64GB DDR3-2133 Memory, NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan Black-6GB SLI Mode(Dual Cards), Gigabyte GA-X79-UP4 Motherboard, ViewSonic PJD5132 SVGA Multi-Region 3D Ready Portable DLP Projector, Track IR 5, Thrustmaster Warthog, Cougar MFDs.



GG Guys,im proud of you all. It was a hard fight for us! For the Motherland!

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What is a man if he loses his homeland? We, the pilots, must fly and take the first and the strongest impact of the aggressor on ourselves so we could save at least one child in this country.

Major Zoran Radosavljevic *26.02.1965 +26.03.1999

Legenda si bio, legenda ostao...

Posted (edited)

Today was the most fun I've ever had on DCS. I've never seen so much exploding outside of a Michael Bay film.


Thanks BLUEFOR and REDFOR for the good fight! :thumbup:

Edited by Ciribob

Scripts: Complete Transport And Logistics Deployment - CTLD / CTLD Examples - Lots of example of how to use CTLD

CSAR Script - Downed Pilot Rescue / Dedicated Server Script - Automatically launch DCS Multiplayer server at startup

Range Scoring Script - Get scores and counts hits on targets for gunnery or bombs / SimpleSlotBlock - Multiplayer dynamic Slot Blocking Script


Projects: DCS-SimpleRadio Standalone - DCS Radio Integration for All Aircraft - NO TeamSpeak Required! :)

DCS-SimpleRadio Troubleshooting Post / DCS-SimpleRadio Free Support Channel on Discord

Wow... Red put tons and tons of effort into winning. We also were discouraged from time to time by server issues, but we didn't give up. There are pilots with tremendous amounts of skill on both sides. To say Red won by default is rather obnoxious.



Unfortunately for some winning is all that matters, I think most Red were still having fun when it looked like Blue were going to cake walk it.

"[51☭] FROSTIE" #55


Fastest MiG pilot in the world - TCR'10




Red side won this one after an amazing comeback! The war lasted for 16 days with a good back and forth. We want to thank you all for your participation and the support during the testing and the official round.


Statistics of participation numbers etc will be available asap.





In the meantime the US Navy announced that they can't deal with the loss...

A carrier group arrived close to Poti and launched immidiately counter attack operations.

Batumi, Senaki, Kutaisi & Kobuleti are free once again and ready to support a new offensive.


Everything shows that the war will continue for one more night... :D




"ARGO" DCS UH-1H DLC SP Campaign

373vFS DCS World squadron (Greece) - www.buddyspike.net

"ARGO 2.0 Project Phoenix" UH-1H DLC Campaign - WIP


The most fun was the last two days of the campaign, blufor were at their best when we were cornered to vaziani, personally had tons of fun taking of in a M2 while there were 20+ red sukhois buzzing all over the field and not having to worry about IFF coz the skies were red :D


Posted (edited)

Congratulations to the Red Team! It was a tough fight - you deserve the win!


Considering just how back and forth this has been, plus the extraordinary cheating by =Air= this afternoon, and the nuke that got dropped, I'm calling this a draw.


The nuke was ugly but did not change the outcome (still the person who dropped it should be banned from the next event imho). Is it actually confirmed that it was a nuke and not just some strange bug?


The =Air= incident should be investigated to find out for how long he was doing this...


Unfortunately there are some black sheep in the community who apparently don't want to play fair. Thankfully the majority of people here likes a tough challenge and stands up for fair play. In fact I found it very inspiring and fair of the red team to speak up against one of their teammates using illegal weapon loadouts.


What I found equally disturbing is that there are people (I am not mentioning any names but I am sure most people here know who I am talking about) who keep complaining all the time, are bragging about their K/D ratio and saying things like red would not have won without them. That is very arrogant, annoying and ruins the game for others.


All in all I had a lot of fun! Thanks everyone!




Edit: I agree that the last two days were the most fun! We even had a lot of fun when the Reds were closing Vaziani. Maverick recorded a hilarious moment on TS that ideally describes how we felt when we had no place left to spawn at: [ame]

[/ame] Edited by counter25
Meh, most of us stopped bothering last week, red won by default.

If next round is the same for crashing 5 times in 1 minutes I wont bother with that either.

Sorry Greg, Xcom Ciribob et al, just soul destroying and fun sapping to go through 5 start ups in a row.


My dear Bacon butty, Only you gave up last week. This was in the last server restart.



Fairly even and it was packed till the end. Infact Blue managed to push a little and gained another FARP in PAK 6 and where knocking on Kutaisi's door when it finally ended.


64th "Scorpions" Aggressor Squadron

Discord: 64th Aggressor Squadron


Fairly even and it was packed till the end.


Packed, yes. Even, no. In the last 2 hours it was even, but the days before we were heavily outnumbered and everybody knows it. Please stop denying that.

I cant wait for the statistics to know exactly how bad it was.


What I found equally disturbing is that there are people (I am not mentioning any names but I am sure most people here know who I am talking about) who keep complaining all the time, are bragging about their K/D ratio and saying things like red would not have won without them. That is very arrogant, annoying and ruins the game for others.


Lol that guy was legendary in his relentless stream of abuse at anyone and everyone in the server. Regardless of Red or Blue :megalol:


64th "Scorpions" Aggressor Squadron

Discord: 64th Aggressor Squadron


Posted (edited)
who keep complaining all the time, are bragging about their K/D ratio and saying things like red would not have won without them.
You talking about =BK=Dementia ? He started insulting everyone today for an hour when dozen of helis were waiting around Tbilisi. Fact is, they were still air defense but he was apparently too drunk to really understand the game.



I'm not afraid of names. :P



Regarding the black fog, i'm unsure of the nuke. See attachment, the thing expand for way way too large.


edit : can't reupload, it's attached here


Edited by Darkwolf
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