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Any news on the Mig-23?


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Common Razbam. I know you guys are busy with the F-15..... But why did you have to do me like this.

I am desperately waiting for the day when I get the notification that it at least is under development again....

Or just tell us its dead. Then maybe someone else can pick it up?


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1 hour ago, razo+r said:

If you want news you are better of by joining their discord than asking here in the forums for news. RB is almost not active here.

But nothing new on the Discord too from the long time. There is work going on, but it's very quiet too.

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Am 8.3.2023 um 21:21 schrieb Dragon1-1:

They're selling the Mudhen, don't expect anything from the other modules until after hype dies down. Possibly after launch. They don't want to steal spotlight from their big release.

Which could take years ._. 


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Am 11.3.2023 um 00:50 schrieb SharkWizard:

Mr. Enigma released this video today:

Here, of course, he is "preaching to the choir" and additionally he is not Razbam. But at least he did interview Overstratos, who is in charge, at one point and the interview is linked in the video.

I knew the video beforehand. It's a very good analysis of the situation Cold War Simulation enthusiasts will find at DCS. This user group has grown a lot over the last few years and is getting bigger every day. Both in the Multiplayer and SP scene. It is no exaggeration to say that RAZBAN plays a very important role in this scenario with its modules. The imminent release of the Mig-23MLA would be a milestone for the Cold War Simulation community.

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We just need the Mudhen to come out and the heavy marketing to die down. So far, it's all been Strike Eagle, Strike Eagle ad nauseam. You know other stuff is going to be on backburner if they declare 2023 to be the "year of the Strike Eagle". Sure, I like the Mudhen, too, but I'm going to pass on it for now due to how Steam users were treated.

I hope they don't make the same mistake with the MiG-23. It's a quirky little jet, and I'm really looking forward to that one (and finish the Harrier already!).

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On 3/12/2023 at 5:04 AM, ESA_maligno said:

I have also asked them on twitter about the MiG23..., but it seems they don't answer...




Les he preguntado por twitter sobre el MiG23..., pero la callada por respuesta....


Hay callada por todos lados, ese es un proyecto zombie, esta muerto, a veces se levanta a ver si alguien lo mira con asombro, y vuelve a tirarse al piso 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Ashayar said:

AFAIK the next module after the F15E is the MiG-23.

It has a forum and has been convered in weekend updates - so it is announced - unlike the others.

However, they also mentioned in an interview that the IA-58 is simpler than the Super Tucano (with the main complexity in coding being the engines)... so we might see it released fairly quickly once they get around to it (e.g. both in 2024).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found this at the Russian-speaking forums:image.png

Posted this monday. Strike Eagle in all glory but these screenshots are what gets me going🤩. Soviet 60s/70s tech at it's "finest".

Edited by addman
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1 hour ago, addman said:

Found this at the Russian-speaking forums:image.png

Posted this monday. Strike Eagle in all glory but these screenshots are what gets me going🤩. Soviet 60s/70s tech at it's "finest".



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6 hours ago, addman said:

Found this at the Russian-speaking forums:

Posted this monday. Strike Eagle in all glory but these screenshots are what gets me going🤩. Soviet 60s/70s tech at it's "finest".


This is an old render not associated with DCS, it was posted on April Fools day

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2 часа назад, æck сказал:

This is an old render not associated with DCS, it was posted on April Fools day

Developers play April 1 jokes on their customers about their own work now? Must be one of those postmodernism boomer zoomer things I'm too old for...

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10 hours ago, addman said:

Found this at the Russian-speaking forums:image.png

Posted this monday. Strike Eagle in all glory but these screenshots are what gets me going🤩. Soviet 60s/70s tech at it's "finest".


Its a FAKE. Not DCS even not @OverStratos work :devil: , see this:


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Webmaster of http://www.yoyosims.pl


Win 10 64, i9-13900 KF, RTX  4090 24Gb OC, RAM 64Gb Corsair Vengeance LED OC@3600MHz,, 3xSSD+3xSSD M.2 NVMe, Predator XB271HU res.2560x1440 27'' G-sync, Sound Blaster Z + 5.1, TiR5, [MSFS, P3Dv5, DCS, RoF, Condor2, IL-2 CoD/BoX] VR fly only: Meta Quest Pro

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On 3/8/2023 at 3:21 PM, Dragon1-1 said:

They're selling the Mudhen, don't expect anything from the other modules until after hype dies down. Possibly after launch. They don't want to steal spotlight from their big release.


On 3/10/2023 at 5:35 AM, Lido said:

Which could take years ._. 


Nah, they aren't entirely competing for the same audience.

There is no reason to massively stager them out.

The Mudhen is close to early access anyway.

Most players will simply buy both.

The late cold war is getting alot of attention lately in DCS. The Flogger is going to get Razbam into that market in a big way. If anything it's better to let the F-4E come out and gain a decent following first. Once people have gotten used to that they will want a roughly equal BVR opponent for some FOX1 excitement. That is where the Flogger will shine. It's going to be an interesting experience too. Kinda similar to the F1 maybe. I think a bit more capable. I know it isn't a great turn fighter, but those big variable geometry wings have got to help some. It's going to be challenging for sure. My understanding is the wings can't sweep under G. So your kinda stuck with what you've got once the turning starts. Online good wingmen tactics will be essential. It's fast, and has a decent radar for the era. I personally think it'll be alot of fun. Who knows where it's at in development right now. But it's a simpler aircraft then the F-15E, almost anything is. So I don't think the development will take nearly as long. 

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I loath the F-15E at this point. I fully intend on Not buying it twice, in disgust, when it comes out. I own the F-16 and FA-18 but never fly them. Not really interested in 4 Gen, BVR, targeting pods, GPS bombs ect... Another blue plane with all the same weapons I already don't use.

The MiG-23 is exactly my taste and exactly what we need to balance the cold war line up. Putting the most produced Redfor 3rd Gen on the back burner so we can get yet another 4th Gen Bluefor...

Razbam, You were supposed to bring balance to the RedForce ! Not join NATO! 


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