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Will Jester II be a grown up ?


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The only reason I fly the F-14 so little is that Jester annoys the hell out of me. Is Jester II for the F-4 going to be a bit more professional, or is he going to have the same personality ? - similar to a 6 year old that has eaten too much sugar or a character in a Hollyweird action movie

I know that I can shut him up, but he's needed to operate the jet, so if Jester II is going to be a bit more like George or Petrovich in terms of keeping his comments relevant then that's going to be a real bonus. Maybe it could be an option, like the boring Jester that was never implemented.


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PC specs:- Intel 386DX, 2mb memory, onboard graphics, 14" 640x480 monitor

Modules owned:- Bachem Natter, Cessna 150, Project Pluto, Sopwith Snipe

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The reason I don't stop him talking is that there's a lot of vital or at least useful information coming from him.
But the jokes and silliness grate on me enough now to have parked the F-14 in the hangar.

I personally think that Jester AI is an amazing achievement that is without any precedent in flight sims, but at the same time he often makes me want to strangle him.

I'd like to "fly" the F-4 - I've got a connection with the real jet ( the UK versions anyway ) - but if it's going to come with lame jokes in the back seat that can't be dialled down, then I honestly won't buy it and that will be a shame.

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PC specs:- Intel 386DX, 2mb memory, onboard graphics, 14" 640x480 monitor

Modules owned:- Bachem Natter, Cessna 150, Project Pluto, Sopwith Snipe

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20 minutes ago, Extranajero said:

The reason I don't stop him talking is that there's a lot of vital or at least useful information coming from him.
But the jokes and silliness grate on me enough now to have parked the F-14 in the hangar.

I personally think that Jester AI is an amazing achievement that is without any precedent in flight sims, but at the same time he often makes me want to strangle him.

I'd like to "fly" the F-4 - I've got a connection with the real jet ( the UK versions anyway ) - but if it's going to come with lame jokes in the back seat that can't be dialled down, then I honestly won't buy it and that will be a shame.

Maybe there should be degrees of Jester verbality. Between “silent” and “jester” there could be “laconic” where jester just conveys the required information without jokes or added comments.

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“Mosquitoes fly, but flies don’t Mosquito” :pilotfly:

- Geoffrey de Havilland.


... well, he could have said it!

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50 minutes ago, Bozon said:

Maybe there should be degrees of Jester verbality. Between “silent” and “jester” there could be “laconic” where jester just conveys the required information without jokes or added comments.

That sounds like a perfect solution, that way the users have a choice if he gets to amaze us all with his sparkling wit and repartee

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PC specs:- Intel 386DX, 2mb memory, onboard graphics, 14" 640x480 monitor

Modules owned:- Bachem Natter, Cessna 150, Project Pluto, Sopwith Snipe

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6 hours ago, JetCat said:

Hmm but what would a Jester be without making sporadic jokes now and then?

Much less annoying.

I think it's the " Wheeee !! " sound he makes during dogfights that annoys me the most. There's me - trying to fly the shuddering heap of junk* into a position of advantage against one of DCS's AI UFO's - and he's sat in the back treating it like a theme park ride. You won't be bloody laughing in a minute mate, because we'll be falling out of the sky and you'll get to do a Goose against the canopy when you punch out.

*I mean shuddering heap of junk affectionately

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PC specs:- Intel 386DX, 2mb memory, onboard graphics, 14" 640x480 monitor

Modules owned:- Bachem Natter, Cessna 150, Project Pluto, Sopwith Snipe

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1 hour ago, 303_Kermit said:

What a topic... Personality of AI. Impressive.

I'love to have him bit sarcastic - funny like in the WSO blues 🙂

With my best regards

Isn’t it just! 😅

If your GIB isn’t throwing sarcasm occasionally - then he’s either already punched out, or he’s passed out.

The banter was what made all flights great, the nav would gripe (tongue in cheek), question my heritage, etc etc. 

Worked both ways though - frequently would tell the nav during BFM that “one more wisecrack and the ‘luggage’ will become the largest flare I’ll fire . . . “ 😇

Admittedly some of the Jester-isms can seem a little childish, but then - growing old is mandatory, growing UP is optional.

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- - - The only real mystery in life is just why kamikaze pilots wore helmets? - - -

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dude weed haha 420 blaze it im so high woooow dude weeeeed look im so funny my personality is literally weed dude lmao

nobody talks like jester dude his lines are like a constant barrage of internet memes.

Edited by probad
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On 6/17/2023 at 10:20 AM, Extranajero said:

I know that I can shut him up, but he's needed to operate the jet, so if Jester II is going to be a bit more like George or Petrovich in terms of keeping his comments relevant then that's going to be a real bonus. Maybe it could be an option, like the boring Jester that was never implemented.

I don't know why but whenever I see this kind of commentary/request, I try and figure out if I can DIY a solution - in this case, it's actually possible! 

Whether HB will introduce an option that limits/removes humour is up to them and their artistic liberty. (My own feelings are that I love Jester's commentary, but I recognize I am one person, and everyone's' experience is different). 

As for what to do in the meantime - the Jester voice files are located in \DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\F14\Sounds\Jester - you can listen through them, and replace the voicelines you do not like with voice lines you do, so long as you follow the same naming convention. 

I did something similar with my jester voice mod, you can learn more about it here: 


It's about 95% similar so you will experience similar humour, but it'll be coming from someone else haha

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https://youtube.com/@thesimnet                                    questions@thesimnet.com 



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2 hours ago, _BringTheReign_ said:

I don't know why but whenever I see this kind of commentary/request, I try and figure out if I can DIY a solution - in this case, it's actually possible! 


Outstanding, you are a prince amongst men 🙂

It's a bit of an epic task, but it should be do-able I suppose. Some nice RAF lines like " Tally Ho, what ! " and " I say, we are a tad deficient in the speed department old chap, there's nothing on the clock except the makers name " would be a good substitution 😄 or make him sound like Sean Bean and have every line of his just say " BASTARD "  😄
Really I'll see how much work it might be to replace his stupider remarks with silence.

I think I'll pass on Jest-Her though. Unless she sounds like Maggie Thatcher 😄


PC specs:- Intel 386DX, 2mb memory, onboard graphics, 14" 640x480 monitor

Modules owned:- Bachem Natter, Cessna 150, Project Pluto, Sopwith Snipe

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20 hours ago, 303_Kermit said:

-"Mom , I will grow up, and I'm going to be a pilot"
-"Son... you can't do both"

Pilot here.

Yeah, this is true. The moment you perform your first solo, you damn yourself to a life of childish antics.

And no regrets about said antics.

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Reformers hate him! This one weird trick found by a bush pilot will make gunfighter obsessed old farts angry at your multi-role carrier deck line up!

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On 6/17/2023 at 3:20 PM, Extranajero said:

The only reason I fly the F-14 so little is that Jester annoys the hell out of me. Is Jester II for the F-4 going to be a bit more professional, or is he going to have the same personality ? - similar to a 6 year old that has eaten too much sugar or a character in a Hollyweird action movie

I know that I can shut him up, but he's needed to operate the jet, so if Jester II is going to be a bit more like George or Petrovich in terms of keeping his comments relevant then that's going to be a real bonus. Maybe it could be an option, like the boring Jester that was never implemented.


Isn't it funny how different people are. One of the reasons I fly the Tomcat is Jester and I love that he feels so alive..I hate George and Petrovich as the pale in comparison, can barely do anything and are just very frustrating! I love Jesters sugar calls, his help during BFM, his sarcastic comments and praise. He feels a genuine friend to me, maybe that says more about me? But I for one certainly hope they don't tone him down or push more towards a George ai style.

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Here is an option I would like. Serious Jester mode tied to the Master Arm switch. As soon as we are going to kill virtual people (or are about to get killed ourselves), Jester should stop to make jokes. Around the boat, at the tanker and when doing training dogfights with the master arm safe, he can make his comments.

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13 hours ago, Indianajon said:

Isn't it funny how different people are. One of the reasons I fly the Tomcat is Jester and I love that he feels so alive..I hate George and Petrovich as the pale in comparison, can barely do anything and are just very frustrating! I love Jesters sugar calls, his help during BFM, his sarcastic comments and praise. He feels a genuine friend to me, maybe that says more about me? But I for one certainly hope they don't tone him down or push more towards a George ai style.

Heatblur are hardly going to listen to me, we'll just get what we are given. But not everyone finds 80's action movie dialog in the middle of BFM to be helpful, or funny. It would be nice to have the option available to turn it off, but still get useful feedback on airspeed. Heatblur themselves must have recognised this, or they wouldn't have included the Boring Jester option that hasn't been implemented.

As I originally stated, if the F-4 has the same style of communication from the back seat then I won't buy it. I'm sure Heatblur will be gutted by my decision and have a rethink 😄

I don't have any issues with Petrovich, he does his job and that's all I want from him. Arm the weapons system, aim the missiles, report ground fire and that'll be just fine thanks.
The interface works well, although I never ask him to fly, so I don't have experience of that side of things.
I don't hate or like him - just the same as Jester is, he's a piece of equipment. I don't want my systems to have a personality.
Although Marvin the paranoid android in the other seat might be quite funny 😄

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PC specs:- Intel 386DX, 2mb memory, onboard graphics, 14" 640x480 monitor

Modules owned:- Bachem Natter, Cessna 150, Project Pluto, Sopwith Snipe

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2 hours ago, Extranajero said:

Heatblur are hardly going to listen to me, we'll just get what we are given. But not everyone finds 80's action movie dialog in the middle of BFM to be helpful, or funny. It would be nice to have the option available to turn it off, but still get useful feedback on airspeed. Heatblur themselves must have recognised this, or they wouldn't have included the Boring Jester option that hasn't been implemented.

As I originally stated, if the F-4 has the same style of communication from the back seat then I won't buy it. I'm sure Heatblur will be gutted by my decision and have a rethink 😄

I don't have any issues with Petrovich, he does his job and that's all I want from him. Arm the weapons system, aim the missiles, report ground fire and that'll be just fine thanks.
The interface works well, although I never ask him to fly, so I don't have experience of that side of things.
I don't hate or like him - just the same as Jester is, he's a piece of equipment. I don't want my systems to have a personality.
Although Marvin the paranoid android in the other seat might be quite funny 😄

Personally I love him. As said before, to me he feels alive BUT I also wholeheartedly understand that others might not want his constant jabbering especially during BFM.

Imagine if he had a snarkiness slider that would change how silly he was in increments or change his personality! I'm only half serious but that could be hilarious.

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The next-generation iteration of this is a real AI program that uses 4-5 different sets of recordings from 4 or 5 different RIOs, to generate responses on the fly as you're in-mission.  

You'd get a sampling of each RIO's style from recordings clips of them, and then select the one you want to 'build' the AI personality off of.  The AI program could then use your own responses to it, to further refine and adjust what it generates for you.  

No more of anyone complaining about the profile of responses - the RIO would be as childish, or as helpful, as the pilot indicates to the AI they want it to be.  

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This isn't quite possible as of today. An LLM would be incapable of using terminology in proper context. It's just a stochastic parrot, it has no idea what anything it says means. So, there's no way to guarantee it'd use brevity codes and lingo in a sensible way. You'd need an LLM trained exclusively on pilotspeak, and even that might not work, because context matters, and some of those words are highly context-dependent. "Sunrise", for example, means an AWACS is on station, but also actual sunrise. An AI will not be able to distinguish those terms, while a human (one trained in speaking like this, anyway) can easily tell from context. This is an inherent limitation, there's literally nothing you can do to stop an LLM from misusing the jargon. 

AI, as it stands, is useless for any application that requires context. It can convincingly fake a few things, but aside from programming (where it doesn't really shine, either, but it takes some drudgery out), we should ask ourselves whether the things that it can do really are a necessary part of the human civilization.

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