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Everything posted by Jenson

  1. I only use this for clicking and flicking buttons and switches, not used for throttle grip.
  2. Hey guys, Recently I've bought a finger-ring touch mouse online, unfortunately the package was stuck at a distribution center over a month now due to covid lockdown in my city. But I can't wait to share with you all, before I test it. Basically, this ring mouse can be used as a regular mouse to click buttons, turn knobs and flick switches in VR, I think it's really useful before a well-developed hands-tracking solution. Let me what do you think. Price is about US$40 (269RMB), I couldn't find it in major online stores outside China, original link is here but in Chinese, you can use google translate (please delete if this is against the forum rules, sorry I didn't know if posting a purchasing link is okay or not) https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09. 2171073a6c58cbdd8c6f458b55bf7003.mp4 Original Post ↑ Edit on 29th May 2022 ↓ Note: Things I forgot to mention in the video: pros: good battery life, good response and acceptable accuracy cons: the craftsmanship is not fine, low-quality plastics, no producer info on the package (looks like a product from a small workshop) Purchase Link (40USD): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32811235467.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.73b5759eH56i7d&algo_pvid=202dfb23-602a-407c-94bf-eafa9943435c&algo_exp_id=202dfb23-602a-407c-94bf-eafa9943435c-37&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"65047661221"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!USD!!39.73!!!!!%4021086d9416537809480781454e3f7d!65047661221!sea&gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt Intro & Review
  3. Yup, I got many successful hands-off landing with ACLS mode 1, in single player missions.
  4. Thanks Bignewy, what i meant was if i took the default mission, added two new command to activate both link 4 and ACLS for the carrier, it still wont work. However, if i create a new mission from scratch, then the ACLS will work.
  5. As I created a new case iii mission (not editting the original case iii in DCS), it works, but the DCS default mission won't work.
  6. Same thing happened here, 6nm, ACLS lock on, but it won't enter Mode 1
  7. Yup, finished this mission and the following 15 and 16, awesome campaign, looking forward to your next good work!
  8. Yes, it turned out I was an idiot who didn't check "Use VR Headset" in the VR settings (because with steamVR or oculusVR option this checkbox isn't applicable) Anyway, it works now, and I've added DCS app as a big screen in my WMR virtual room. I'll start to try the openxr toolkit. Thanks so much again.
  9. Hi Niko, I followed your steps, but when I double click DCS icon, it runs as 2D mode instead of VR mode, can you elaborate how to run it in VR mode after get everything done? Thanks again
  10. Thanks for your swift reply sir! I didn't know I can transfer from steam to standalone, it sounds like a big project but I'm definitely gonna check it out. I'm tired of opening steam every time I wanted to play DCS, basically I only play DCS (honestly also Arma3) on my PC. I just got my G2 couple days ago and loved this headset so much, I'm also tired of using steamVR or oculus VR. I set my G2 with 2200*2200 per eye resolution, fps stabled at around 60 in the air, but lowered to only 30-40 when flying low in cities. I think 60 fps is enough for me but I hope to increase my resolution to something like 2500*2500 to increase the clarity.
  11. Hi nikoel, I'm using steam distribute DCS, and I see SkateZilla's utility doesn't support steam DCS, any idea how do I check my game's clean/complete installation?
  12. I think ED team is working on the data cartrige for hornet, hopefully it will be available soon.
  13. Maybe try single player dogfight practice first to see if you can shoot down an AI aircraft with guns.
  14. SAM evasion: first principle: don't panic; second principle: respect death.
  15. So, have you guys experienced the situation when the hornet is super light loaded, the nose will keep pitching up all the way up if you don't touch the stick?
  16. carry 4 gbu-10, full afterburner diving for 30 degree from 30k to reach supersonic, at around 5k ft, pull your stick to the end while clicking pinky paddle to override G-limit, you might get a chance to break your wings.
  17. Agreed, 10 years ago while I was playing the legacy Flaming Cliffs 2, I didn't expect to play a full fidelity hornet on DCS with so realistic scenes and with my VR headset now. In 10 years, we might be playing DCS like in Ready Player One, or at least on a PC with Intel i17 and XTX 9090Ti, plus a 16k resolution 120fps VR headset. At that time, I might refrain to pull the trigger because the "bandits" just look too real in the game.
  18. Even the ARMA3 doesn't have enough civilian in the cities. I doubt if DCS has the extra computing power to do that. Although it would make the cities more lively.
  19. Something like Operation Opera?
  20. Encountered the same issue, I thought it might have mixed up the FLIR display and FOV display, as I put them as RDDI and LDDI simultaneously.
  21. Slewing TDC in HUD is very sensative in DCS (I have no idea what it should be in real world). Suggest to use FLIR for precise designation: after you acquired the approximate location of target from HUD, put SOI to the FLIR Display and slew for a more accuate lockdown.
  22. A kind reminder that switching target in HARM is by pressing RAID/HARM Target Sequence/FLIR button on your throttle, not the pinky switch on your stick.
  23. Those non-AI players in multiplayer server are like the fanatic war boys in Mad Max.
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