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Rogue Trooper

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Everything posted by Rogue Trooper

  1. I hope so. I have to catch up on my overtime and book a 2 - 3 week holiday between here and mid march. I want to spend the holiday time building a multiple encoder rotary comms box for all choppers, I also want to be learning to fly the Apache. RL work is fluidly pushing my holiday back towards the end of Feb and I so so hope for the Apache to be released at that time..... after that..... late march... it will be work 24/7 for months to come. But I will get my rotary com control box!.... starting to love voice coms, at the mo AI coms, but I guess human to Human coms is awesome.
  2. I love the anger the delay has caused, it comes from true enthusiasm for our DCS Apache AH-64D. 2013 is when I think I joined DCS, and the Kamov KA-50 was the hook ED used to reel me in. I love the KA-50, I think the USSR's design brief to Kamov, which was to beat the Apache A, resulted in a very special machine that will always live in DCS! It does need to eventually have the president S.... but anyhoo! 9 years later and finally.. an Apache AH-64D is on my doorstep. The other guys that are ok with the delay are probably like me.... they know what ED is like, we are relaxed, "It will be so" is the mantra for us old timers. But it is coming... I am truly looking forward to the monocle sight over the right eye in VR, Overlayed target images projected directly to my right eye. A broad sweeping area denial 30mm cannon with very effective fragmentation dispersion..... FLIR...... FLIR.... in a chopper! Looking forward to sitting in the 3D pit and just drooling.... i got no problem with the disappointment felt in the delay with some DCS chopper pilots. I hope she will not disappoint, I so looked forward to the F-16, but man what a boring aircraft to fly.... Great Fighter, but Pure fly by wire! Office management springs to mind with the F-16, probably the F-18 too...... I spent very little time in both!
  3. It would also be critical for the DCS online dynamic campaign... winter is coming and the war needs to be finished soon! It would cause "oversite DCS Sim Generals" to make rash decisions. When I used to do target shooting, we started to recognise the "fair weather" shooters as they were never with us in the mud and rain..... firing at a target, 1 kilometre down range. The fella that inverts his A-10 and dives through a freezing thunder cloud to help the guys on the ground is a hero. Chopper Pilots are just heroes regardless.
  4. Yeah, this is Digital Combat Simulation, not civilian flight simulation or real world civilian flight where "safety" comes first and is absolute. Not sure putting the war on hold is an option for bad weather, in fact, bad weather is a benefit to the side that lacks air superiority. Diving through temperature layers for a strafing run to help out the boots on the ground is a thing in war.... it saves lives! As a chopper simmer, I would love icing in combat..... but for sure the DCS Engine and Vulkan must come first.
  5. I got rid of stable years ago... for the same reason as you are now exploring. The down side is if ED does an update that breaks Open Beta, but they are usually quick to fix.
  6. Looks like she has good instrumentation to get the job done against a well equipped enemy!
  7. Release dates have always slipped in DCS.... ED or third party! I have booked so many holidays based on chopper releases and almost always...NO, every time... the module has released weeks if not months after my holiday ended. ED and all third party guys have a nightmare trying to get everything just right in time for release, and then a nightmare bug turns up 2 days before the release date! They need to find the bug in hundreds of thousands of lines of code. i think most people who complain have very little idea of what is involved in modelling such complex airframes in the virtual. Anywho, my 3090, 64 gig RAM system update has not arrived yet, so I think we are all OK with the delay. It would be painful to me if you guys were enjoying the Apache whilst I did not even have a computer to play it on!
  8. What is the update on availability JackFlash, DCS weapon release is imminent.
  9. The delay video looks fantastic!.... love the hook. Looking forward to seeing the new pilot models and animations, using Avatar hand movement would be sweet.... even if it is to simply point. I am ok with the delay as I need more time for my new graphics card to arrive.
  10. I think it is time now for the full and complete flight manual. No pressure ED, but it is time for the manual including weapons, ranges and use off. Polychops had their flight manual out on release, for sure they added to that manual as certain weapons or chopper versions became available but they were there from the get go! Please let us start learning.
  11. Hi Svsmokey, I would also like to do that too! But how long are we going to wait for the software upgrades? And once we get the software updates, is the 3090 going to be better with those upgrades and the pain of purchase for the 3090 well behind me? I am in the final questions & answers with my computer manufacturer as they offer an upgrade path that offers an acceptable amount of pain for my addiction. My finger is stroking the Trigger and I am waiting for a reason not to squeeze the trigger.... but none are really coming up.
  12. I think it will be many years before we see 90 fps with awesome graphics in any highly complex flight sim. For VR, graphics set high and in nice complex battlefields, running at 60Hz solid would be my dream come true!
  13. Nice, they looked pretty high in the image. Should allow me to run my fingers across the gates whilst mentally counting the position without accidently activating the buttons. For sure they will be physically modified to further ensure confidence in finger position at each medial position.
  14. Agreed. BS3 is all we got! A KA-29 might be a nice addition that could be done... surely, naval ground assault chopper with the ability to upgrade to KA-29VPNTsu... that would be nice.
  15. Since I went over to Vaicom, I have realised that the voice is the new weapon in VR, an essential part of getting things done Petrov's voice is surely the most anticipated part of the hind for me... I am sooo looking forward to talking to him.... to interacting with my mouth.... and it will be in a chopper. It will be awesome! Ed will need to ensure they create an AI menu and reserve global key binds for human interface to AI comms.... they will eventually need a lot of key binds.
  16. That is good news, I am happy with my 2080ti (with some graphical sacrifices), I am surprised how well it runs with the G2... but it is time to upgrade to the 3090.
  17. Some statistics I read, when comparing the 3090 to the 3080ti, generally seem to lean towards the 3080ti as being the best bang for money.... why go for the 3090 they say. Are these tests that are linked in our VR discussions actually run in VR or pancake? Are they actually relevant to us? Currently, I am waiting for the pricing madness to subside before I go for my much needed GPU upgrade. At this moment I desire a 3090. Is the 3090 the king of VR or not? For me getting the 3090 to use with VR is all about the RAM! Am I wrong? Is there a fatal error in my thought process?
  18. Petrovich says nothing, I think "flares flares" is from a mission file that triggers a specific user made response.
  19. Kneeboard image in your picture looks like when I go into the the F10 map when Knee board is open.... It would be sooo good if the knee board worked in F10, would be awesome for notes dictation.
  20. I am with OP. Ugra's Syria map is the golden standard in my books, a map that just about balances detail with performance in VR. A lovely map! Hopefully Vulcan and CPU optimization makes normandy, channel islands and marianas run smooth and perfectly in VR, but will allow Syria to stand head a shoulders above everything else in combat performance wise. I am not complaining.... I am waiting.... waiting long time. waiting for DCS to come home.
  21. The full president-S would have been superb. It would have pulled our beloved little girl well and truly into big boy territory. I think there is nothing wrong with Russia showing off now and again and the KA-50 would be a good place to do it.
  22. Yesssss, oh yes there is such a thing! Of course there are degrees of Bad Love....... but Yes, it is in us all.
  23. Yeah the G2 just makes it all very special. Almost a privilege to sit in the pit of some airframe that a developer spent 1 or 2 years of their lives creating. There is simply no way I can go back to flight sims on a monitor, If you can live with the weakness of VR, or the weakness of the source code/hardware, then you are tasting something that our children will take for granted..... something absolutely awe inspiring.
  24. Great to hear you are in remission and I truly wish you the very best of new years. For me it is only DCS, I have not tried the other Flight sims yet. I think it is just that ability to fly and be free of the tethers and burdens of life that makes flight sims so special.
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