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Everything posted by 1.JaVA_Platypus

  1. Aren't they supposed to light up when they hit the ground??
  2. I thought that ED has close ties to "The fighter collection". (also see their logo on top of this page :thumbup:) You know, the guys who have the biggest spitfire collection on earth? :music_whistling:
  3. Lucky? The P40 is on presale for ages now. I don't think any of their other projects will be seen for at least five years.
  4. Yeah, it is recommended to set-up flight controls while not airborne. ;) A sink rate of 4m/s or more while attemping a hover will result in VRS. Watch the VSI...
  5. Wheelbrake solution for Warthog owners ;) https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=160749
  6. Makes those pesky groundcrew wanna think twice before deciding NOT to hook my slingload. :D
  7. The stock campaign is reall good. But it was made before we had the sling-load option. And probably they'll add something to do for the side-gunners in any of the new campaigns as well.
  8. Why have two seperate axis for rudder control when you can easily use one pedal for the rudder as well. As is the case with the Erco-415 Ercoupe. :D
  9. Me too. So far only the MiG-21 is affected...
  10. I agree. The grease you mentioned seems to be for metalic machine parts. Not plastic stuff that dissolves in mineral oils. Use a PTFE or Teflon based grease that is safe for plastic. (also no silicone grease, altough opinions vary on this matter)
  11. Cool stuff. Really great background information on general module-making as well. Could do without the noise of the people in the background...
  12. A payload mod is not se difficult to do. Would this be an improvement to the current IR missiles we have?
  13. DCS reads all input devices that Windows does. I imagine you will have a problem on a really old PC with an ancient windows version. I have 4 USB input devices apart from my wireless mouse/keyboard, TrackIR (and headset) I use Windows 10. Win7 will be fine as well. I dunno about earlier windows incarnations. But I don't think DCS will run on earlier windows at all. Rewiring switches may not as easy as it sounds. I think it is too fiddly. But it is defenitly do-able. And HAT swtiches can be repurposed to 4 or 8 independant switches. I dunno what the Siatek software will do when it 'misses' switches.
  14. Too expensive for the large crowd. Again...
  15. Can you make it over the 'hump'. LNS C-46 (and first dedicated transport plane in DCS) confirmed!!!
  16. Just had a boring "Fly straight and level" mission. :mrgreen: (note, stick and rudder positions)
  17. This sounds like something fun and solid. However, they don't come in a size wich is usuable for my 25" monitor (yet)
  18. I just tested it and it does work. Are you sure you are in "gun" mode?
  19. I hope the idle detent on the Warthog throttle can be assigned. :)
  20. This is not a Gazelle. :megalol: Nor is this a minigun for that matter. :D
  21. It is somewhat easier to use then the standard lat-long co-ordinate system. For example, during the first campaign mission, you are told to check out something at 140 degrees and 10km distance from your current waypoint. So, if you note your current position, you can very very easily figure out what coordinate you need to be, provided you have a proper calculator and know how to use Sinus and Cosinus function (140 degrees,. 10Km). Quite useful. I can't give you a tutorial now. There are some pretty good tutorials on the internet. Please look for it with Google. But the NADIR is accurate to within 10meters of the coordinates used. (1 meter should be possible, but not with the current NADIR installed in the Gazelle.) I suggest you set up some training mission where you just use the ruler in the F10 map and figure out some coordinates like that.
  22. If so many people have this bug, is there a vid to show the rest of the world? And are you using TrackIR or any other headtracking device? Any mods that might affect viewpoint in the cockpit?? I mean... it isn't really much use just saying that something is wrong. I am very curious about this bug, how does it look?
  23. Mission two. I've flown it many many many times. Just because I couldn't pass it. :P It is a very challenging and creative mission. Especially the part after the airborne assault. :D I finally completed the mission now. But I spend my time with the Gazelle ever since... Your mastery of the Mi-8 is very good. I see you are coming in at top speed, weaving about a bit to slow down and come to a halt EXACTLY where you are needed. I especially like the way you are basically circling the first airfield and slowing down at the same time. And making yourself a hard target for the guys with the AK's. Hints: -speed is key, especially in the second part with the AA guns. After that, it is not so difficult anymore. -At the second airfield where you have to destroy the AA guns, try to approach the airfield from the east side. Not the west as indicated by the waypoints. The triggerzone for the siren (and the 1 minute countdown) seems to be concentrated on the west side. If you approach the east side first, you can come much closer before the siren goes.
  24. Do you use any kind of mod that modifies the position or viewpoint of the in-cockpit view?
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