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Everything posted by razo+r

  1. The airport ingame is under construction, as per design, and not usable.
  2. We need more info. Your crashlogs would be a good start.
  3. Probably a mistake on your part. If they are not answering, that's usually an indication that you either use the wrong radio, the wrong frequency or the wrong radio PTT button.
  4. Check the manual, it might be explained there...
  5. The pointer is "divided" into 3 parts, making the readout more precise than the 6 degrees you think it shows, which is caused by the weird lighting situation in your cockpit. You even have posted a picture yourself showing the divided markings:
  6. Can you upload your crash logs so we can maybe see where the issue is?
  7. He could edit the chart layer textures if he wants. Though that would be tedious.
  8. That's already possible. You just need to set up the coalitions appropriately. Like Russia and an english speaking country in the same coalition -> english AWACS comms.
  9. Make sure you are running the MT, multi thread, Version of DCS.
  10. Generell hat Yurgon den Prozess schon ziemlich genau beschrieben. Falls du nicht nach kommst, musst du sagen wo du Probleme hast. Dabei musst du natürlich auch die Standard-Anforderungen erfüllen, das heisst: - Du bist auf einem befreundetem Flugplatz - Das Lagerhaus hat die benötigte Munition auf Lager Dieser Prozess ist eigentlich seit der A-10C standard. Mit der II kam kurzfristig eine andere Methode, die jedoch wieder entfernt wurde. Edit: @ex81@ex81 auf Seite 310, 336 sowie 532 hats Einträge im Bezug auf DSMS und neu konfigurieren/laden.
  11. Like I said, it is only available to player or client aircraft. If you have AI in your flight, it will not work. But if you make a flight of "client" only, you should still get the option, even with 4 aircraft.
  12. Try removing all of your mods, run a repair, make sure you have arcade flight mode turned off in the settings and then see if that helped.
  13. It looks to me that you are ever so slightly on the right side of the center, so it looks like the sight is offset to the left.
  14. Easy fix, don't land on a carrier...
  15. Countries are outlined, though a bit vague. Also the F10 Chart layer has countries outlined. As an alternative you could use the drawing tool.
  16. Click on the aircraft and select that option. Mind you, it's only available for clients or player.
  17. Well, can you tell us what you mean by cut off? Does it sputter and is it still windmilling, or is it a violent bang and instant seizure? Depending on which one it is, you can rule out if it's a mechanical failure or something else.
  18. Those two work fine for me. Remove all of your mods, run a repair and try again. If they still do not fire at point, upload the mission or track. That SAM units are not able to fire at point makes sense.
  19. As far as I know the FCS does not automatically trim for the roll axis, so anything asymmetrical, like the TPOD on the cheeck station, will induce a rolling that the pilot has to compensate for.
  20. Not really, at least not without the mission/script.
  21. There is probably a script running that is not properly set up, which is why you get the mission script error. This message tells you where the error is, which would allow you to correct it.
  22. I assume with "fire at point" you mean the advanced waypoint option? Besides, that SAM units cannot fire at point makes sense. AAA should be able to however.
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