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Everything posted by razo+r

  1. It's TV guided so I guess it needs enough contrast to lock, which the nav lights on a ship do not count for. Maybe try it in combination with battlefield illumination, like the illumination bombs or perhaps illumination flare from another aircraft.
  2. razo+r

    v1 Speeds

    Don't compare to AI, they have a different flight model and generally do things different than a player. As for the other, rotate and liftoff speed are different. When do you rotate or when do the guys in the video lift off? Are you in full afterburner? How old are the videos you are watching? Can you attach a short track?
  3. With missions like these it's usually also a good idea to mention what mods are needed to run it. I've taken a look at it and I cannot figure out why your groups are not moving, so I placed a new group with 15 tanks down and they all started moving without issues. Perhaps it's one of the mods causing some issues or something. Try to see if you can make the groups move but without mods.
  4. They will automatically set up their pathing to the nearest crossing point. There was a bug where incline didn't matter so the units were able to traverse vertical inclines. I don't know if that has been fixed, but generally inclines make them move slower. And ground defined as "forest" will impose a speed restriction on the units even if there is no tree around at all. That is exactly how you make a group. You don't place them manually, you just expand the group like you would add a wingman to an aircraft. Sorry, I dont know the name of it. I just now it exists. For damage look on the F10 map. For viewing a unit, select it on the F10 map and press F7
  5. By default, if the yellow mouse cursor is turned off, a right mouse button click activates the red crosshair. A left mouse button click spots units/deactivates the crosshair.
  6. Did you check that your stick is perfectly, 100% centered before engaging B/RALT? If not, it won't engage.
  7. Well, any change in speed also results in different forces, and that in turn will require you to constantly trim for the new speed. So unless you maintain perfectly the speed you trimmed for, you will always have to readjust the trim. That is how a non-FBW aircraft handles. But if you still feel something is wrong, perhaps you should upload a short track.
  8. If you place down a ground unit you can increase the group size like you would for aircraft. Only difference is that a group, unlike an aircraft group, is not limited to 4 units per group but pretty much hundreds of individual units. But yes, you place down an individual unit. So if you select Infantry AKS, you get 1 soldier. Increase the group size and you'll get more. I think they will indeed move forward at the pace of the slowest unit in the group. I don't think mortars move though so you might have to delete those out of the group. As a workaround, you could seperate infantry and vehicles in different groups, or use scripts that load/unload infantry automatically (may affect performance though depending on the amount of units involved) If unit in range -> shoot, if unit out of range -> move. There is no taking cover. They will stand wherever they currently are and engage the enemy until they are dead or the enemy is dead. The range for detection is visible on the F10 map/editor in form of the red circle. Anything in it can and will be engaged if possible. Detection also depends on time of day though. At daylight, they have max range, at night they will have severly reduced range. Small rivers can be crossed, larger ones need bridges. Same logic as any non-amphibious vehicle in DCS. Doing something like COH will be extremely tedious as the AI in DCS is severly limited and finiky to control. Having combined arms will not grant you any more options in the editor, but it will allow you to control the groups ingame. So in that sense yes, a COH-like option.
  9. Check which fuzes you have set in the rearming window and that you have armed the fuzes in the P-47. Otherwise don't forget to attach a short track. The shorter the better.
  10. When you say perfect level, do you also mean you perfectly maintain the speed at which you trimmed the aircraft? If yes, have you already tried removing all mods and running a repair? Have you also checked that the game/arcade flight mode is off?
  11. Sure, if you are not too heavy and you are not taking off with the wind.
  12. Mods are known to cause issues that are not related with the mod in any regard. Like the A-4 mod that once upon a time made people in a Module fall through the map. So it is always a good idea to remove all of your mods, running a repair and try again when you encounter something strange.
  13. You disabled it... Click on the tank icon at the bottom.
  14. Try to reproduce your issue in single player. Then, when done, quit the flight and in the debriefing screen you'll have the option to "save track". Press that and upload it here. A track helps us identifying any potential mistakes or missetups.
  15. Turned the pod on on the avionics panel? Pressed the on or uncage button on the pod page? Got a short track?
  16. Can you elaborate what "feels slower" means in this case?
  17. What do you mean by amplify?
  18. Some tips for you, OP: Don't say anything about speed. Just say "Fly AoA". If you fly the AoA, the correct speed will be a result of that. And since you only said below 10'000lbs of fuel, 150kts might work at higher fuel loads while for lower load even your mentioned 140kts could be too fast. So just say AoA, and the speed will result of that and it's also one thing less to worry about. Additionally, the optimum AoA depends on the weight. So yes, you did mention under what general weight you write these tips for, but saying 160kts is wrong, which is obviously for a high weight, is not really helpful. So again, just go by AoA, "ignore" the speed. On top of that, the stall speed is dependant on the AoA, not speed. If you are light enough, you might even be able to fly 130kts. In order to stall you just need to exceed the critical AoA, and if you fly the correct AoA for landing, you will never exceed the critical one. Also, if you don't trim the aircraft, it will not result in a stall. Trimming is mainly to reduce or remove the forces on the stick. You can enter a stall regardless if you are trimming or not. You can also fly just fine without ever trimming. It will just be really exhausting, but it is possible. So in summary, learn how these different things interact with each other or don't even have anything to do with each other.
  19. In deinem Profil sollte es möglich sein, Nutzer zu ignorieren.
  20. You will not find an official statement about the colors or mechanic anywhere here, so the only source you can go by is personal experience ingame or real life examples.
  21. Brown-ish smoke, likely oil White smoke should be fuel Blue-ish smoke is water/coolant I believe
  22. Give it other weapons. The F-15E AI cannot handle LGBs.
  23. I believe the cover can be down if the switch is in the lower position too. So the cover is no indicator that you are in auto mode.
  24. Make sure the switch is actually in the auto position.
  25. What exactly do you want? There is already an ejection animation in the various aircraft, so you should speficy what you are on about.
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