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Everything posted by wraith70

  1. Turns out the radio selector on the Huey needs to be set to INT even with easy comms on. Not sure whne this changed, but working now. -Wraith
  2. I tried from start of mission, rearm mostly Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
  3. I'm trying to setup and invisible FARP at Pagan airstrip to rearm and refuel the Huey. When I make the request, I get no response from the ground crew. Easy comms is turned on. What am I missing? See attached. Thanks -Wraith Rearm-refuel-test.miz Edit: i do have a fuel and ammo depot, as well as a refuelling truck and a rearming truck.
  4. This still appears to be an issue. Adding and removing bombs will modify the "Saved Games\DCS\MissionEditor\UnitPayloads\P-47D-40.lua file, but changing the nose or tail fuzing does not write the changes to the above mentioned LUA file. -Wraith
  5. Ok. So I deleted the file from UnitPayloads folder. My P-47 is saved with an empty payload in ME. In mission. I choose my custom payload with 4s delay. I shows up with the default 0s fuze delay. BUT, If P-47 is saved with the 4s delay fuze in ME, in mission, It shows up as 4s delay. So in conclusion, in mission, with an empty payload, and choosing the custom payload with 4s delayed fuze, the fuzing shows up as 0s Hope this makes sense. Attached is the file again P-47D-40.lua
  6. P-47D-40.lua Attached as requested
  7. Hi Flappie, I've included screenshots to demonstrate. 'ME Custom Loadout.jpg' shows that my fuse is set and saved to 4s in ME. 'Mission Custom Loadout.jpg' shows when I select the same loadout, it defaults to the 0s fuse delay. Note that I marked my custom loadouts with an asterisk. Clearly it's not be saved to use in mission.
  8. In mission editor, I created a custom cayload for the P-47D. I select 3x AN-M64 and I set the fuzing to the 4s fuze (can't remember the name). After saving this loadout, I go to the mission, select the newly created loadout, but when I check the fuzing, it goes back to the default 1s fuzing. Fuzing doesn't get saved with the payload. -Wraith
  9. 45 degree release angle. I wait 5 seconds after the cue stops flashing, pull my 4Gs and I hit my targets all the time. Thanks EDIT: Ok. After some testing at different altitudes, It seems that below 1000 feet, I'm successful with a 30 degree release angle. Above 1000 feet a 45 degree release angle works fine for me
  10. A cool way of illumination - by Suntsag
  11. End of 2022 and still can't destroy a bridge on the Channel map. I've tried with explosions, AI P-47, myself and no joy.
  12. Something similar was happening to me. I had a program files MOD that was breaking DCS. Remove any mods you may have and try again.
  13. This is sweet! Thanks so much. Going to try this out with a Huey calling out arty attacks on enemy positions.
  14. I just meant press the wheel button, don't scroll. Once pressed, hold and move the mouse around.
  15. For a quick ruler, just press and hold the mouse scroll wheel button if you have one and move your mouse to a location.
  16. Just wondering why in the trigger you set the Min at 0.56?
  17. Make sure you are using the LAU-117 launcher for your Mavericks. Doesn't work with LAU-88.
  18. Not sure it's a bug or if I'm doing something wrong. Tracking moving ground targets to attack with Mavericks. I enter A/G mode. Mavericks are ON. Switch to WPN page Switch from GM to GMT mode. Reduce the MAP brightness. I see my moving targets. Switch from Mav. VIS mode to PRE mode, and the GMT mode seems to reset and I can no longer see any moving targets. Please see attached track file GMT Bug.trk
  19. I didn't realize the Markpoint DED page was working. I'm only able to make a Markpoint using the A/G radar with FCR
  20. Bump. Still can't land on the helipad
  21. Very jittery in VR for me too...is it necessary?? I haven't seen any difference if I align or not
  22. I've been trying to align the HMCS In VR. Very jittery. I can get through COARSE...at least I can get it to say aligned. AZ/EL and Roll, not too sure. How are you VR guys doing it. Is it even necessary on cold start? -Wraith
  23. This works for mission testing. Just remember when you make your mission available to others, that you need to load the actual lua into the mission. -Wraith
  24. Not sure if this is a map specific bug or and AI bug, but a Third Reich halftrack drives into the harbor when fired upon. Attached is a track. -Wraith Channel_HalfTrack_Bug.trk
  25. Steerpoint altitude is important
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