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Found 18 results

  1. I only play in vr.. and at times .. not all the time, the nights are EXTREMELY dark to the point where the game is unplayable. There is no rhyme or reason as to when this happens.. it can be fine in one mission, but impact another, even on mp servers. When it's happening it looks like the lighting bloom level inside the cockpit is set to burn your eyes out mode.. I can see the displays and everything inside the cockpit, but the reflections from the glass inside the cockpit are horrible and it's pitch black outside.. no lights can be seen from city lights or stars.. even the moon is gone. If taking off from a fully lit carrier tou can only see it's lights if you are very close to it.. otherwise you can't see ANYTHING. Switching to f2 external view it looks similar.. no stars, no city lights etc.. like there's a pitch black cloud obscuring the view. this hasn't happened often.. but when it dies it's extremely frustrating.. especially after I purchased the fear the bones campaign and can't get past the first mission due to this. I tried starting the mission without vr and noticed that everything was very dark as well. Turning up the gamma from 2.2 to max just washes everything out, turning the pitch black background..with invisible stars and city lights grey instead. Heres what it looks like in 2d.. external views.. in vr its even worse.. as everything outside the cockpit is just pure black.
  2. Hi all, I am fortunate to have the fantastic Vrsimsolutions MIP and I will admit it works extremely well with its intended function the F18 and utilising a DCS Bios file from their website. However I’m wondering is there a way to get the lighting functions working with other aircraft? I mean all aircraft have a master caution light and fire lights right. Some have the same rwr warning lights as the f18. Yes in a different position on the cockpit but the signal to illuminate said light would still be similar surely. I admit that when it comes to programming I am absolutely hopeless, so I’m wondering if anyone else has had the situation where they can utilise cockpit lights for each module they own in the same home cockpit.
  3. Floodlight It appears to me that the cockpit floodlight is broken. I'm not sure, but it looks like the cockpit would only show specular reflections, but would miss diffuse reflection. Maybe it's something else, but i can say for sure that it doesn't look natural and doesn't really light up the cockpit in a meaningful way. The actual floodlights/lamps objects (in the back of the cockpit) don't visibly light up, if you turn on the floodlight. Instrument/Console backlight The instrument backlight is very bright even on lowest setting. This is subjective, as i don't know how it's supposed to be, but i do find it so bright that it makes it difficult to read certain instrument at night. I would assume that there is a bit more range on the possible brightness settings in reality.
  4. There is a bug that has been in DCS for a while, if you go to outside view and back in, it overexposes the light outside and you almost cant see anything out. It shouldnt be happening when switching views, it especially happens between F10 map and back into cockpit view. happens in certain modules more than others. The biggest issue with it is the time it takes until "eye adaption" sorts out the difference of light, that part is bugged, it stays on for 10-20 seconds full bright, then suddenly very quickly goes back to normal. I believe it can be very easily recreated if you try yourself, i'm using the Meta Quest 3 VR with the KA-50, it happens to me especially in Persian Gulf and Syria, don't know the times i believe it doesn't matter. The map might not matter too, happens to me in Caucasus. Can this be looked at pleeeeeeaaaase Thanks
  5. With DCS lighting tech getting more sophisticated each year, this longstanding issue is getting ridiculous. I made my first post about it 10 years ago. Since then there have been dozens of posts, a lot of them in the bug section, because people rightfully felt that the current implementation is just "broken"... Since it's still not fixed i'll treat it as a "missing feature" and -again- do a wishlist post instead... Proper visibility for nav lights and beacons is way more important than sophisticatedly computed penumbrae while basic sprite lights don't even come with a performance hit: Flight sims in the 2000s could already render nav lights and beacons to realistic distances. It's just sprites! Tactical night flying is borderline impossible without modern jets' HMCS and buddy tracks. Aircaft beacon lights and landing lights should be visible at 25 - 50km Nav lights (green/red) should be visible (and distinguishable) several kilometers at least. Brightness settings should be respected, so that dimmed lights are less visible (obviously). Tanker aircraft should be lit realistically during AAR Weather and atmospheric properties would ideally be taken into account, however since opting to use external lights generally comes with the explicit intention to actually be seen, this is not even that important and could be crudely approximated There should be AI logic and ME options to control lights on AI units. Light status should be taken into account for AI spotting capabilities All this does not require new lighting tech or complex retooling. The engine can already render sprites at sufficient distances and do so without a hit on performance. With the upcoming PTO and CW Germany those improvements are needed even more. How would you even do a rejoin at night without all the modern gizmos if your external lights cannot be seen after a few hundred feet? If you like the proposed improvements, please rate this thread 5 stars: Thanks!
  6. Hi, @JupiterJoe has pointed out an interesting finding about the clock shows differently when the instrument light is on and off at day and night. According to HB manual about the pilot cockpit clock at: https://heatblur.se/F-14Manual/cockpit.html#clock The test case 1: instrument light is on in the nighttime (flashlight is on) I see the red pointer. Test case 2: instrument light is off in the nighttime (flashlight is on) Test case 3: instrument light is on in the daytime (flashlight is off) Test case 4: instrument light is off in the daytime (flashlight is off) The clock shows exactly same in the HB manual shows. Hi @Silhou, sorry for bothering, and it is only shown when the instrument is on? Thanks.
  7. The landing lights are not visible while on the glideslope at night inside of a mile from the boat. In F9 mode, you revolve around the carrier and the lights ARE visible from above. This is more pronounced in VR and in multiplayer. The first two shots are closer to the carrier the last one 3/4 roughly. Line up light on the back is visible no problem. as are the lights on the tower. nullnullnull
  8. I hear volumetric lighting was added but there's no graphic option for it that I can see. Scrolled up and down the settings list and I don't see it, unless it's hidden somewhere?
  9. Since my update to DCS the Supercarrier deck crew has no light wands during night operations anymore! See attached screen shot. The light "shadow" ie. green and red or yellow light sheen on the deck crew body is visible, but the actual light wand is missing. This makes it extremely difficult to see the deck crew hand signals at night. Any ideas??
  10. This is a collection of texture fixes for the cockpit. They range from minor changes to complete reworks. Fixes for the instrument lighting: More even lighting strength Removing strong banding in the lighting. There's still some, probably due to compression Removed the black paint on panels being illuminated Added "BANA" in "BANA/GRÄNS" to illuminate Added "LJUS RADAR" symbols to illuminate - radar brightness Added "BELYSNING" symbols to illuminate - cockpit illumination Added arrow illumination on FR22 panel Added illumination to "MIL" flag, on the distance indicator Fixed white lines in the radar display moving with the sweep Removed lens flare from lights, bloom is still there Added warning flag on CI to be illuminated Changed FLI needles and wings to be lit more realistically Added dots on panels to see what position the rotary switches are in Nice lighting effect on the altimeter STD "cover" Instruments: Remade FLI37 ball texture to be more true to life and to also show correct pitch angle Added 60° and 90° roll lines on FLI37 Remade the Distance indicator to show the distance more accurately. Range accuracy is now within +- 100m (1000m), average accuracy is +-40m (400m). Clearer and more accurate warning panels. Also dotted a few Å,Ä and Ö, and made some - where they were missing. Clearer AFK light Redder altitude warning light Brighter autopilot and altitude warning lamps Clearer radar range numbers Altimeter "0.5 lines" are larger than default Imperial altimeter and distance indicator (optional) Added text on weapon jettison and X-tank jettison covers X-tank jettison cover is duplicated onto the RENSA cover, but it’s not very visible. Unfortunately can not change this Added emissiveness to α15,5 button Removed mipmap for annunciator panels - better text visibility Pilot model: Subtle changes to the vest roughmet Added missing insignia on left arm. Complete with normal and roughmet Changed velcro textures on right arm Added roughmet to name tag on left arm Reduced the normal detail strength on the gloves Changed color on gloves Slight changes to scarf Sound: New Sidewinder tone VR: Viggen themed main menu This is a custom cockpit livery, after installing it you have to select it in the "Special" settings menu! Modloader ready - installed in main game directory v4.0 Download - passes script IC v4.0 English Download - passes script IC Imperial inst. v4.0 Download - passes script IC - only Swedish cockpit v4.0 - Clear IC Download - passes script and texture IC v4.0 - Clear IC English Download - passes script and texture IC Imperial inst. v4.0 - Clear IC Download - passes script and texture IC - only Swedish cockpit
  11. Hi, Please see below some pictures that I took through my Rift S. It is hard to show but the light scattering around the sun in very strong (I am using 1.7 gamma). I am not trying to show the sun itself but rather the radius at whitch everything around it is blown out and overexposed. It also applies to objects reflecting light (snowy scenery, white concrete wall..). In the first picture the sun is behind the clouds and yet all the highlights are overexposed on a very wide area. Bloom on/off doesn't affect it. Also tried on a monitor and the issue is not that visible because the overexposed areas look way smaller on a screen. I am having this issue on the Caucasus, PG and Marianas map. There is also a new "eye adaptation" effect in DCS that compounds this problem when too much of the cockpit is in frame. Am I missing a setting? Any Rift S users having the same issue? Thanks,
  12. Barely visible taxiway/runway/etc. airfield lighting on various maps w/fog, and even when next to the taxiway lights, you can barely see them, even though aircraft lights are visible. Known issue?
  13. LHA Tarawa lighting is extremely bright Runway "green" lights are illuminating the carrier not only to very unrealistic levels, but also causing a tremendous FPS / performance impacts. Performance during day & night a clearly different and caused by lighting. Requesting a review of lighting levels ( could be easy fix as dimming it down) to make it: a) more performant b) more realistic. c) closer in line with the "dark" lighting mood on other carrier assets. Realistic examples: (same video- different time stamps! )
  14. Are there plans to add dynamic lighting to DCS? I don't mean third party technology as I know ED likes to make their own technology. The video is just an example. Thank You!
  15. Hi everyone, Since the initial release of 2.5.6 over 2 years ago, the Straits of Hormuz/Persian Gulf map has sported drastically improved lights and lightning system compared other maps. The majority of maps typically use low-resolution 2D sprites that don't naturally bloom, often don't account for line of sight, are sometimes fixed (so when viewed from the side they clearly appear 2D), while having poor visibility at distance. The SoH/PG map by comparison looks much more natural, with lights that appear to bloom much more naturally, typically account for line of sight, with drastically improved visibility at a distance. It's also worth pointing out that many of the sprites seen (in particular those used for aircraft warning lights) seem to be used as the default exterior lights for many aircraft and modules, including recent ones (though in the case of the Apache and Hind, they're much smaller), it's also used for flares. While the lights of the SoH/PG map aren't perfect (though the issues they have a more minor: size, positioning, lack of illumination, some bulbs aren't illuminated), they are far superior compared to other maps, there really is no contest. I'll post an absolute load of screenshots comparing 2 maps (see here for the Imgur album) - the SoH/PG map and the latest map, the Marianas. The lights used in the Marianas are common to all other maps (but have increased size in Syria and reduced size in the Caucasus). For both the SoH/PG map and the Marianas, the date and time was set to the 21st of June 2016 (full moon), at midnight. Default weather conditions were used, just with the no clouds preset set. Aircraft Warning Lights: Approach Lighting System: Built-up Area: Flood Lights: Hangar Lights: Lights at Distance: PAPI Lights: Runway Edge Lights: Runway Threshold/End Lights: Runway on approach: Street Lights: Taxiway Lights:
  16. Hello! I've had this problem for a while with my lighting in DCS, I can't really explain what is wrong so just see the screenshots below. It also seems like it's a universal problem with all modules. A similar problem also occures if I have fog or dust smoke enabled or if the scenery is dark like at night or in a thunderstorm.
  17. Is it possible to turn the lighting up generally on the Syria map. I know it was improved some patches back but still looks at tad dull and dim, especially when approaching airfields for landing. Thanks guys
  18. На F/A-18 есть режим для работы в темное время суток с прицельным контейнером? ————————————— Is there a mode on the F/A-18 to work in the dark with the sighting container?
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