Alpenwolf Posted June 3, 2018 Posted June 3, 2018 (edited) Cold War 1947 - 1991 The server runs on Open Beta Server's Name: Cold War 1947 - 1991 Server's IP: Simple Radio - IP: Trailers: The MiG-21 and the F-5 are the main modules in almost all missions. Strikers, helicopters and some other modules are included. Available Modules: Maps: Caucasus, Persian Gulf, Syria, Mariana Islands Red: MiG-21, MiG-19, MiG-15, F1, L-39ZA, Su-25, MiG-29A (very limited), I-16 (very limited), Mi-24, Ka-50 (very limited), Mi-8, Combined Arms Blue: F-5, F-4, F-86, AJS37, C-101CC, A-10A, F-14A (very limited), P-51D (very limited), P-47D (very limited), AH-64 (very limited), SA342L, UH-1, Combined Arms Available Missions: 1- Battle Over Sukhumi City 2- Battle For Maykop 3- Phone Booth 4- Springfield 5- Ossetia 6- Five Points 7- Open Range 8- Whispers & Whistles 9- Supervision 10- Sail Ahoy! 11- When The Mountains Cry 12- Elbrus 13- Command & Conquer 14- Swedish Delivery 15- Catch Me If You Can 16- Chaos 17- Two Towns 18- The Desert Has Eyes 19- Once Upon a Time in Abu Dhabi 20- Five Points Unleashed 21- Battle Over Sukhumi Unleashed 22- Search & Destroy 23- Prince of Persia 24- Fight Island 25- Hold The Line 26- One Night in Arabia 27- Sneaky Bastards 28- Kiryat Shmona 29- Behind Enemy Lines 30- Street Fight 31- Homs 32- Sukhumi - The Beginning 33- Mountain Peaks 34- The Tunb Identity 35- Last Man Standing 36- Close Air Support (Combined Arms and helicopters only!) 37- Disturbed Pacific 38- Close Air Support - Moonlight! (Night Mission - Combined Arms, helicopters and a small number of strikers) 39- Oil & Water 40- Fishbed vs Tiger 41- Into The Desert 42- Fast & Furious 43- Arab-Israeli War (fictional scenario) 44- Bandar 1949 45- Clash of Eras 46- Cyprus 1952 47- Fulcrums & Tomcats 48- Crimea Unleashed The following missions are currently available and run in the following order: Search & Destroy (PG) When The Mountains Cry (Caucasus) Into The Desert (PG) Two Towns (Caucasus) Prince of Persia (PG) Crimea Unleashed (Caucasus) Bandar 1949 (PG) Battle Over Sukhumi Unleashed (Caucasus) The Desert Has Eyes (PG) Mountain Peaks (Caucasus) Disturbed Pacific (Mariana Islands) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limited Editions: The limited editions are missions with exceptional features and/or modules for the Cold War 1947 - 1991 server. The missions run once in a while and I always announce the date and time a few days earlier. Check here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRS and The MiG-15 Comms' Issue: MiG-15 players have always been working alone on their radio frequency while being unable to contact any other pilots due to differences in the radio systems. I could enable the radio expansion for all to operate freely and I did that once, but that caused a bit of chaos and players ended up operating on different frequencies. Therefore, the radio expansion will only be enabled for MiG-15 players only. However, that requires the players themselves to do the following: - Go to Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\Services\DCS-SRS\Scripts path. - Find the DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua file and save a backup somewhere. - Copy and paste the file below to your Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\Services\DCS-SRS\Scripts path. - Do NOT change the filename. You should now have a Virtual Radio (Expanded Radio) available in SRS when flying the MiG-15. This radio can be tuned to all frequencies between 116.000 and 399.975 in the VHF and UHF Band. Here's the file you'd need for that purpose: DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua * Note that every time ED releases an update for DCS, the file is overwritten and you'll have to repeat the procedure of copying and pasting the file again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ's: 1- What does "the MiG-21 and the F-5 are the main modules in all missions" mean? It means that these two have the most available slots in all missions; 8 slots at the least. In some missions it's even 12 or 14 slots each. 2- Sometimes I choose an aircraft, hit fly and all I get is the spectators view. Why? All aircraft are limited in numbers in all missions (operation Hold The Line is the only exception due to mission editor issues). If that happens to you then it can only mean that your coalition has run out of that type of aircraft. 3- How can I know how many aircraft/weapons are still available at a specific airbase/FARP? Click on an airbase/a FARP using the F10 map while using the Combined Arms module (whether as a cmdr or JTAC operator), then click on the ">" symbol from the small window showing details about that airbase/FARP, then click on aircraft, weapons, etc. Note that players used to be able to do that without using the Combined Arms module. It might be a bug as of now. 4- Will the Ka-50 be removed one day? The Ka-50 will be removed from most missions. 5- Will the AH-64D and the OH-58D be added one day? Yes. Limited and only in some missions as it is the case with the Ka-50. 6- Why the Ka-50? Why the AH-64 D and the OH-58D? And what about other helicopters? Because I do make a slight exception when it comes to helicopters. They're not as fast as fast movers. They're instantly sitting ducks and can hardly escape bandits once spotted. With them available we can finally provide escort for transport helicopters with their air to air missiles. The whole helicopters' game will change and thus make fighters think twice before jumping them. We might start seeing more helicopter vs helicopter scenarios with such a variety of modules. 7- Any plans on adding the A-4 mod? Of course. Just give it time to become better with less and less bugs. 8- Any plans on adding new maps? Maybe. Eventually, it depends on how popular the maps are and how many players own them. =================================================================== Old vs New Features: Limiting the number of available aircraft and weapons per side was one major feature of this server, and frankly made it what it was known for. However, and as many of you will still remember this didn't come at a low cost. I had to reedit the warehouses of all bases in all missions after almost every single DCS update. And that was no fun at all! just typing that had me sighing... Limiting weapons will unfortunately no longer be an option. Limiting lives for each player on the other hand is the new feature to kind of replace the limiting of aircraft: Each player starts with 50 lives that are restored every 5 hours (the numbers might change in the future if necessary). If all lives are lost before 5 hours have elapsed the player wont be able to fly until his lives are restored. However, that player will still have access to the Combined Arms module through the cmdr and JTAC slots. Note that the Combined Arms module has always been very vital in all missions! Each team can and should have a GCI operator (obviously, not easy to get) and/or a ground forces' commander. After all, most ground units can be controlled by players and many objectives are completed with the help of ground forces. As mentioned above, each player starts with 50 lives. Different types of aircraft come with different costs. The following list shows how many lives the loss of an aircraft costs: 10 lives - F-14 8 lives - MiG-29 6 lives - F-4 6 lives - MiG-21 / F-5 / F1 / AJS37 / A-4 5 lives - AH-64 4 lives - MiG-19 / MiG-15 / F-86 / Su-25 / A-10 / Ka-50 3 lives - L-39 / C-101 / Mi-24 / SA342 2 lives - Mi-8 / UH-1 0 lives - Combined Arms If you're wondering why modern helicopters are featured on a Cold War server check out FAQ-6 on the main page here. Saving Mission's Progress: We used to run a mission for an x amount of hours before the server rotated to a new one, regardless of whether the objectives were completed by either side or not. If the objectives weren't completed that was considered a draw, and we had loads of that. Also, that didn't give players who joined the server shortly before it was about to rotate to a new mission the incentive to contribute to the team, knowing it wasn't really going to matter much. Therefore, mission's progress will from now on be saved. Every 8 hours the server restarts to save progress before the current mission is resumed. However, if one side completes all objectives in less than 8 hours the server loads a new mission. If not, it will remain online (restarting every 8 hours to save progress) for as long as it takes for one side to eventually get the job done. There are dozens of missions featuring different maps with different scenarios with a variety of objectives. Note that in some missions each side can even have different objectives (check here). Choosing a Side: Unlike before players are now asked to pick a side upon joining the server. Type -red or -blue to do so. This should prevent players from switching back and forth to spy on the other side and see where their ground units are or what objectives remain to be completed. Every 24 hours each player is again asked to retype -red or -blue. This is in order to give players the chance to change sides in case they want to fly something else, balance the teams or for whatever reasons. Weapons' Restrictions: Basically, just like it used to be; Rear-aspect missiles for the most part... Most of the air-to-ground weaponry is available. The nuke bombs are as of now available in one mission only. Check here. Many air-to-air missiles are NOT available. IR missiles are restricted to rear-aspect ONLY! The only exception is the F-14. The F-14 doesn't carry any rear-aspect IR missiles, therefore, it has access to AIM-9L's, but only on the two outer pylons. That means it can carry up to 2 x AIM-9L's. List of the available air-to-air missiles: R-27R, R-3R, RS2US, R-60, R-13M1, R-13M, R-3S, R-55, R530F EM, R530F IR and R550 Magic 1 AIM-7F, AIM-7E-2, AIM-9L, AIM-9P, AIM-9J, AIM-9B, RB-24J, RB-24 and Mistral F10 Map Restrictions: Nothing has changed here. Players can't see their aircraft or any other friendly units on the F10 map. Use whatever navigation systems available onboard and contact your GCI operator if available. GCI and Combined Arms players have always been the backbone of the server and made it stand out and known for it. Get on comms! No more excuses for not using SRS! I've always relied on these things since day one (even when Combined Arms wasn't a thing back then) rather than some scripted AI GCI or the like to hopefully get the most out of DCS. In other words, it's up to us players. We could either fly solo, not be on comms and just go pew pew pew or play in teams. Admittedly, we're not going to always have a GCI operator and there will always be players flying solo making it rather boring. But there will also be some sessions with the exact opposite of that and those are the FUN TIMES! Up... To... The... Players! How Can I Know What Objectives Are Completed: - Bring up the radio menu - Select F10 for "Others" - Select F1 for "Mission Info" - There are 4 options: * Mission Status * Mission Time * Balance of Power * Combat Statistics 1- Mission Status: This shows you what objectives were completed and what are still not 2- Mission Time: Shows you how many hours, minutes and seconds left until the server restarts to save data before the mission continues 3- Balance of Power: Shows you how many players are available per side 4- Combat Statistics: A list of the aerial and ground units destroyed by players. In terms of aerial units it's PvP only as there are no aerial AI units except for some bombers in some missions. ====================================== CTLD: Helicopters with access to CTLD: Mi-8, Mi-24, Ch-47, UH-1 and SA342 * Apart from the SA342 the above mentioned helicopters can pick up crates. Available Squads: - Assault Squad 17: 1 x MANPAD, a few riflemen, RGP's and MG's. In this case the total 17 troopers. - Scout Squad: 1 x rifleman and 1 x RPG - Mortar Squad: 4 x riflemen and 4 x mortars - JTAC Squad: 4 x riflemen and 1 x JTAC * The Scout Squad is basically there to enable the SA342 to deploy something. Ans surely it's enough to capture a neutral area or base. Crates: In order to pick up a crate, you'll need to hover above it for 5 seconds while maintaining an altitude between 7.5 and 15 m. Edited June 14, 2024 by Alpenwolf 8 3 Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
Alpenwolf Posted June 3, 2018 Author Posted June 3, 2018 (edited) Cold War 1947 - 1991 Limited Editions: - Operation Tiberias - Operation Allied Assault - Operation Close Air Support - Operation Eye for an Eye - Operation Close Air Support - Moonlight! - Operation Close Air Support - Mariana Islands - Operation Close Air Support - Dynamic Campaign Edited January 12 by Alpenwolf 2 Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
Alpenwolf Posted June 3, 2018 Author Posted June 3, 2018 (edited) Reserved. Edited November 22, 2021 by Alpenwolf 1 Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
BadHabit Posted June 4, 2018 Posted June 4, 2018 Congrats m8! Let the battles begin!:thumbup::pilotfly::pilotfly::pilotfly: "These are not the bugs you are looking for..":pilotfly: [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] My YouTube channel SPECS -AMD FX8370 8 Core Processor 4.2 ghz -GIGABYTE 970A-UD3P -GTX 1050 TI Windforce 4g -16 GB RAM -Saitek X 52 -FaceNOIRtrack - 3 point clip Red Led
Mr_sukebe Posted June 4, 2018 Posted June 4, 2018 Looks interesting. Is it worth adding the Harrier as a blue aircraft? 7800x3d, 5080, 64GB, PCIE5 SSD - Oculus Pro - Moza (AB9), Virpil (Alpha, CM3, CM1 and CM2), WW (TOP and CP), TM (MFDs, Pendular Rudder), Tek Creations (F18 panel), Total Controls (Apache MFD), Jetseat
erniedaoage Posted June 4, 2018 Posted June 4, 2018 :worthy::worthy: AWESOME NEWS!!! COLD WAR GETTING HOT AGAIN!!! Specs:WIN10, I7-4790K, ASUS RANGER VII, 16GB G.Skill DDR3, GEFORCE 1080, NVME SSD, SSD, VIRPIL T-50 THROTTLE, K-51 COLLECTIVE, FFBBeast Virpil Alpha+VFX Grip, MFG CROSSWINDS, JETPAD, RIFT S Modules:A10C, AH-64D, AJS-37, AV8B, BF109K4, CA, F/A18C, F14, F5EII, F86F, FC3, FW190A8, FW190D9, KA50, L39, M2000C, MI8TV2, MI24P, MIG15BIS, MIG19P, MIG21BIS, MIRAGE F1, P51D, SA342, SPITFIRE, UH1H, NORMANDY, PERSIAN GULF, CHANNEL, SYRIA Thrustmaster TWCS Afterburner Detent My Frankenwinder ffb2 stick
Alpenwolf Posted June 4, 2018 Author Posted June 4, 2018 Looks interesting. Is it worth adding the Harrier as a blue aircraft? As much as I'd love to do that for all the Harrier pilots out there but unfortunately the version of the Harrier we have is of the late 90's. Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
jejsus Posted June 4, 2018 Posted June 4, 2018 Great news! I like silhouette iff environments the most + dynamic. And we are expecting two more cold war era airframes hopefully soon, one for each side, Mig19 and A7. Slowly getting there.
Alpenwolf Posted June 4, 2018 Author Posted June 4, 2018 Great news! I like silhouette iff environments the most + dynamic. And we are expecting two more cold war era airframes hopefully soon, one for each side, Mig19 and A7. Slowly getting there. The A7 fits well, I guess. I'll just have to find some balance for all the modules included regarding the available slots. Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
ED Team m4ti140 Posted June 4, 2018 ED Team Posted June 4, 2018 Add mandatory SRS to the rules and It's gonna be perfect
Alpenwolf Posted June 4, 2018 Author Posted June 4, 2018 Add mandatory SRS to the rules and It's gonna be perfect Can't force anyone into anything. Besides most players prefer srs anyways. Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
2RGT Oberst Posted June 5, 2018 Posted June 5, 2018 Thank you for bringing MIG-21 and F-5 back to life in the Caucasus in Open Beta! my flight group thanks you! :notworthy::notworthy: [sIGPIC]2RGT DCS WORLD ITALIA[/sIGPIC] DIAVOLO 1-1 | 2RGT OBERST 2RGT DCS Gruppo Volo Italiano Canale Youtube: 2RGT OBERST Facebook: DCS World Italia - 2RGT - Canale Twitch: 2RGT OBERST LIVE!
philstyle Posted June 5, 2018 Posted June 5, 2018 Excellent, I love servers that are prepared to go with restricted historical planesets, rather than just trying to have all of them in . . I shall be patronising this server. 1 On YouTube: Storm of War WW2 server website:
Alpenwolf Posted June 5, 2018 Author Posted June 5, 2018 (edited) You're welcome, boys. See you in the skies :pilotfly: Edited July 31, 2018 by Alpenwolf Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
Shadow KT Posted June 5, 2018 Posted June 5, 2018 (edited) Excellent, I love servers that are prepared to go with restricted historical planesets, rather than just trying to have all of them in . . I shall be patronising this server. All of the aircraft in DCS were in service before 1991, sooo yeah... this is more of a 47-70 (if you remove the Su-25 and A-10A) You can call it Vietnam War :D, because it ain't the real cold one for sure. Don't see why realistic payloads and aircraft for those years can't be made, but this is up to the server owner :thumbup: Don't get me wrong I did like the server (before trees killing my fps became a thing) and I still like the F-5 vs MiG-21 setup, but I wouldn't go around calling it cold war (yes, I know it has always been called like that). Cheers will definitely be playin' on it again when I upgrade my GPU. Edited June 5, 2018 by Shadow KT 'Shadow' Everybody gotta be offended and take it personally now-a-days
Alpenwolf Posted June 5, 2018 Author Posted June 5, 2018 All of the aircraft in DCS were in service before 1991, sooo yeah... this is more of a 47-70 (if you remove the Su-25 and A-10A) You can call it Vietnam War :D, because it ain't the real cold one for sure. Don't see why realistic payloads and aircraft for those years can't be made, but this is up to the server owner :thumbup: Don't get me wrong I did like the server (before trees killing my fps became a thing) and I still like the F-5 vs MiG-21 setup, but I wouldn't go around calling it cold war (yes, I know it has always been called like that). Cheers will definitely be playin' on it again when I upgrade my GPU. You're totally right, I'm aware of that. That's why I wrote this in the main post: "In this dynamic campaign the focus will be mainly on the MiG-21 and the F-5 and other modules that I see suitable for the scenario I have. That being said jet planes like the Su-27, Su-33, F-15, MiG-29, M-2000, F-18 and F-14 will be excluded to simply give third generation fighters/interceptors or planes of an inferior generation the chance of dogfighting rather than having BVR aerial battles most of the time." So basically all servers are Cold War kinda thing. Which means if I'd call it "Cold War 1947 - 1991" I wont be deviating all that much from the reality of it :smilewink: Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
OxideMako Posted June 5, 2018 Posted June 5, 2018 As much as I'd love to do that for all the Harrier pilots out there but unfortunately the version of the Harrier we have is of the late 90's. Uh... "First flight of a modified AV-8B in night attack from was on June 26th, 1987. Deliveries to the USMC began in September of 1989 to VMA-214 at Yuma." "Marine Attack Squadron 214 became the first squadron to introduce the Night Attack capability into the Unit Deployment Program in October 1991, by deploying 20 Night Attack Harriers to Iwakuni, Japan, for seven months Follow-up units based out of Yuma received their Night Attack forms by the end of 1992." Limit the weapons (mainly JDAMS/TGP which are from the 90s) and it should fit in just fine. (although in very limited numbers given only VMA-214 had them before 1992.) The "S" upgraded Viggens you have on the server are from at the earliest 1993. The AJ's specific "S" variant upgrade entered service in 1996 IIRC. Even the Ka-50 entered service in 1995. I'm from around then, and I wasn't even born when the Berlin Wall fell. Don't just set an arbitrary date cutoff/other limit for one aircraft then ignore it for others, same with the Su-25T, you can just limit the ELINT/MPU gear and boom, no SEAD. Although the T variant never even entered service. TLDR pick what fits, but don't cite the dates as the reason when it clearly isn't. I get that "cold war" type missions can be real delicate things but 1947-1991 is at best, a little misleading with choices like that IMO. Introduction dates or selections based on balance, don't do both, that's how we ended up with War Thunder. This may come off as "ranty", but I am legitimately trying to offer some constructive criticism. The concept looks great though, and I look forward to seeing how it develops in the future. Is Blue-Flag style gameplay rather than the 104th the end goal of your project? As it seems similar in scope.
Alpenwolf Posted June 5, 2018 Author Posted June 5, 2018 @ OxideMako: It didn't feel "ranty" or anything, no worries. Critics are always welcome :thumbup: YES, the idea is to have something like BlueFlag which is a masterpiece! I'm not even close in .lua scripting to the level Ciribob operates at but I'm trying my best to get there. So far looking pretty good and as I've mentioned in my second main post there are some features that I'm still working on. Good critics actually. I kinda looked up the planes on wikipedia for mainly the date of the maiden flight of each module. That would simply include all planes and helicopters. Some have had some notable and very advanced upgrades making them no longer fit in that era and some haven't. I kinda chose the aircrafts with the lesser upgrades. Which is why I said in the first main post that I'm choosing only those that I see fit in my scenario and not the actual Cold War scenario. I could limit the Harrier's weapons but then again it would be the only plane with night attack capabilities. The Ka-50 being Red can counter that because it can also strike at night. Writing that now kinda made me think "hey! Why not? limited operations at night where only the helicopters and the Harrier can operate might be a cool thing while the rest of aircrafts is on the ground waiting for their turn in the morning!". Hmmm... Fancy thought! That's why critics are welcome :smilewink: It's a work in progress and also did mention that players will have the saying in future plans regarding modules. Fly safe! Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
Shadow KT Posted June 5, 2018 Posted June 5, 2018 When all the other Vietnam Era jets and helicopters come out you can really go ahead and do a Vietnam (-1970s) type of mission 'Shadow' Everybody gotta be offended and take it personally now-a-days
Alpenwolf Posted June 5, 2018 Author Posted June 5, 2018 When all the other Vietnam Era jets and helicopters come out you can really go ahead and do a Vietnam (-1970s) type of mission Vietnam map with all/most Vietnam modules? COUNT me in for putting together a dynamic campaign for that! Cold War 1947 - 1991 Discord Helicopters Tournaments Combined Arms Tournaments You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations:
Britchot Posted June 5, 2018 Posted June 5, 2018 This looks absolutely great, indeed. Looking forward to some time to get in and run some CAPs and transports. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] CPU - Intel 8088 @ 4.77 MHz; Memory - 128KB; 360KB double-sided 5 1/4" full-height floppy disk drive; 10MB Seagate ST-412 hard drive JG-1 MiG-21bis Checklist
JG1Baron Posted June 5, 2018 Posted June 5, 2018 This looks very promised. Im in :pilotfly: P.S. I think that when is Cold War from 1947 year, we can use F-51 too (ex P-51D Mustang).
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