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Am 17.1.2022 um 09:36 schrieb freebirddz:

you right, Su33 for the AA variants and Su25T for AG one, FC3 is just good to have 😛 F15/Su25/A10/27 even not FF level, but they are PFM, enjoyable

But I cant fly neither verison, even tho I have both planes. If i understood it correct FC3 is NOT needed just the Su33 right?

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20 часов назад, freebirddz сказал:

the wait is almost over...


бомба! низкий поклон! 

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До Летчиков вам еще расти и расти! Но я уверен, что это время вы проведете с пользой!

Это знания, это движение вперед, это уважение себя - "Я смог!" (с) PilotMi8

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9 часов назад, RotoFly сказал:

wer is ur mod mig 29 ub  for  dcw



WOW! Where can I find information about this mod? will it be multi-crew?

13 часов назад, freebirddz сказал:

For now it's just SFM, Correct EFM will come in future

When is EFM expected to be released?  And will it immediately be with a thrust vector, or will it be the usual EFM first?

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ВПГ "Стража России" ведёт набор лётчиков на самолёты Су-27 и МиГ-29!

2.PNGVAT "Guard of Russia"

3.PNGВПГ "Стража России"

png-transparent-discord-computer-servers-teamspeak-discord-icon-video-game-smiley-online-chat-thumbnail (1).pngВПГ "Стража России"

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Where does this pic comes from?! 

I've built the UB for Flaming Cliffs 10 years ago. But I never worked on Cockpits or stuff like that. So sorry - no. There is no mod in progress and I not working on any kind of mod now. 

But a full clickable MiG29 or Flanker ... that would be very very cool! 😍

Born to fly but forced to work.



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12 minutes ago, TOMCATZ said:


Where does this pic comes from?! 

I've built the UB for Flaming Cliffs 10 years ago. But I never worked on Cockpits or stuff like that. So sorry - no. There is no mod in progress and I not working on any kind of mod now. 

But a full clickable MiG29 or Flanker ... that would be very very cool! 😍

hi ! no UB around ! that's 30SM dude

3 hours ago, VanekK30 said:

WOW! Where can I find information about this mod? will it be multi-crew?

When is EFM expected to be released?  And will it immediately be with a thrust vector, or will it be the usual EFM first?

This will be SFM no TVC, more elaborated FM will come later with TVC of course, for multi crew kind difficult need without SDK special for multi role (Weapons and Sensors)

Maybe things will change in future ! hope

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