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Everything posted by stormrider

  1. Not everybody can afford your 2080 ti.
  2. It definitely has been discussed to death. But it's worth noting that it still hasn't been fixed.
  3. Kill ground cluster and put both shadows to flat and report back.
  4. I can confirm that moving ground units cause heavy performance drops.
  5. This will never happen. It's a game in itself. Steel Beasts Pro, as the reference here, does it reliably and convincingly, but it's under constant development for more than a decade now. Even then, infantry and helicopters are still just mere supporting actors in the show. The true meaning of all this is to think how far behind DCS CA is from Steel Beasts.
  6. Isn't that only available via SteamVR? What about DCS played via Oculus app?
  7. Most likely a single bomblet hit will cause at least a mission kill. Tanks usually have some or all their fuel stored on top half of the hull. The engine occupies almost half of all the hull space. In the other half you find at least 50% of all the ammunition. In the turret, there are 2 to 3 guys cramped in a small space and up to 50% of the ammunition, either in a protected compartment, or not.
  8. That's good news, but how about native hand tracking. AFAIR, it's development was put on hold.
  9. Exactly. I read about it some time ago. The system is incredibly well made. The oculus tracking constellation not only tracks you via leds, but also with in-built gyro sensors and its all connected via bluetooth. All that, encased in a small cylinder.
  10. Clear case of addiction to monitor gaming.
  11. I saw it, it's definitely nice. But that's not exactly what I'm talking about. There is already a tracking infrastructure here. With my CV1, came 2 tracking cameras and I purchased one extra, which makes it 3 for 360 degrees room scale coverage. Yet, to be able to have any sort of hand controllers' tracking I need yet another tracking infrastructure because the touch controls can't be used simultaneously with HOTAS. Another tracking infrastructure means more $$$ on an already expensive system. What I wish is to have the tracking code being made open source, so anyone or any company can design and sell their own controllers that use the existing provided tracking infrastructure. It could be for example, logitech gloves compatible with oculus tracking constellation, or..
  12. In other words, the current model is very dodgy at best. We need a better radar modeling.
  13. From the top or behind, theres usually only very limited protection even on modern MBTs. Even a small cluster droplet can penetrate them most of the time.
  14. Everything on low except terrain res on High and visibility on Medium, now MSAA or anything, shadows flat and I get 90fps in Georgia and around <45fps in Syria flying the F-16 with 1 wingman and nothing else. With more AI entities, things go down the drain rather quickly.
  15. There are mods like the A-4 or the Littlebird, but AFAIK they're are limited in the features that they can implement, like weapons and sensors.
  16. I'm not talking about Vulkan vs not-Vulkan. I'm talking 2080ti Vulkan vs 3080 Vulkan in XP11. But in the end, all the signs indicate that Vulkan in DCS might actually not happen at all.
  17. That sounds like a bug. Perhaps you could post the data for investigation.
  18. Interesting paper: GPU Accelerated Ray-tracing for SimulatingSound Propagation in Water http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1352170/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  19. I'm more interested to know benchmarks for X-plane Vulkan since hopefuly, DCS will get it sometime in the next 10 years. Soon™
  20. Try killing Microsoft Store from the Processes.
  21. Really? that I didn't know. I wish all modules were like that.
  22. To build and a fly a prototype is the easy part. Difficulty comes to mass produce it.
  23. I wish controller tracking was done in another way, allowing different brands to make their own devices to be used with the existing headset tracking infrastructure. I love my oculus touch controllers, but they are pretty much useless when flying or racing. They are way too ergonomic. I'd rather have something like a wristband or perhaps something like a pair of gloves.
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