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Everything posted by durka-durka

  1. It should be. It hasn't been updated in quite some time, but can be made compatible with your airframe with a little Mission Editor work. Here's the link: Durka's F-16/F-18 Time-On-Target Trainer (National Anthem Flyover)
  2. Hey NineLine, any news since this last post? How's it coming along? Any screens you guys can share?
  3. A wish list for a wish list. Definitely needed. It would really be nice to have head movements synced like in the Apache so when we're flying together we can see where our wingman is looking. Purely QOL or immersive, but it kind of stands out especially since all other platforms have it now.
  4. Are you clicking on it with the mouse, or using a button that's bound to it? My mouse-click works with no problem. It's when I bind it to a button that it has issues.
  5. Using a keybinding for smoke grenades does not work. The animation is there, he sort of moves his hands around a little and then a grenade appears in the co-pilot's hand, then you release it, the grenade disappears, and nothing happens. Also, the grenades are still fully stocked on the dash. I have "left side" grenade bound.
  6. Exactly. I would hate to get a paint file from the previous non-PC model and try to apply it here. Plus, I don't think you can modify the pilot uniforms on those?
  7. Are the dates on those files old ones? I know I've seen some downloads on the user files for the Kiowa that predate release.
  8. JTF-111 close-formation flying over Sinai towns.
  9. I'd go up against one. In an Apache
  10. It's Betty's brother Wilbur. He's a smoker.
  11. And facemasks (I know it's a key bind, but it's a hassle, especially doing it for both crew)
  12. My first 5min of this thing I thought I was getting blown around by the wind or by jets passing by, that's how much it moves on the ground. ED should be looking in to that. That said, bump the "stickiness" up and then the Kiowa can't do a sliding landing. It's one or the other. I just hope it doesn't affect the INS alignment. (all the more reason for ED to just get a new engine) Imagine sim pit builders, the same ones who do DIY g-suits, getting hold of the airbag system, lol.
  13. I had to work pretty hard to crash this thing yesterday. Is it easy to fly? Yeah, which is cool because I feel like I can concentrate on having fun and doing war-like stuff. Plus, flying low through Sinai cities and Freebird kicking off in the background makes a great experience.
  14. I haven't tried the fade yet, since I didn't really know what it was. Thanks for bringing this up.
  15. Best review/summation so far. And Dangerzone's is not far behind. Conclusion: getting the most out of this airframe will require work to be put in either via mission makers or just groups when communicating.
  16. WISHLIST: Is there any way to remove the facemask? They look like the stormtroopers from Space Balls.
  17. Holy h....at "wiley x" I was like hell yeah dude! then the second like I was like "dude...".
  18. This is not that kind of simulator, friend.
  19. I used to own a business, and from time to time I would do something like this in order to give my clients (who didn't have all money upfront) some options. It was my way of being accommodating (i.e. nice) to my clients. It backfired almost all the time because those clients never could really wrap their head around thinking of others perspectives. The ones who could afford it were mad because things got complicated. The ones who couldn't weren't going to buy my stuff anyways. Lose/Lose. ED is just trying to accommodate everyone here. They're actually doing a pretty good job of it by making the whole map available and only charging for detail. When you look at it from someone's perspective who doesn't want to shell out the whole price, it makes sense. If you look at the price difference from ED's perspective, that extra people are paying for is for the code work to break up the maps. Think of it as a form of processing fee or interest on a loan. If I bought this map on a credit card, I'd be paying the same price as guys breaking it up.
  20. until
    Burning Mirage 2.0 Beta (Custom Dynamic Campaign created by Arch) Mission Name: Olympus Has Risen New Features Implemented: Zone Capture • Deplete zone to 0 health. Next day coalition will switch. Player Logistics Missions • UH-1 and UH-60 only • F-10 Cargo menu to load/unload • Loading cargo reduces health of zone. Unloading increases health of zone. Red Assaults • Sead + Strike packages Armor hunting convoys (coming soon) Artillery attacking zones (coming soon) F-10 “Intelligence” menu
  21. Operation Dragon's Perch - Sortie 2 "Chinese Invasion" Mission: China has attacked Guam to a devistating degree. They have taken key air fields on the island, and attempted to take Anderson AB. Tasking: Nickel (F16c) Primary role was to support Marines defending Anderson AB using Mavericks. Hellcat (F18c) Primary Role was to sink Type 071 and 056A corvettes supporting land operations. Dude (F15e) Primary Role was to strike an enemy fuel depot and air field. Gypsy (F14) Primary Role was CAP. Weather: Cloud base at 8k. Process: Nickel had difficulties managing sensors in the dense jungle, but killed almost all targeted tanks. Hellcat accomplished their mission and flexed over to help Nickel. Dude had difficulties using the F15's A/G radar to accurately find targets in the dense jungle. After a few attempts, they flexed over to the enemy airfield where they were able to drop their JDAMs with ease. Gypsy had some crazy engagements with J-11 and J-15s. Conclusion: It was a fun night. Some frustrations with systems and a few comedic errors, but everyone stayed flexible and ended the night on a good note.
  22. That's the big issue. The best I've seen so far is where Rotor Ops have their own separate mission that does little interaction with the fixed-wing. I'm all open for ideas.
  23. No. I think I actually found the problem. Because even my hardware/software needs startup procedures and checklists to play DCS, I've found that I no longer need to open up WMR before starting up DCS-MT. I just click on DCS-MT and it all goes smooth. I don't know why.
  24. Hello all. I'm considering reconstituting my wing's Rotor Ops squadron, but want to seek some advice first. Originally, we decided to put it on reserve because our mission creators were having a tough time coming up with mission scenarios that catered to both Fixed-Wing and Rotor missions. Just looking for some advice on how you guys do it. Are you able to integrate the two well, or do you have separate nights where you do rotor op missions and fixed-wing missions?
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