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Everything posted by monkie

  1. I'll try it, I was looking at some other roughmets in other color schemes in the download section, some seem to already have matted the textures, I think I'll work with those a bit, thanks for the info.
  2. I've been messing with the templates trying to create some variations on the Helo Drab colors but trying to do a camo pattern is above my ability right now. The templates are huge and numerous so I'll leave most of that up to the pros. The one thing is that I'd like to see much flatter paint schemes, right now there is a bit too much shine off the US Army ones.
  3. Ok looking at the roughmet in GIMP, I see Red Green Blue and Alpha. Can you tell me exactly how to increase the levels in the Green channel?
  4. I was working with the templates and was wondering if there is a way using the roughmet or any of that other black magic to make the paint appear completely flat? The default seems to have a bit of a shine to it, not quite reflecting how the US Army paint schemes appear.
  5. Even though it might be realistic it's nice to have options for those of us who don't have a million buttons to work with.
  6. They are all variations on Green but each has it's own flavor, thanks for sharing.
  7. Hopefully in the future we will see all sorts of variations on the Apache colors like Euro One or SEA schemes, one of my faves now is the German Flektarn pattern in the library.
  8. That is very well explained, I never thought of it as a way of canceling out helicopter motion on a stationary target. It was presented as more of a way to keep tracking on a moving target which I find tends to be easier with LMC off. In single player I tend to fire with George hovering, but in MP I can see how LMC would be vital as the human player might be a bit more rough on the control movements. Thanks.
  9. If you are speaking about the three panels by the CPG then yes under certain lighting conditions especially on the Caucus map they are impossible to see out of. It looks like they are fogged up but it's the dynamic lighting dependent on time of day and also cloud cover I've found. The CPG's front window is crystal clear and there doesn't seem to be issues with the pilots side windows. On the Caucus map I've found the trees are almost impossible to see through those windows under certain lighting conditions. Would be interesting to see if it's possible to mod them a bit to improve visibility.
  10. Yes George has come a long way since the early days of Petrovich, I am very impressed with how seamless the interaction is. Ever since the days of Gunship! I have always thought it would be most interesting to serve as the CPG and allowing the AI to maneuver the aircraft where I wanted while concentrating on the battle and DCS has hit this one out of the park as far as I'm concerned. Remarkably stable and functional for an early release, it will only get better from here.
  11. Ok well somehow either the Navy Equipment or the GPU's were causing the armored units not to spawn. Removing them both and the armored units are now appearing. All I can say is to check your "Tech" mods if you have any, remove them all and see if that fixes the issue and then re-add them one by one. Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread from SASSY's original post but was having the same exact issue, hopefully my experience might help him isolate his issue.
  12. OK, so I removed several mods and the armored vehicles are now back and working again. I had 5 mods. AT-infantry, GPUs, Navy Equipment, UH-1H attachments and 476 range targets. I will have to experiment by adding them each in to see how they could possible have messed that up.
  13. Same exact issue, since the last update Beta with the Apache release missions I had with BTR-80's and T-72's, those units don't show up. Created a completely new mission and only unarmored trucks are showing when I placed them along with BTR-80's and T-72's. I tried to place Blue armor and same issue, however anything in the Unarmored category places and spawns just fine.
  14. Been stuck at 15 minutes for an hour now, stick a fork in the servers they be done.
  15. I was curious myself about this method so I mapped "Designate Target" under "Petrovich" AI helper which is under "MI-24 Pilot". When pointing the pilots gunsight at the target area it's bringing up the list in the same way that the other method works (multiple targets close to each other). So it's working this way for me as well, he is not selecting just one target but bringing up a list of targets you must select. However if the target is alone he locks onto it automatically, so it seems they are both the same command it's just that with method 1 he will search where you are looking when you give him the command and in method 2 he looks where the gunsight is boresighting at that moment. So what you are saying is that in the past using method 2 he would never bring up the selection method even if there were multiple targets near the boresight? (even if there were other targets in the "area")
  16. Good Point VNZ, I don't think Petro has the delay when you are in the pilots seat, at least not as long as the delay when you are the Gunner it seems. There is a delay when selecting the ATGM pylon but perhaps this is part of the resetting of the radio control system. With the HIND utilizing a higher speed attack this delay makes it tough to engage more than one target per attack run.
  17. Ok I bet that is correct, now that I think of the KA-50's "Lower Gear". Thanks I think that one is answered.
  18. The CCIP sight can be very accurate and really helps you remove any sideslip, uneven terrain of course will mess up the ranging but in that pic it just looks like it's not working at all. The point where the Pipper is pointing looks that it should be well within range of the 30mm.
  19. Is the gunsight set to auto ranging? The range on that looks closer than what is indicated, possibly it's set to manual range. If that is auto range then you are too far from the target to effectively fire.
  20. 1.) Betty says something that I don't even want to try to explain, well ok something like (Shrew shre shreww shreww shrewww.) and this occurs mainly when I'm transitioning to hover. Any ideas what she is saying? 2.) Also why is there a delay between when the gunner opens the sight windows and when he actually has control over the sight? Is this just the way the system works? 3.) we are instructed to reset the radio control command circuitry between each missle being fired but I've yet to do this and it has never been an issue. Am i missing something or is this just not being implemented yet?
  21. Well all I can say is that I've been flying the Hind for the past couple of weeks and never have I experienced where the sim/helicopter stop responding to cyclic inputs. A couple of times I had the pilot killed and was unable to control the helicopter and there was no black screen or anything telling me that the pilot was dead but I would guess that would be obvious. I have been flying the hind with the default trimmer and tried everything I could think of control wise and never did cyclic stop responding for me. I even tried to cycle between interior and exterior using the F2 key as reported, again nothing, the helicopter constantly responded to commands. If it was occurring at high speeds only I would think you would have ruled out RBS. The question then is the in game cyclic moving or is it as if the game isn't getting any input from the joystick? Also, what is the status of your autopilot systems and dampners? (sorry I don't know the technical name). Do you have roll, yaw engaged etc? These seem to have some quirks and possibly are interfering? I myself only use Roll and Pitch on the dampening system usually. I don't use the autopilot functions but perhaps somehow these become engaged with an errant key bind? Just trying to rule out anything that could possibly override a pilot cyclic control input. Since there doesn't seem to be a large amount of people reporting this at the moment it's going to be a tough one to crack, good luck.
  22. very nice, hope to see a ton of skins from you as well as others now that the template has been released.
  23. As Rayray mentioned this has only happened to me when using the Center Stick Trimmer Option and usually when I'm at low altitude and trying to avoid enemy ground fire with some wild cyclic inputs. I usually have lots of cyclic control input in, hit the trimmer and don't get it re-centered for the trim to take place in which case further inputs are ignored until the stick is re-centered. If it's happening during hover and other low angles of input regimes perhaps the joystick is not sending a "centered" input to the program and so it's locking out the controls, in which case that is a hardware issue and might be corrected with some dead zone manipulation. I'm torn between the two trimming options because centered is smoother at times but it sucks to have it lock out the controls when you need them the most.
  24. I purposely got the sight to be off center and can confirm turning the entire unit off for a minute or so and then turning back on did seem to re-center. Not sure if there is a point where you can actually break the sight with violent maneuvers so that it is unfixable.
  25. I believe that sight would be used by the gunner to fire rockets ,Machine Guns, etc but as of now it doesn't fold down. However if you lower the Gunners seat position enough you can see the crosshairs reflected enough in it and can do a decent job of attacking targets from the front seat if you wish.
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