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Everything posted by fargo007

  1. Almost certainly this will be an AI (George) function. Will be interesting to see how it's implemented.
  2. Very similar. These functions got exposed to scripters in the API before they had ME controls. An example attached.
  3. This is already possible via scripting and is also built into the excellent "GameMaster" script by Cake/Sorbus. You can type stuff into map marks and make it all happen. In MP, in realtime.
  4. And when you get into Mission Design, and beyond that really being able to control AI behavior via scripting, you literally never run out of cool stuff to do or experiment with.
  5. Which of us hasn't left a dent in that damn wall?
  6. Please backtrack and let us know if this works. I've stood off of a collective because I didn't see one with what I felt was enough mappable controls on it. What you're showing here blows that limitation out of the water.
  7. Gotcha, I don't have that aircraft and had no idea how it worked.
  8. The animation is cool, but is that actually including pilot-created data that was never in the original miz file?
  9. I'm sat here with a gob on waiting for more sneak peek content.
  10. Check out map.army. Has a 3d Viewer on it that lets you look at the terrain quite nicely. MAP.ARMY
  11. Nuttin fa nuttin' but an animated marshal would be a huge immersion boost across the entire RW estate of DCS. Like was done with the supercarrier/deck guys.
  12. I'd like to thank Wags and the 64 team for these "sneak peeks" you guys are doing. The steady flow of information and progress is really building up the excitement, and it all looks so damn chad. I find myself sharing them with friends that don't even fly sims at all.
  13. It just looked so much cooler in the TADS than it ever has before I guess!
  14. Good eye. You guys may be right about this....
  15. The gun is looking absolutely stellar. Upcoming tease vidyas I'm waiting for are a review of the TADS, and seeing how hellfire missiles are launched.
  16. Don't discount the possibility that you're still CPU bound, even with a supremely kickass GPU. I'm on a 1080ti, and upgraded my MB/CPU and got a substantial performance bump.
  17. Not sure if it sucks or not but.... http://www.partsforsnowplows.com/OEM_Fisher_Flex_Arm_Kit_62490_p/62490.htm or... https://www.brainwavzaudio.com/products/under-desk-controller-holder
  18. Anyone considering doing an Xbox controller for the TEDAC? If possible I would hard mount it so I can use muscle memory for grabbin' at it.
  19. Wouldn't it ruin the immersion? You'd be turning your head to look away from the screen I'd think.....
  20. The Apache's 30mm may not be as capable from a pure ballistic standpoint, but I have no problem at all finding several dozen videos showing just how great it works on actual places, vehicles, and real people. Truly hours of footage. I can't find even one example of Russian 30mm being used on actual targets but I would love to see it. These were obviously designed with different goals and use cases, so it's not a contest to begin with. The best part: We're getting them all! (MUAAAHAHAHAHA)
  21. Waypoints, map data, reference points, Time on Target data, all that jazz.
  22. fargo007

    The bag...

    This might even be do-able with just a skin....
  23. It's a bit more work involved, such as creating a set and using OnAfterAdd() but yes you could.
  24. Yup - in terms of ballistics.... moving target vs. moving shooter. Moving lateral target you aim out in front of it. Moving shooter, stationary target you have to back lead (aim behind) to compensate for the speed of the helicopter. It makes sense that the TADS would be able to do this while the IHADSS itself wouldn't be able to.
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