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Everything posted by draconus

  1. I just asked questions because I'm not convinced or feel the reasons behind your wishes
  2. DX11 while Vulkan is WIP.
  3. If you leave it like that - yes, no clouds apart from some high alt cirrus appearing from time to time. But that setting allows you to use the old weather settings and presets.
  4. Aircraft assigned "Takeoff from runway hot" in the mission editor will spawn on the catapult specified in the mission editor by the mission designer. From parking you will spawn depending on the deck configuration - parking spots taken by AI and static aircraft. All is in the Supercarrier manual and forum.
  5. This is already mature product and rather well maintained. We expect the devs to continue bug fixing and small additions.
  6. You mean almost all 99% cases where both engines are running during AAR? What's the reason? Overstressing can break the wings or make them more prone to it in the next high G excursion. Overweight trap can break the gear or hook. What other penalties you want? Isn't it already modeled?
  7. Discussed lately:
  8. If you can log in here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/ you can also log into DCS game with the same credentials.
  9. The pod works just fine. Tested last night 4 GBU-12s, all on target. You have to be more specific. Test in SP first. Read post #2.
  10. Jester does not lock targets on his own. You have to ask him to lock (STT) the target, enemy (when identified already) or specific contact (depending on range and bearing, can also be datalink contact here). He does IFF by himself and change modes RWS/TWS-Auto. You have to also ask him to change the radar antenna direction if you want the search area other than straight ahead. By default pilot operates flares and Jester does chaff but it can be changed in countermeasures menu. He releases CMs based on programmed triggers like RWR indications and launch smoke visibility.
  11. Here are your support options, incl. e-mail: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/ You can stay logged in if you set DCS to remember your credentials but it may still ask you for the password when there are problems with authentication server or your authoristation data file is lost. You can also use offline mode if you play single player only and don't intend to update DCS at the time: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/faq/authorization/#3300385 You don't just delete account because you have some trouble - you'd lost all your licenses.
  12. I was just correcting the wrongly mentioned 1.5 requirement for the Hawk. I get your point but currently it's the only module that is left out of DCS.
  13. No, because they were not Iranian, neither in the movie nor IRL
  14. They might do so with FM (as was the case with A-10) but certainly not sensors. Weapons are the same.
  15. Wow! Full VR pit Love the unicorns
  16. Hawk works on DCS 2.5.3.
  17. https://github.com/neatchee/nvidiaProfileInspectorForkAIO/releases It's a fork of original NPI.
  18. I could not make it work. Flying behind A-50 with SW lock on/off, SEAM on/off, tons of flares but no flare catching lock or tone on one.
  19. No, it works fine and is very needed function. Eyes also adapt IRL. You mean the color bands or what?
  20. Advanced and more realistic simulation of the systems.
  21. It never ends well - after pages of flame wars ED says "no plans":
  22. Yet in DCS the F-15, F-18 and MiG-29 has RCS of 5m2, F-16 (all versions) - 4m2 and Viggen is 3, same as F-5, MiG-21 or JF-17.
  23. Minus the penalty - so it's not clear who is paying who and we'll probably never know. Not happening any time soon.
  24. @Chizh Is this possible currently?
  25. Either they fixed it or it's a problem on your side, like the browser automatically changing the language for you.
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