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S. Low

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Everything posted by S. Low

  1. Listened to it yesterday. Great interview. Nick grey sounds like a great dude, and I wish y'all success. I'm just hoping for damage model, ai flight model, and dynamic campaign soon lol :D
  2. Their goal is this year to improve that stuff. I don't know if I'd expect it though. I love the 109, it's what I've spent majority of my Il2 time flying and I love the dcs version, but as OP says the AI is just horrendous and I don't play multiplayer. If Ed can get the Ai to stop being UFOs, slightly improve vid, and get a campaign, then I could just uninstall il2
  3. Stable flight? Huey? Heh
  4. That's a very good update. Timing of everything is disappointing but oh well.
  5. I don't see how. I'm fighting AI P-51s offline right now and they just do endless vertical loops with infinite energy. And VID is awful to boot. But if I go back to Il-2 it feels like arcade lol... dangit.
  6. Thanks. Found it here, the 10/18/19 news letter https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4077740&postcount=220 So they are working on it. I assume they'll try to roll it out with all the big updates in 2020. They tweaked AI gunnery in 10/2019, and if the new hotness damage model releases in 2020 I imagine ED will want the AI GFM to fit the quality of the AI gunnery and damage model. So... one can hope.
  7. I hope it gets improved this year. It doesn't even need to be revolutionary, just give the AI something slightly more real. From AI jets down to warbirds, they all ignore gravity and just UFO vertical loop through the air and never run out of energy.
  8. I want all of these things fleshed out and a dynamic campaign for all the modules. I want this product to be the thing we all see that it can be, which is basically the greatest flight sim ever. But to act like because we aren't at the finalized vision yet that nothing has been done (or near nothing) is insane. In a few short years we've (well, YOU. I've only been here a year or so) seen F-18, F-14, F-16, new WW2 planes, maps, updated A-10, updated Ka-50, and tons of other stuff. To act like ED is "emboldened" to release things haphazardly simply because people are enjoying these products as they are for now is silly. Flight simming isn't the only game I play. I play lots of other games and participate in other gaming communities. From my experience over the past year, ED seems to deliver respectable and seriously high quality products on the regular and commits to improving these products to their best possible state. blah blah they aren't perfect, I shouldn't have to explain that. For me, I could do without all these little details right now if it meant AI flight model and tactics improved asap and a dynamic campaign released this year lol. I just bought the K-4. I've been flying 109's for 1,000 hours in IL-2 1946, CoD, and BoX. The DCS 109 is just fantastic, but I'm dying for a campaign. If DCS had a real campaign I could just uninstall IL-2. Anyway, sorta off topic and rambling. But I don't agree with the narrative about ED's lack of quality or professionalism. Seems like a top tier company to me.
  9. So still nothing on the A or Forrestal? Sheesh. Well, whatever.
  10. Just the way it is with the 14. Hud sucks, kias gauge sucks. You have to learn the shakes of the cockpit, eyeball the aoa tape, and get a sense of motion from terrain. I personally wouldn't recommend starting dog fights with flaps. You need to learn how to fly the plane before you start throwing flaps around. Learn how to fly, as in, what your turning air speed should be, why you stay horizontal vs going vertical, how much aoa you pull in the turn, etc etc. Also realize that the AI has bad tactics and broken flight models. The hardest ai to gun duel is probably the F-5 because it acts like a UFO and ignores physics. You'll need to ultra manage your energy and not play the vertical loop game because you aren't a ufo like it.
  11. Yeah I dunno. When a company doesn't want to show off marketing of its product it's a little worrisome. Though maybe they figure it's going to look very similar to the B? But isn't the cockpit quite different?
  12. Huey is pretty common, lots of YouTube videos in cockpit. It is described as very responsive and deceptively powerful. Dcs rudders are not responsive enough to match the rudder authority in the real huey as far as I'm aware. You need to introduce a negative curve of like -15 into your rudder axis to get it closer. Educated guess, I'm not a huey pilot
  13. I have limited funds and limited time (kids are still young, and I play other games). When it comes to helicopters I want them all to try them all and to try and find a new favorite to focus on. For a long time it was the huey, now I'm in love with both the mi-8 and the ka-50 for different reasons, so my guess is the mi-24 will be my all time favorite as it'll mix the 2 roles. So I'll probably focus in hardcore on the hind. As to jets, I stick with navy planes, and since they are so complicated I try to focus just on one. That one is the f18. I still know how to be dangerous in the 14, but I don't fly it anymore. I want all of my muscle memory for jets to be just the f18
  14. How old is the huey module? 7 years old? Do a huey 2. :thumbup:
  15. Yeah it's always fun flying the f14 against an AI f5, go into vertical loops and watch the f5 fly into space while you stall out.
  16. Been enjoying this flying bus quite a bit. Its probably a weird thing but I love the wheels lol. Taxiing and just generally landing on wheels makes me think I'm in a blackhawk for a moment. Yes yes the Ka-50 has wheels too. It took me a couple tries to get the landing procedures down, as the switch from ETL into GE is quite precarious in this big bird. Seems if I need to do a rapid decel and descent I can do that similarly to the huey, but I just need to be sure to be very gentle in the final descent and descent angle right as I enter GE, and then be very very gentle in coming down the last 10 feet or so to get wheels on ground. I'm currently using Chuck's curves on the pitch and roll axes for the cyclic, no curves deadzone or anything on the collective and rudder. It's quite easy to control, but seems like I need a lot of left rudder in straight flight. I might need a bit of a negative curve on the rudder for extra rudder authority, not sure. I don't have the cold start memorized yet, just having fun flying as opposed to getting the administrative stuff down. I can cold start the huey with my eyes closed basically. Hopefully I get there with the mi-8! Edit: -14ish on rudder axis curve added some needed rudder authority. Also I removed the curves from the pitch and roll axis but kept y axis saturation at 85. Responsive but not jittery. Flew it through the caucuses for an hour or so in one of the early campaign missions. Peaceful.
  17. 2020 release date? Or 2021? Will there be a campaign? Excited for the jet, and welcome.
  18. Good post, makes sense. I want to add that I'm one of those guys who's still learning about aviation and can't always tell off hand or from experience if something is slightly wrong. Because of this I try to really keep an open mind about bugs and criticisms, but I also try to be reasonable in my opinion of the company. There are AAA companies in the gaming world that use media to target and silence dissenting opinions, so it's always prudent to be skeptical of a company especially when it is playing the victim card. However my objectivity applies to the users as well. This might ruffle some feathers but I was on the side of the bug reporters who stated that the hornet gun dispersion was wrong, that is until they posted a ton of video as evidence of the hornet dispersion being wrong because all the video evidence seemed to support EDs claim that the gun dispersion is pretty close. My opinion currently is ED seems to be right and the hornet gun dispersion is good and that's based off of watching video evidence provided by dissenters. So my point is... uhhhhhh... I dunno lol. Try to be reasonable I guess and take stock of what we have.
  19. Maybe I'm not jaded yet by this game or maybe it's because I haven't been flying mainly dcs as long as y'all, but I can't understand saying the hornet is not in the greatest position. I mean no offense nor am I trying to be combative, but I am stunned at how amazing the hornet is and it just keeps improving. I've flown il-2 for years, and until I started mainly flying dcs last year I didn't realize how cartoony and arcade-like il-2 is in comparison to dcs. Personally I think we get a little spoiled with how good we have it. Even though it's not perfect, it can improve, and so on... it is the greatest sim ever. Back when I was flying red Barron 2, dcs is the sort of sim I only dreamed of and thought would never happen. So ... eh.. We still have to be critical as consumers, but imo tone it down a bit. Or redirect some at heatblur since for whatever reason the entire community gives them infinite passes
  20. I hear the carrier landings on this thing were pretty hairy! *slams money on table* I'll take it!
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